Boutique Kozy Meta Product Feed Vintage mug - Je vais le faire Vintage mug - Je vais le faire Default Title Magnificent humorous embossed mug with the inscription: "Je vais le FAIRE (mais pas là, là)". Give it as a gift and make people react with its playful message! In French only. 7980781961428 shopify_CA_7980781961428_43954953453780 new 8,99 CADin stock Nostalgia Import 7980781961428_43954953453780 Tasses||Mugs 0.0 kg Gift Card - Digital Only Gift Card - Digital Only 25$ Digital only. Offer the 1001 possibilities card. This card can be used online and in all our stores. If you wish to obtain a physical gift card you must contact our customer service department via the form on the "Contact us" page or simply by clicking here. 7771977351380 shopify_CA_7771977351380_43326781161684 new 25,00 CADin stock Boutique Kozy 7771977351380_43326781161684 Carte-cadeau||Gift Card 0.0 kg Gift Card - Digital Only Gift Card - Digital Only 50$ Digital only. Offer the 1001 possibilities card. This card can be used online and in all our stores. If you wish to obtain a physical gift card you must contact our customer service department via the form on the "Contact us" page or simply by clicking here. 7771977351380 shopify_CA_7771977351380_43326781194452 new 50,00 CADin stock Boutique Kozy 7771977351380_43326781194452 Carte-cadeau||Gift Card 0.0 kg Gift Card - Digital Only Gift Card - Digital Only 75$ Digital only. Offer the 1001 possibilities card. This card can be used online and in all our stores. If you wish to obtain a physical gift card you must contact our customer service department via the form on the "Contact us" page or simply by clicking here. 7771977351380 shopify_CA_7771977351380_43326781227220 new 75,00 CADin stock Boutique Kozy 7771977351380_43326781227220 Carte-cadeau||Gift Card 0.0 kg Gift Card - Digital Only Gift Card - Digital Only 100$ Digital only. Offer the 1001 possibilities card. This card can be used online and in all our stores. If you wish to obtain a physical gift card you must contact our customer service department via the form on the "Contact us" page or simply by clicking here. 7771977351380 shopify_CA_7771977351380_43326781259988 new 100,00 CADin stock Boutique Kozy 7771977351380_43326781259988 Carte-cadeau||Gift Card 0.0 kg Gift Card - Digital Only Gift Card - Digital Only 150$ Digital only. Offer the 1001 possibilities card. This card can be used online and in all our stores. If you wish to obtain a physical gift card you must contact our customer service department via the form on the "Contact us" page or simply by clicking here. 7771977351380 shopify_CA_7771977351380_43326781292756 new 150,00 CADin stock Boutique Kozy 7771977351380_43326781292756 Carte-cadeau||Gift Card 0.0 kg Gift Card - Digital Only Gift Card - Digital Only 200$ Digital only. Offer the 1001 possibilities card. This card can be used online and in all our stores. If you wish to obtain a physical gift card you must contact our customer service department via the form on the "Contact us" page or simply by clicking here. 7771977351380 shopify_CA_7771977351380_43326781325524 new 200,00 CADin stock Boutique Kozy 7771977351380_43326781325524 Carte-cadeau||Gift Card 0.0 kg Kozy throw - Deluxe Kozy throw - Deluxe Default Title A deluxe throw! Perfect with its lining for ideal temperature, never too hot, never too cold. The exterior is a nice furry look. 7705401032916 shopify_CA_7705401032916_43298411806932 new 59,99 CAD34,99 CADin stock K2024 Agence K 7705401032916_43298411806932 Jetés||Throws 0.707 kg Game Autour d'une bouteille - Entre amis Game Autour d'une bouteille - Entre amis Default Title The perfect game for an impromptu evening. Fun guaranteed. The game "Around a bottle with friends" is a Quebec creation to have a good time. Also perfect as a hostess gift. Take it out for dinner, 5@7, camping, etc... The box contains instructions and 60 question/challenge pucks divided into 4 categories: 1-2-3 Go! How do you play? It's pretty simple: Place the washers around the neck of the bottle of your choice; Answer the questions; Whoever has the right answer places the puck on the stem of their glass; The person who wins is the one who has the most; Number of players: 3 or more. 7705321668820 shopify_CA_7705321668820_43298377105620 new 23,99 CADin stock BOJ001-2 Zatnick 7705321668820_43298377105620 Boîtes à messages||Message boxes 0.2 kg Vintage mug - Wine Vintage mug - Wine Default Title Humorous vintage ceramic mug. Red color with a humorous text ''Maybe it' Wine...''. Nice gift to offer to a friend who loves wine. 7705310396628 shopify_CA_7705310396628_43298471510228 new 8,99 CADin stock 728-030 Nostalgia Import 7705310396628_43298471510228 Tasses||Mugs 0.414 kg 3-Wick Candle - Eucalyptus 3-Wick Candle - Eucalyptus Default Title This 3-wick soy blend candle is hand-poured into a large glass vase. The jar candle retains its scent better than a regular candle. The "Eucalyptus" fragrance is totally intoxicating, as it is made entirely of fresh eucalyptus leaves. Its delicious fragrance will fill the room with an invigorating scent, while being light and airy. 7705710330068 shopify_CA_7705710330068_43298387165396 new 23,99 CADin stock THREEW-07 Kozy x Three Wix & CO 7705710330068_43298387165396 Chandelles parfumées||Scented candles 0.4 kg Cement candle - Thank you Cement candle - Thank you Default Title Candle with wooden wick and "Thank you from the bottom of my heart" text and a heart illustration. This candle is perfect to give as a gift of appreciation. Bilingual. 20h 7705434587348 shopify_CA_7705434587348_43298381988052 new 13,99 CADin stock 760-073 Nostalgia Import 7705434587348_43298381988052 Chandelles décoratives||Decorative candles 0.3 kg Electric fondue set Electric fondue set Default Title The only fondue dish you will ever need. Pre-programmed for every kind of fondue: Chinese, cheese, chocolate: it's designed to give you a great experience! 7705308758228 shopify_CA_7705308758228_43298423636180 new 119,99 CAD109,99 CADin stock 063402 Ricardo 7705308758228_43298423636180 Petits électros||Small appliances 1.5 kg Wisdom Buddha - See Wisdom Buddha - See Default Title Small white ceramic Buddha who does not see. The Buddhas of wisdom represent this: see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. Only good will come to those who follow this motto. Get our other two Buddhas to complete your wisdom trio. 7705352110292 shopify_CA_7705352110292_43298375237844 new 8,99 CADin stock 844-010 Nostalgia Import 7705352110292_43298375237844 Objets décoratifs||Decorative objects 0.2 kg 3-Wick Candle - White Tea and Pear 3-Wick Candle - White Tea and Pear Default Title This 3-wick soy-based candle is hand-poured into a large glass vase, which retains the scent better than a regular candle. The "White Tea and Pear" fragrance has a soothing scent that will create a nice relaxing atmosphere. 7705729171668 shopify_CA_7705729171668_43298387427540 new 23,99 CADin stock THREEW-13 Kozy x Three Wix & CO 7705729171668_43298387427540 Chandelles parfumées||Scented candles 0.4 kg Mug - Beau-père parfait Mug - Beau-père parfait Default Title Magnificent embossed mug with the inscription: ''Beau-père parfait''. This is a very nice gift to offer to a father-in-law who doubts his contribution and yet makes all the difference! 7705640763604 shopify_CA_7705640763604_43298474229972 new 7,99 CADin stock LL1088 Attitudes Import 2 7705640763604_43298474229972 Tasses||Mugs 0.4 kg Glass markers pen Glass markers pen Default Title Never lose your drink at a party again. Just mark your glass the way you want it with this set of 3 glass markers. 7816774025428 shopify_CA_7816774025428_43479808999636 new 12,99 CAD9,99 CADin stock Agence K 7816774025428_43479808999636 Accessoires à vin||Wine accessories 0.15 kg Vintage mug - Heart Vintage mug - Heart Default Title White ceramic mug with a pretty heart in front. Nice gift to offer. 7705361481940 shopify_CA_7705361481940_43298471870676 new 8,99 CADin stock 728-040 Nostalgia Import 7705361481940_43298471870676 Tasses||Mugs 0.352 kg Kozy Textured throw - Sage Kozy Textured throw - Sage The most popular! This textured throw is soft, comfortable, a nice size and cleans up very well. The texture is reminiscent of popcorn "cotton balls". It is versatile and is ideal for any occasion. 7705490096340 shopify_CA_7705490096340_43298411970772 new 34,99 CAD29,99 CADin stock K2048 Agence K 7705490096340_43298411970772 Jetés||Throws 0.707 kg Candle - Meilleur prof Candle - Meilleur prof Default Title Scented candle in a glass jar with the inscription "Meilleur prof" in French only. It smells of inspiration and patience. Give without limits to those who make a difference in the lives of your children. 7705579356372 shopify_CA_7705579356372_43298384740564 new 12,99 CADin stock RB1168 Attitudes Import 2 7705579356372_43298384740564 Chandelles décoratives||Decorative candles 0.4 kg Kozy Textured throw - Rusty Kozy Textured throw - Rusty The most popular! This textured throw is soft, comfortable, a great size and cleans up very well. The texture is reminiscent of popcorn "cotton balls". It is versatile and is perfect for any occasion. 7705356140756 shopify_CA_7705356140756_43298411905236 new 34,99 CAD29,99 CADin stock K2039 Agence K 7705356140756_43298411905236 Jetés||Throws 0.707 kg Green mug - Éducatrice en or Green mug - Éducatrice en or Default Title This cute mug with the inscription "Mon éducatrice en or" will melt the heart of the person who cares for your child as if it were her own! Give it with love & gratitude, it's even more rewarding! In French only. 7920033693908 shopify_CA_7920033693908_43796756725972 new 15,99 CADin stock La Fabrique Champêtre 7920033693908_43796756725972 Tasses||Mugs 0.32 kg Happiness box - Un jour à la fois Happiness box - Un jour à la fois Default Title The "Un jour à la fois" happiness box contains 365 simple and positive messages to open once a day during the year. Perfect gift when you don't know what to give for: hostess gift, birthday, Christmas, retirement, etc. Dosage: one a day for a year. 7705293848788 shopify_CA_7705293848788_43298376810708 new 20,99 CADin stock BO2005 Zatnick 7705293848788_43298376810708 Boîtes à messages||Message boxes 0.285 kg Patterned scrubbing sponge Patterned scrubbing sponge Default Title These scouring sponges are magic for removing dirt without damaging the surface and come in a convenient size. 7705334612180 shopify_CA_7705334612180_43298379792596 new 2,99 CADin stock ITEM V Autres 7705334612180_43298379792596 Brosses à vaisselle||Dishwashing brushes 0.015 kg Bath bomb - Eucalyptus Bath bomb - Eucalyptus Default Title Close your eyes and experience the spa without leaving the house. In addition to its invigorating eucalyptus leaf fragrance, the magical ingredient (avocado oil) in this bath bomb is sure to work wonders on your skin! 7855825551572 shopify_CA_7855825551572_43596576391380 new 6,99 CADin stock BOMBW-09 Kozy x Three Wix & CO 7855825551572_43596576391380 Produits pour le bains||Bath products 0.1 kg Green mug - Merci Green mug - Merci Default Title This beautiful mug with the inscription "M erci de changer le monde un enfant à la fois " will go straight to the heart of the person who cares for your child as if it were her own! It's even better as a gift of love and gratitude! In French only. 7920035168468 shopify_CA_7920035168468_43796759773396 new 15,99 CADin stock La Fabrique Champêtre 7920035168468_43796759773396 Tasses||Mugs 0.32 kg Eco text cushion - Mamie Eco text cushion - Mamie Default Title Superb pillow with text "Grandma who creates memories, who can always be counted on and who gives love at will". This item can easily be arranged in several styles of decor. Great gift to give to your grandmother. Whether it's for her birthday, Christmas or even Mother's Day! 7705421185236 shopify_CA_7705421185236_43298392015060 new 24,99 CADin stock KPCT84-03 Les textiles Patlin 7705421185236_43298392015060 Coussins à texte||Text cushions 0.5 kg Chocolate pizza Chocolate pizza Default Title This milk chocolate bar is certainly a creative and original idea! The marriage of creamy chocolate with a playful, familiar shape like a pizza slice can be very appealing, whether for children or adults. Succumb & offer a fun way to enjoy chocolate to all your loved ones! 7982693187796 shopify_CA_7982693187796_43959647273172 new 6,99 CADin stock Andea chocolate 7982693187796_43959647273172 Chocolats, caramels et sucreries||Chocolates, caramels and sweets 0.5 kg Small kitchen soap with rosemary, lemon & coffee Small kitchen soap with rosemary, lemon & coffee Default Title A little known product, La Belle Excuse kitchen soap is a must! It effectively removes all the odors of garlic, onion and fish from the hands after cooking in addition to purifying sensitive skin and protecting the skin from drying out. 7705329664212 shopify_CA_7705329664212_43298460401876 new 7,49 CADin stock SAVON65G La Belle Excuse 7705329664212_43298460401876 Savons & crème à mains||Soaps & hand cream 0.065 kg Wisdom Buddha - Hear Wisdom Buddha - Hear Default Title Small white ceramic Buddha who can't hear. The Buddhas of wisdom represent this: see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. Only good will come to those who follow this motto. Get our other two Buddhas to complete your wisdom trio. 7705351979220 shopify_CA_7705351979220_43298375205076 new 8,99 CADin stock 844-009 Nostalgia Import 7705351979220_43298375205076 Objets décoratifs||Decorative objects 0.2 kg Happiness box - La vie est belle Happiness box - La vie est belle Default Title The "La vie est belle" happiness box is a perfect gift to give yourself a little attention every day of the year. An ideal way to remember to enjoy every little pleasure in life. Dosage: one per day for one year. 7705321570516 shopify_CA_7705321570516_43298376843476 new 20,99 CADin stock BO2008 Zatnick 7705321570516_43298376843476 Boîtes à messages||Message boxes 0.284 kg Wine condom Wine condom Default Title Not all bottles are made to be finished in one evening... This wine condom is the perfect ally to seal your bottle and continue it later. Plus, unlike conventional condoms, these are reusable! Simply unroll the condom on the neck of the bottle and it will replace the stopper. A perfect accompaniment to a hostess gift with a bottle of wine. Sold individually. 7705334546644 shopify_CA_7705334546644_43298372976852 new 3,99 CADin stock WC001-U Autres 7705334546644_43298372976852 Accessoires à vin||Wine accessories 0.002 kg Bath bomb - Aloha! Bath bomb - Aloha! Default Title Treat yourself to a sweet relaxing moment by adding this "Aloha!" bath bomb, with its mango, pineapple and peach fragrance. The magical ingredient (avocado oil) in this bath bomb is sure to work wonders on your skin! 7705710690516 shopify_CA_7705710690516_43298449555668 new 6,99 CADin stock BOMBW-01 Kozy x Three Wix & CO 7705710690516_43298449555668 Produits pour le bains||Bath products 0.1 kg Happiness box - Lâcher prise Happiness box - Lâcher prise Default Title The "Lâcher prise" Happiness Box is a perfect gift to help develop letting go with quotes, tips and encouragement every day of the year. 365 messages on the benefits of letting go to help you be more relaxed. Dosage: once a day for one year. 7705346310356 shopify_CA_7705346310356_43298377138388 new 20,99 CADin stock BO2033 Zatnick 7705346310356_43298377138388 Boîtes à messages||Message boxes 0.284 kg Vintage mug - Gratitude Vintage mug - Gratitude Default Title The word "Gratitude" in cursive letters, a small stem of greenery and a very soft color, it gives you an amazing vintage mug to get for your hot beverages! It's a hit at the office! 7872586612948 shopify_CA_7872586612948_43654342213844 new 8,99 CADin stock Nostalgia Import 7872586612948_43654342213844 Tasses||Mugs 0.0 kg Wisdom Buddha - Speak Wisdom Buddha - Speak Default Title Small white ceramic Buddha that does not speak. The Buddhas of wisdom represent this: see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. Only good will come to those who follow this motto. Get our other two Buddhas to complete your wisdom trio. 7705352208596 shopify_CA_7705352208596_43298375270612 new 8,99 CADin stock 844-011 Nostalgia Import 7705352208596_43298375270612 Objets décoratifs||Decorative objects 0.2 kg Sea salt caramel - 106 ml Sea salt caramel - 106 ml Default Title Fleur de sel caramel, everyone's favourite because of its rich, creamy taste. Handcrafted and preservative-free. Whether on toast or ice cream, it will always delight your taste buds. 7705306857684 shopify_CA_7705306857684_43298387755220 new 6,49 CADin stock CB00110 Chocolaterie du Vieux-Beloeil 7705306857684_43298387755220 Chocolats, caramels et sucreries||Chocolates, caramels and sweets 0.251 kg Reversible raclette set Reversible raclette set Default Title Fondue and raclette are the perfect meals to stop and enjoy with a glass of wine...or two! This raclette set is versatile, simple, thoughtful and very easy to maintain. 7705334382804 shopify_CA_7705334382804_43298423701716 new 129,99 CADin stock 063405 Ricardo 7705334382804_43298423701716 Petits électros||Small appliances 5.92 kg Happiness box - Pour ta retraite Happiness box - Pour ta retraite Default Title The perfect gift to celebrate a new retirement on each new day of the year. The happiness box with 365 simple and positive messages to enjoy retirement. Dosage: one a day for a year. 7705294405844 shopify_CA_7705294405844_43298377171156 new 20,99 CADin stock BO2026 Zatnick 7705294405844_43298377171156 Boîtes à messages||Message boxes 0.285 kg Sea salt caramel - 314 ml Sea salt caramel - 314 ml Default Title Homemade caramel, irresistible even with a spoon. Made with butter and cream and, above all, without preservatives. Rich and creamy taste. 7705307218132 shopify_CA_7705307218132_43298387984596 new 10,99 CADin stock CB00130 Chocolaterie du Vieux-Beloeil 7705307218132_43298387984596 Chocolats, caramels et sucreries||Chocolates, caramels and sweets 0.611 kg Scented oil - White tea & pear Scented oil - White tea & pear Default Title A fragrant oil with the scent of white tea & pear. Perfect for diffusing and creating ambiance at home, for use with an oil diffuser. A 100% Quebec collaboration. 7955769688276 shopify_CA_7955769688276_43891335037140 new 11,99 CADin stock Kozy x Three Wix & CO 7955769688276_43891335037140 Huiles essentielles & parfumées||Essential & scented oils 0.0 kg Wooden ladder - Leana Wooden ladder - Leana White Both decorative and functional, the Leana ladder has 4 rungs, giving you room to hang blankets, clothes, towels and more. Easy to assemble, Leana is a modern storage solution for various rooms in the house. Made of solid wood and powder-coated steel, this innovative storage accessory is the perfect towel rack, blanket rack or clothing organizer. 7705424822484 shopify_CA_7705424822484_43096014192852 new 79,99 CADin stock 1017445-660 Umbra 7705424822484_43096014192852 Échelles||Ladders White 3.9 kg Wooden ladder - Leana Wooden ladder - Leana Black Both decorative and functional, the Leana ladder has 4 rungs, giving you room to hang blankets, clothes, towels and more. Easy to assemble, Leana is a modern storage solution for various rooms in the house. Made of solid wood and powder-coated steel, this innovative storage accessory is the perfect towel rack, blanket rack or clothing organizer. 7705424822484 shopify_CA_7705424822484_43096014225620 new 79,99 CADin stock 1017445-040 Umbra 7705424822484_43096014225620 Échelles||Ladders Black 3.9 kg Pretzels - Milk chocolate & caramel Pretzels - Milk chocolate & caramel Default Title Our milk chocolate and caramel pretzels offer an irresistible blend of flavors! It's a combination that's sure to satisfy every taste bud, promising both the sweetness of milk chocolate and the richness of caramel, as well as the salty crunch of pretzels. A gourmet option to hand out generously, especially for the fast-approaching holidays! 7982693744852 shopify_CA_7982693744852_43959648846036 new 2,59 CADin stock Andea chocolate 7982693744852_43959648846036 Chocolats, caramels et sucreries||Chocolates, caramels and sweets 0.5 kg Balsamic glaze Balsamic glaze Default Title Like all La Belle Excuse gourmet products, the balsamic cream is made with olives from Modena, Italy. This cream will add a fun decorative touch and a guaranteed creaminess to all your dishes, whether savory or sweet, and will enhance any red fruit dessert or a baked Brie, for example. Plus, the flexible bottle is made for quick and efficient use! Our tip: add a little to your onion soup while it's cooking for a rich, flavorful taste! 7705323110612 shopify_CA_7705323110612_43298404958420 new 11,99 CADin stock GLAZE La Belle Excuse 7705323110612_43298404958420 Huiles, vinaigres & vinaigrettes||Oils, vinegars & dressings 0.22 kg 3D Sangria - Litchi & Dragon fruit 3D Sangria - Litchi & Dragon fruit Default Title In collaboration with the superb Quebec company Poseidn, we present our Kozy recipe for white sangria. Exotic, refreshing, oh-so-tasty - in short, a pleasure for the taste buds. Dip this baby dragon into the white wine and follow the instructions. Add fruit and ice cubes for even more pleasure! 8064458293460 shopify_CA_8064458293460_44159361941716 new 24,99 CADin stock Poseidn 8064458293460_44159361941716 Mélanges pour cocktails||Cocktail mixes 0.06 kg Onion confit - Maple & bacon Onion confit - Maple & bacon Default Title Discover the perfect harmony of sweet and salty with our maple and bacon-flavored onion confit. Perfectly caramelized onions, crunchy smoked bacon, all wrapped in the natural sweetness of maple syrup. 7982669365460 shopify_CA_7982669365460_43959544774868 new 7,99 CADin stock Lili Gourmet 7982669365460_43959544774868 Confits et assaisonnements||Confits and seasonings 0.5 kg Kozy cushion - Deluxe Kozy cushion - Deluxe Default Title Beautiful grey "deluxe" cushion. The exterior imitates a pretty fur. Soft, you will want to stick to it all the time! Integrated zipper to take out the foam. 7705403130068 shopify_CA_7705403130068_43298395685076 new 29,99 CAD24,99 CADin stock K2025 Agence K 7705403130068_43298395685076 Coussins||Cushions 0.3 kg Vintage mug - Moment Vintage mug - Moment Default Title Text mug with the inscription: "A moment for yourself". With soft and soothing colors, you can offer yourself a moment of relaxation while sipping coffee, tea or even hot chocolate! Vintage look with a large opening for large format lovers. 7705333334228 shopify_CA_7705333334228_43298471837908 new 8,99 CADin stock 728-038 Nostalgia Import 7705333334228_43298471837908 Tasses||Mugs 0.43 kg Medium 24" luggage - Nashville Medium 24" luggage - Nashville Black Bugatti's Hamburg collection is easy to maneuver and lightweight, yet durable and safe. It's equipped to make your travel experience safe and enjoyable. 7971742777556 shopify_CA_7971742777556_43928573018324 new 170,00 CADin stock Bugatti 7971742777556_43928573018324 Moyenne valise||Medium Luggage Noir||Black 0.0 kg Medium 24" luggage - Nashville Medium 24" luggage - Nashville Charcoal Bugatti's Hamburg collection is easy to maneuver and lightweight, yet durable and safe. It's equipped to make your travel experience safe and enjoyable. 7971742777556 shopify_CA_7971742777556_43928575213780 new 170,00 CADin stock Bugatti 7971742777556_43928575213780 Moyenne valise||Medium Luggage Charcoal||Charcoal 0.0 kg Medium 24" luggage - Nashville Medium 24" luggage - Nashville Blue Bugatti's Hamburg collection is easy to maneuver and lightweight, yet durable and safe. It's equipped to make your travel experience safe and enjoyable. 7971742777556 shopify_CA_7971742777556_43928575410388 new 170,00 CADin stock Bugatti 7971742777556_43928575410388 Moyenne valise||Medium Luggage Bleu||Blue 0.0 kg Medium 24" luggage - Nashville Medium 24" luggage - Nashville Red Bugatti's Hamburg collection is easy to maneuver and lightweight, yet durable and safe. It's equipped to make your travel experience safe and enjoyable. 7971742777556 shopify_CA_7971742777556_43928575541460 new 170,00 CADin stock Bugatti 7971742777556_43928575541460 Moyenne valise||Medium Luggage Rouge||Red 0.0 kg 3D Hot chocolate 3D Hot chocolate Default Title Enhance your chocolate experience by dipping this adorable teddy bear into a cup of hot milk to turn it into a steaming mug of delicious hot chocolate. Kids and adults alike will love this original way to prepare this rich, sweet and well-balanced beverage. Have fun and enjoy! 7705625821396 shopify_CA_7705625821396_43298387722452 new 19,99 CADin stock 11495068 Poseidn 7705625821396_43298387722452 Chocolats, caramels et sucreries||Chocolates, caramels and sweets 0.0 kg Black apron - Pas besoin de cheveux Black apron - Pas besoin de cheveux Default Title The funniest apron you'll ever give to your dad, grandpa or spouse. "Pas besoin de cheveux avec ce corps de rêve". Fits all sizes. With 2 front pockets and heavy duty fabric. 7705349587156 shopify_CA_7705349587156_43298467348692 new 29,99 CADin stock TN109 La Fabrique Champêtre 7705349587156_43298467348692 Tabliers||Aprons 0.2 kg Faux rabbit fur throw - White Faux rabbit fur throw - White Default Title The softest throw you'll ever touch. The only thought that will come to mind is to wrap yourself in it for a movie day at home. Perfect for those cold days ahead or just to bring warmth and comfort to your favorite room. 7705309577428 shopify_CA_7705309577428_43095757226196 new 79,99 CAD44,99 CADin stock K2029 Agence K 7705309577428_43095757226196 Jetés||Throws 1.3 kg Mug by Kozy - Marraine Mug by Kozy - Marraine Default Title A perfect gift to give to someone who loves coffee or tea. With the inscription " La tasse d'une marraine formidable ", this is a very nice gift to offer, on a small budget! 8072803713236 shopify_CA_8072803713236_44182594814164 new 7,99 CADin stock Attitudes Import 2 8072803713236_44182594814164 Tasses||Mugs 0.1 kg Maple caramel - 106 ml Maple caramel - 106 ml Default Title Homemade caramel, irresistible even with a spoon. Made with butter and cream and, above all, without preservatives. Rich and creamy taste. 7705290571988 shopify_CA_7705290571988_43298387820756 new 6,49 CADin stock CB00112 Chocolaterie du Vieux-Beloeil 7705290571988_43298387820756 Chocolats, caramels et sucreries||Chocolates, caramels and sweets 0.251 kg Duvet cover - Ethan Duvet cover - Ethan Double-queen (88 x 90) An elegant quilted comforter cover with geometric designs in shades of gray, taupe and cream, which will complement your decor perfectly. 7931897381076 shopify_CA_7931897381076_43827934888148 new 207,99 CADin stock 9220286 Brunelli 7931897381076_43827934888148 Housses de couette||Duvet covers Double-queen (88 x 90)US 0.0 kg Duvet cover - Ethan Duvet cover - Ethan King (104 x 90) An elegant quilted comforter cover with geometric designs in shades of gray, taupe and cream, which will complement your decor perfectly. 7931897381076 shopify_CA_7931897381076_43827934920916 new 234,99 CADout of stock 9220204 Brunelli 7931897381076_43827934920916 Housses de couette||Duvet covers King (104 x 90)US 0.0 kg Faux rabbit fur throw - Black Faux rabbit fur throw - Black Default Title The softest throw you'll ever touch. The only thought that will come to mind is to wrap yourself in it for a movie day at home. Perfect for those cold days ahead or just to bring warmth and comfort to your favorite room. 7817786622164 shopify_CA_7817786622164_43482711851220 new 79,99 CAD44,99 CADin stock Agence K 7817786622164_43482711851220 Jetés||Throws 1.3 kg Essential oil - Eucalyptus globulus Essential oil - Eucalyptus globulus Default Title Pure essential oil, certified organic. To be used with an essential oil diffuser. Benefits of Eucalyptus globulus (decongestant): Most effective natural decongestant. Its expectorant properties are ideal to fight against bronchitis, sinusitis, cough, etc. Enjoy the benefits of aromatherapy at home. 7705299353812 shopify_CA_7705299353812_43298402205908 new 10,99 CADin stock k1053 Agence K 7705299353812_43298402205908 Huiles essentielles & parfumées||Essential & scented oils 0.042 kg Vintage mug - Survie de maman Vintage mug - Survie de maman Default Title Vintage ceramic mug with humorous text: "Tasse de survie de maman". Perfect to give as a gift to an exceptional mom. 7705417056468 shopify_CA_7705417056468_43298473541844 new 7,99 CADin stock LL1030 Attitudes Import 2 7705417056468_43298473541844 Tasses||Mugs 0.414 kg Placemat utensils - Éducatrice passionnée Placemat utensils - Éducatrice passionnée Default Title Probably the most useful & fun gift ever! Here's a doily covered with daisies and a sweet little message: "Une éducatrice passionnée c'est difficile à trouver mais impossible à oublier ". With a practical utensil pouch! In French only. 7920037527764 shopify_CA_7920037527764_43796766195924 new 17,99 CADin stock La Fabrique Champêtre 7920037527764_43796766195924 Napperons||Placemats 0.32 kg Mug with text - Impossible à oublier Mug with text - Impossible à oublier Default Title Beautiful text mug with the inscription: ''Une éducatrice passionnée c'est difficile à trouver mais impossible à oublier''. This is a very nice gift to give to your child's educator. 7705519063252 shopify_CA_7705519063252_43298474688724 new 15,99 CADin stock TASSEKSAUGE9 La Fabrique Champêtre 7705519063252_43298474688724 Tasses||Mugs 0.3 kg Hanging planter - Triflora Hanging planter - Triflora White Trio of hanging planters with a very modern and sleek look. 7705389039828 shopify_CA_7705389039828_43095932928212 new 54,99 CADout of stock 1011748-524 Umbra 7705389039828_43095932928212 Jardinières murales||Wall planters White 1.361 kg Hanging planter - Triflora Hanging planter - Triflora Black Trio of hanging planters with a very modern and sleek look. 7705389039828 shopify_CA_7705389039828_43095932895444 new 54,99 CADin stock 1011748-660 Umbra 7705389039828_43095932895444 Jardinières murales||Wall planters Black 1.361 kg Kozy Textured throw - Grey Kozy Textured throw - Grey The most popular! This textured throw is soft, comfortable, a great size and cleans up very well. The texture is reminiscent of popcorn "cotton balls". It is versatile and is ideal for any occasion. 7705308627156 shopify_CA_7705308627156_43298411249876 new 34,99 CAD29,99 CADin stock K2002 Agence K 7705308627156_43298411249876 Jetés||Throws 0.707 kg 3-Wick Candle - Melon Lemonade 3-Wick Candle - Melon Lemonade Default Title This 3-wick soy blend candle is hand-poured into a large glass vase. The jar candle retains its scent better than a regular candle. Melon Lemonade" is a totally gourmet scent, with juicy watermelon, lemon, tangerine and peach nectar. Its delicious fragrance will fill the room with an invigorating scent, all in lightness. 7705710395604 shopify_CA_7705710395604_43298387198164 new 23,99 CADin stock THREEW-08 Kozy x Three Wix & CO 7705710395604_43298387198164 Chandelles parfumées||Scented candles 0.4 kg Set of 4 Lisbon pasta bowls - Black Set of 4 Lisbon pasta bowls - Black Default Title The tableware of fine restaurants is now available in different variations, but at a fraction of the price! These refined pasta bowls can also serve as plates for your most aesthetically sought-after culinary works, such as tartars & desserts! 8257650491604 shopify_CA_8257650491604_44775514865876 new 19,99 CADin stock Safdie & Co 8257650491604_44775514865876 Vaisselles & ensembles||Sets of dishes 0.0 kg Wine glass & mug duo - Prof Wine glass & mug duo - Prof Default Title Original duo set comprising a stemless wine glass and a text mug that will accompany you from morning to night! We offer it to you exclusively. "Tasse du prof en devoir""Verre du prof qui a de la classe" 8058769572052 shopify_CA_8058769572052_44143633924308 new 17,99 CADin stock Attitudes Import 2 8058769572052_44143633924308 Ensembles-cadeaux||Gift sets 0.2 kg Kozy Textured throw - Forest green Kozy Textured throw - Forest green This textured throw is soft, comfortable, a nice size and cleans up very well. The texture is reminiscent of popcorn "cotton balls". It's versatile and is great for gift giving for any occasion. Have fun combining it with one of our Kozy cushions for a warm and cozy atmosphere. 7817626550484 shopify_CA_7817626550484_43482181566676 new 34,99 CAD29,99 CADin stock Agence K 7817626550484_43482181566676 Jetés||Throws 0.707 kg Kozy Textured throw - Yellow Kozy Textured throw - Yellow Default Title The most popular! This textured throw is soft, comfortable, a great size and cleans up very well. The texture is reminiscent of popcorn "cotton balls". It is versatile and is ideal for any occasion. 7705331138772 shopify_CA_7705331138772_43298411741396 new 34,99 CAD29,99 CADin stock Agence K 7705331138772_43298411741396 Jetés||Throws 0.707 kg Wine glasses 570 ml - Oxygen Wine glasses 570 ml - Oxygen Default Title Thanks to the Oxygen glass collection, the wine turns in the glass while pouring it: the relief effect on the glasses aerates the wine and releases its aromas. Set of 2 glasses. 7705291096276 shopify_CA_7705291096276_43298496643284 new 29,99 CAD22,99 CADin stock 490407570 Trudeau 7705291096276_43298496643284 Verres à vin||Wine glasses 0.528 kg Wall shelf - Bellwood Wall shelf - Bellwood Brown The perfect simple and decorative wall shelf that is a must for all your decorations. It will brighten up the room at first glance with its harmonious blend of wood and glossy white. Its dimensions are ideal for maximizing storage in the office or bathroom! 7705688768724 shopify_CA_7705688768724_43824539631828 new 129,99 CADin stock 1016859-668 Umbra 7705688768724_43824539631828 Étagères||Racks Brown 5.5 kg Wall shelf - Bellwood Wall shelf - Bellwood Natural The perfect simple and decorative wall shelf that is a must for all your decorations. It will brighten up the room at first glance with its harmonious blend of wood and glossy white. Its dimensions are ideal for maximizing storage in the office or bathroom! 7705688768724 shopify_CA_7705688768724_43824539664596 new 129,99 CADin stock Umbra 7705688768724_43824539664596 Étagères||Racks Natural 5.5 kg Text cushion - Merci Text cushion - Merci Default Title Cushion for an educator or a teacher to whom you want to say thank you for his dedication. Raw cotton cushion with text: « Merci de changer le monde un enfant à la fois...». French only. 7705517981908 shopify_CA_7705517981908_43298390835412 new 23,99 CADin stock CPAKSAUGE7 La Fabrique Champêtre 7705517981908_43298390835412 Coussins à texte||Text cushions 0.3 kg Scented oil - Vanilla & coco Scented oil - Vanilla & coco Default Title Scented oil composed entirely with natural fragrances. This combination is definitely reminiscent of the south! Enjoy the benefits of aromatherapy at home. 7705334874324 shopify_CA_7705334874324_43298402926804 new 11,99 CADin stock K1062 Agence K 7705334874324_43298402926804 Huiles essentielles & parfumées||Essential & scented oils 0.042 kg Faux rabbit fur throw - Grey Faux rabbit fur throw - Grey Default Title The softest throw you'll ever touch. The only thought that will come to mind is to wrap yourself in it for a movie day at home. Perfect for those cold days ahead or just to bring warmth and comfort to your favorite room. 7705309675732 shopify_CA_7705309675732_43298411610324 new 79,99 CAD30,00 CADin stock K2017 Agence K 7705309675732_43298411610324 Jetés||Throws 1.3 kg Happiness box - Pour toi maman Happiness box - Pour toi maman Default Title Can't find the words to tell your mom how much she means to you? Tell her in 365 different ways with the Happiness Box for Mom. Dosage: one a day for a year. 7705295782100 shopify_CA_7705295782100_43298376646868 new 20,99 CADin stock BO2001 Zatnick 7705295782100_43298376646868 Boîtes à messages||Message boxes 0.285 kg Vintage mug - Merci Vintage mug - Merci Default Title Pretty mug with a wonderful message to give to someone special: "Merci de faire partie de ma vie". Ideal for coffee, hot chocolate or tea. French only. 7962777354452 shopify_CA_7962777354452_43908721049812 new 7,99 CADin stock Attitudes Import 2 7962777354452_43908721049812 Tasses||Mugs 0.4 kg Placemat utensils - Professeur fantastique Placemat utensils - Professeur fantastique Default Title Probably the most useful & fun gift ever! Here's a placemat covered with daisies, rainbows and a sweet little message: "Une  personne   formidable   donne toujours un professeur fantastique ". With a practical utensil pouch! In French only. 7920037953748 shopify_CA_7920037953748_43796777042132 new 17,99 CADin stock La Fabrique Champêtre 7920037953748_43796777042132 Napperons||Placemats 0.32 kg Set of 4 Lisbon dinner plates - Black Set of 4 Lisbon dinner plates - Black Default Title Impress your guests by presenting your most distinguished dishes in this elegant dinnerware worthy of the best tables in town. The price is as charming as the quality! 8257628897492 shopify_CA_8257628897492_44775482786004 new 16,99 CADin stock Safdie & Co 8257628897492_44775482786004 Vaisselles & ensembles||Sets of dishes 0.0 kg Round patterned placemat - Heart Round patterned placemat - Heart Default Title Nice round natural jute doily with white foliage and heart patterns. As a centerpiece in the living room or in the dining room, it will always make a wow effect with its soft and rustic look. 7705675923668 shopify_CA_7705675923668_43298419015892 new 4,99 CADin stock 837-016 Nostalgia Import 7705675923668_43298419015892 Napperons||Placemats 0.1 kg Pink mug - Ma fille Pink mug - Ma fille Default Title If you're looking for a gift for your daughter, look no further! This pretty mug with the inscription "Ma fille c'est la meilleure" is sure to please her. In French only.  7859567886548 shopify_CA_7859567886548_43611518402772 new 7,99 CADin stock Attitudes Import 7859567886548_43611518402772 Tasses||Mugs 0.1 kg Maple pearl onions Maple pearl onions Default Title Delicate maple flavored onion beads, a sweet and savory combination that will perfectly dress up all your canapés... all year round! 7705659277524 shopify_CA_7705659277524_43298389164244 new 6,99 CADin stock 000016 Lili Gourmet 7705659277524_43298389164244 Confits et assaisonnements||Confits and seasonings 0.3 kg Maple caramel - 314 ml Maple caramel - 314 ml Default Title Homemade caramel, irresistible even with a spoon. Made with butter and cream and, above all, without preservatives. Rich and creamy taste. 7705290440916 shopify_CA_7705290440916_43298388050132 new 10,99 CADin stock CB00132 Chocolaterie du Vieux-Beloeil 7705290440916_43298388050132 Chocolats, caramels et sucreries||Chocolates, caramels and sweets 0.611 kg Kozy Textured throw - Taupe Kozy Textured throw - Taupe Default Title The most popular! This textured throw is soft, comfortable, a great size and cleans up very well. The texture is reminiscent of popcorn "cotton balls". It is versatile and is ideal for any occasion. 7817783967956 shopify_CA_7817783967956_43482697826516 new 34,99 CAD29,99 CADin stock Agence K 7817783967956_43482697826516 Jetés||Throws 0.707 kg Freestand shelf 5 tier- Bellwood Freestand shelf 5 tier- Bellwood Natural The perfect simple and decorative shelf essential to any decor. It will brighten up the room at first glance with its harmonious blend of wood and glossy white. Its dimensions are ideal for the living room, the entrance or even the bedroom. 7705688572116 shopify_CA_7705688572116_43826001412308 new 229,99 CADin stock 1016840-668 Umbra 7705688572116_43826001412308 Étagères||Racks Natural 11.8 kg Freestand shelf 5 tier- Bellwood Freestand shelf 5 tier- Bellwood Brown The perfect simple and decorative shelf essential to any decor. It will brighten up the room at first glance with its harmonious blend of wood and glossy white. Its dimensions are ideal for the living room, the entrance or even the bedroom. 7705688572116 shopify_CA_7705688572116_43826001445076 new 229,99 CADin stock 1016840-048 Umbra 7705688572116_43826001445076 Étagères||Racks Brown 11.8 kg Onion and cranberry confit Onion and cranberry confit Default Title We love the delicate touch of acidity and tartness that the cranberry infuses into this superior quality onion confit. With its velvety texture, it's a delight with turkey, tourtière and stew. Its rich and lively color will enhance all your dishes! 7705659146452 shopify_CA_7705659146452_43298389197012 new 5,99 CADin stock 000092 Lili Gourmet 7705659146452_43298389197012 Confits et assaisonnements||Confits and seasonings 0.3 kg Mini hand cream Mini hand cream Default Title This olive oil based hand cream is perfect for moisturizing your dry and cracked hands. This cream helps purify sensitive skin and moisturizes the epidermis deeply. Plus, the packaging and smell are unisex so this cream is suitable for both men and women! Take it everywhere: handbag, lunch box or at the office, this travel size is very versatile. Moisturize your hands anywhere in the world! 7705323143380 shopify_CA_7705323143380_43298459844820 new 9,99 CADin stock MINI CREME La Belle Excuse 7705323143380_43298459844820 Crèmes pour le corps||Hand creams 0.06 kg Notepad organizer - Pomegranate Notepad organizer - Pomegranate Default Title Treat yourself to a colorful note box for playful everyday organization. With a range of bright hues, these sticky notes are perfect for marking, jotting and structuring your tasks. 8134561267924 shopify_CA_8134561267924_44424823537876 new 10,99 CADin stock Nostalgia Import 8134561267924_44424823537876 Papeteries||Stationery Store 0.0 kg Kozy Textured throw - Pink Kozy Textured throw - Pink The most popular! This textured throw is soft, comfortable, a nice size and cleans up very well. The texture is reminiscent of popcorn "cotton balls". It's versatile and great for gift giving for any occasion. 7705308496084 shopify_CA_7705308496084_43298411544788 new 34,99 CAD29,99 CADin stock K2004 Agence K 7705308496084_43298411544788 Jetés||Throws 0.707 kg Scented oil - Green tea and cucumber Scented oil - Green tea and cucumber Default Title Scented oil composed entirely with natural fragrances. This combination is fresh and relaxing. Enjoy the benefits of aromatherapy at home. 7705304301780 shopify_CA_7705304301780_43298402697428 new 10,99 CADin stock K1059 Agence K 7705304301780_43298402697428 Huiles essentielles & parfumées||Essential & scented oils 0.042 kg Lunch bag - Foodie Lunch bag - Foodie Black This quilted lunch bag, made from high-quality nylon, has its own elegant design. Spacious & unique, it'll steal the show at the office! 8110552613076 shopify_CA_8110552613076_44332217499860 new 30,00 CADin stock Bugatti Collections 8110552613076_44332217499860 Boîtes à lunch & accessoires||Lunch boxes & accessories Noir||Black 0.0 kg Lunch bag - Foodie Lunch bag - Foodie Sage green This quilted lunch bag, made from high-quality nylon, has its own elegant design. Spacious & unique, it'll steal the show at the office! 8110552613076 shopify_CA_8110552613076_44332217532628 new 30,00 CADout of stock Bugatti Collections 8110552613076_44332217532628 Boîtes à lunch & accessoires||Lunch boxes & accessories Vert sauge||Sage green 0.0 kg Lunch bag - Foodie Lunch bag - Foodie Taupe This quilted lunch bag, made from high-quality nylon, has its own elegant design. Spacious & unique, it'll steal the show at the office! 8110552613076 shopify_CA_8110552613076_44332217565396 new 30,00 CADin stock Bugatti Collections 8110552613076_44332217565396 Boîtes à lunch & accessoires||Lunch boxes & accessories Taupe||Taupe 0.0 kg Candle - Meilleure Maman au monde Candle - Meilleure Maman au monde Default Title Finally a candle that meets all the criteria of a successful gift: a sweet scent of lavender, a pretty package and a wish as a bonus! Stock up, because it's going to go faaast! 7872964296916 shopify_CA_7872964296916_43655499055316 new 12,99 CADin stock Nostalgia Import 7872964296916_43655499055316 Chandelles décoratives||Decorative candles 0.0 kg Rectangle Cushion - Floral pattern Rectangle Cushion - Floral pattern Default Title Beautiful cream cushion with sage green floral patterns. Very original, it will match well with other Kozy cushions. It will be a hit in your decor whether in your bedroom or your living room. 7705453461716 shopify_CA_7705453461716_43298396242132 new 27,99 CADin stock KPCP21-08 Les textiles Patlin 7705453461716_43298396242132 Coussins||Cushions 0.2 kg Plain cushion - Sage green Plain cushion - Sage green Default Title Plain cushion in sage green. Very original, it will match well with other Kozy cushions. It will be a hit in your decor whether in your bedroom or your living room. 7705453068500 shopify_CA_7705453068500_43096123113684 new 29,99 CADin stock KPCP21-07 Les textiles Patlin 7705453068500_43096123113684 Coussins||Cushions 0.6 kg Glass drying mat Glass drying mat Default Title Can't live with the stains from drying water and the moisture that accumulates in the glass when drying on a cloth? The mat is designed to let the air in and minimize stains.  7705309085908 shopify_CA_7705309085908_43298372649172 new 14,99 CADin stock 0971522 Trudeau 7705309085908_43298372649172 Accessoires à vin||Wine accessories 0.3 kg Vintage mug - La vie est belle Vintage mug - La vie est belle Default Title Pretty mug with a wonderful message to give to someone special: "La vie est belle avec toi à mes côtés". Ideal for coffee, hot chocolate or tea. French only. 7962779353300 shopify_CA_7962779353300_43908725539028 new 7,99 CADin stock Attitudes Import 2 7962779353300_43908725539028 Tasses||Mugs 0.4 kg Text cushion - La retraite Text cushion - La retraite Default Title Perfect to celebrate the new retirement of a relative or friend. Raw cotton cushion with inscription: « La retraite : Prendre le temps de perdre son temps, Savourer chaque instant, Vivre le moment présent, Rire et s'amuser, Relaxer, Rêver et réaliser, Il est temps que tu vives la vie que tu as imaginée ». In french only. 7705321242836 shopify_CA_7705321242836_43298391752916 new 23,99 CADin stock CPOWH251 La Fabrique Champêtre 7705321242836_43298391752916 Coussins à texte||Text cushions 0.32 kg Scented oil - Fruity Passion Scented oil - Fruity Passion Default Title Scented oil composed entirely with natural fragrances. This combination is fruity and refreshing. Enjoy the benefits of aromatherapy at home. 7705304236244 shopify_CA_7705304236244_43298402730196 new 10,99 CADin stock k1058 Agence K 7705304236244_43298402730196 Huiles essentielles & parfumées||Essential & scented oils 0.042 kg Canvas - Sauge Canvas - Sauge Black / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925423177940 shopify_CA_7925423177940_43810029961428 new 84,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925423177940_43810029961428 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Sauge Canvas - Sauge Natural / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925423177940 shopify_CA_7925423177940_43810033008852 new 94,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925423177940_43810033008852 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Sauge Canvas - Sauge White / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925423177940 shopify_CA_7925423177940_43810033041620 new 94,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925423177940_43810033041620 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Sauge Canvas - Sauge Espresso / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925423177940 shopify_CA_7925423177940_43810033074388 new 94,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925423177940_43810033074388 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Sauge Canvas - Sauge Without Frame / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925423177940 shopify_CA_7925423177940_43810033107156 new 49,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925423177940_43810033107156 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Sauge Canvas - Sauge Black / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925423177940 shopify_CA_7925423177940_43810033172692 new 109,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925423177940_43810033172692 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Sauge Canvas - Sauge Natural / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925423177940 shopify_CA_7925423177940_43810033270996 new 109,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925423177940_43810033270996 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Sauge Canvas - Sauge White / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925423177940 shopify_CA_7925423177940_43810033336532 new 109,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925423177940_43810033336532 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Sauge Canvas - Sauge Espresso / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925423177940 shopify_CA_7925423177940_43810033402068 new 109,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925423177940_43810033402068 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Sauge Canvas - Sauge Without Frame / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925423177940 shopify_CA_7925423177940_43810033467604 new 59,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925423177940_43810033467604 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Sauge Canvas - Sauge Black / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925423177940 shopify_CA_7925423177940_43810033565908 new 139,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925423177940_43810033565908 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Sauge Canvas - Sauge Natural / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925423177940 shopify_CA_7925423177940_43810033631444 new 139,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925423177940_43810033631444 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Sauge Canvas - Sauge White / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925423177940 shopify_CA_7925423177940_43810033696980 new 139,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925423177940_43810033696980 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Sauge Canvas - Sauge Espresso / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925423177940 shopify_CA_7925423177940_43810033762516 new 139,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925423177940_43810033762516 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Sauge Canvas - Sauge Without Frame / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925423177940 shopify_CA_7925423177940_43810033860820 new 74,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925423177940_43810033860820 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Sauge Canvas - Sauge Black / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925423177940 shopify_CA_7925423177940_43810033991892 new 159,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925423177940_43810033991892 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Sauge Canvas - Sauge Natural / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925423177940 shopify_CA_7925423177940_43810032713940 new 159,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925423177940_43810032713940 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Sauge Canvas - Sauge White / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925423177940 shopify_CA_7925423177940_43810032746708 new 159,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925423177940_43810032746708 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Sauge Canvas - Sauge Espresso / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925423177940 shopify_CA_7925423177940_43810032779476 new 159,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925423177940_43810032779476 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Sauge Canvas - Sauge Without Frame / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925423177940 shopify_CA_7925423177940_43810032812244 new 84,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925423177940_43810032812244 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Sauge Canvas - Sauge Oak wood / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925423177940 shopify_CA_7925423177940_43974905037012 new 94,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925423177940_43974905037012 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Sauge Canvas - Sauge Oak wood / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925423177940 shopify_CA_7925423177940_43974905299156 new 109,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925423177940_43974905299156 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Sauge Canvas - Sauge Oak wood / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925423177940 shopify_CA_7925423177940_43974905561300 new 139,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925423177940_43974905561300 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Sauge Canvas - Sauge Oak wood / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925423177940 shopify_CA_7925423177940_43974905856212 new 159,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925423177940_43974905856212 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Cheese knife set Cheese knife set Default Title Cheese lover? You'll fall in love with this trio of cheese knives. Their wood-effect handle and black blade give them a chic and sophisticated look. Designed for firm or soft cheeses. Comes in a nice gift box. 7871882100948 shopify_CA_7871882100948_43652215144660 new 19,99 CAD16,99 CADin stock Trudeau 7871882100948_43652215144660 Outils de service||Serving tools 0.1 kg Happiness box - Mon prof a de la classe Happiness box - Mon prof a de la classe Default Title Message to read during the school year, 260 messages to thank a dedicated teacher. Dosage: one a day, on school days. 7705294602452 shopify_CA_7705294602452_43298377007316 new 20,99 CADin stock BO2018 Zatnick 7705294602452_43298377007316 Boîtes à messages||Message boxes 0.285 kg Wine glass & mug duo - Éducatrice Wine glass & mug duo - Éducatrice Default Title We know they work hard and with love - that's why this glass/mug duo for educators is sure to suit their mood and remind them how much they're appreciated! 8372813725908 shopify_CA_8372813725908_45040678174932 new 17,99 CADin stock Attitudes Import 2 8372813725908_45040678174932 Ensembles-cadeaux||Gift sets 0.0 kg Dish cloth - Éducatrice formidable Dish cloth - Éducatrice formidable Default Title This dishcloth is the perfect gift for a valued educator! Its inscription: "Une personne fantastique donne toujours une éducatrice formidable " will look great in the recipient's kitchen! In French only. 7920038609108 shopify_CA_7920038609108_43796778320084 new 12,99 CADin stock La Fabrique Champêtre 7920038609108_43796778320084 Linges à vaisselle||Dish cloths 0.32 kg Convertible backpack - Chloe Convertible backpack - Chloe Eggplant Convertible backpack, the perfect ally for today's woman who likes to store in a pragmatic and stylish way. Wear it as a backpack and turn it into a shoulder bag in a flash. 7909328224468 shopify_CA_7909328224468_45646875721940 new 79,99 CADin stock SQ Inc. 7909328224468_45646875721940 Sacs à dos||Backpacks Eggplant 0.784 kg Convertible backpack - Chloe Convertible backpack - Chloe Thyme Convertible backpack, the perfect ally for today's woman who likes to store in a pragmatic and stylish way. Wear it as a backpack and turn it into a shoulder bag in a flash. 7909328224468 shopify_CA_7909328224468_45646875754708 new 79,99 CADin stock SQ Inc. 7909328224468_45646875754708 Sacs à dos||Backpacks Thyme 0.784 kg Convertible backpack - Chloe Convertible backpack - Chloe Sand Convertible backpack, the perfect ally for today's woman who likes to store in a pragmatic and stylish way. Wear it as a backpack and turn it into a shoulder bag in a flash. 7909328224468 shopify_CA_7909328224468_45646875689172 new 79,99 CADin stock SQ Inc. 7909328224468_45646875689172 Sacs à dos||Backpacks Sand 0.784 kg Convertible backpack - Chloe Convertible backpack - Chloe Camel Convertible backpack, the perfect ally for today's woman who likes to store in a pragmatic and stylish way. Wear it as a backpack and turn it into a shoulder bag in a flash. 7909328224468 shopify_CA_7909328224468_45646875623636 new 79,99 CADin stock SQ Inc. 7909328224468_45646875623636 Sacs à dos||Backpacks Camel 0.784 kg Convertible backpack - Chloe Convertible backpack - Chloe Mustard Convertible backpack, the perfect ally for today's woman who likes to store in a pragmatic and stylish way. Wear it as a backpack and turn it into a shoulder bag in a flash. 7909328224468 shopify_CA_7909328224468_44347317453012 new 79,99 CADout of stock SQ Inc. 7909328224468_44347317453012 Sacs à dos||Backpacks Mustard 0.784 kg Convertible backpack - Chloe Convertible backpack - Chloe Grey Convertible backpack, the perfect ally for today's woman who likes to store in a pragmatic and stylish way. Wear it as a backpack and turn it into a shoulder bag in a flash. 7909328224468 shopify_CA_7909328224468_45646875656404 new 79,99 CADin stock SQ Inc. 7909328224468_45646875656404 Sacs à dos||Backpacks Grey 0.784 kg Convertible backpack - Chloe Convertible backpack - Chloe Black Convertible backpack, the perfect ally for today's woman who likes to store in a pragmatic and stylish way. Wear it as a backpack and turn it into a shoulder bag in a flash. 7909328224468 shopify_CA_7909328224468_43768032362708 new 79,99 CADin stock SQ Inc. 7909328224468_43768032362708 Sacs à dos||Backpacks Black 0.784 kg Convertible backpack - Chloe Convertible backpack - Chloe Pebble black Convertible backpack, the perfect ally for today's woman who likes to store in a pragmatic and stylish way. Wear it as a backpack and turn it into a shoulder bag in a flash. 7909328224468 shopify_CA_7909328224468_45646913831124 new 79,99 CADin stock SQ Inc. 7909328224468_45646913831124 Sacs à dos||Backpacks Pebble black 0.784 kg Small organizer - Estique Small organizer - Estique Black Small wall organizer made of steel. It includes a box to put wallet and other items and five small hooks for keys, scarves, etc. Everything is included in the box for installation. 7705362497748 shopify_CA_7705362497748_43095866736852 new 23,99 CADin stock 1004245-048 Umbra 7705362497748_43095866736852 Tablettes||Shelves Black 0.5 kg Small organizer - Estique Small organizer - Estique White Small wall organizer made of steel. It includes a box to put wallet and other items and five small hooks for keys, scarves, etc. Everything is included in the box for installation. 7705362497748 shopify_CA_7705362497748_43095866769620 new 23,99 CADin stock 1004245-660 Umbra 7705362497748_43095866769620 Tablettes||Shelves White 0.5 kg Large Hanging Planter - Triflora Large Hanging Planter - Triflora White & Gold Beautiful hanging houseplant planter that combines the utility of a curtain rod with the beauty of potted plants. Ideal for herbs, succulents, vines and more, the Triflora Hanging Planter mounts to the wall or ceiling and adds functionality to your window by turning it into a space for growing plants. Hyper lightweight, made of durable materials, you can adjust the length of the cords and slide them anywhere along the metal rod to customize the position of each hanging pot. You can also use this planter outdoors. Need drainage? Easily drill a small hole in the bottom of each pot. 7705739952340 shopify_CA_7705739952340_43097917423828 new 89,99 CADout of stock 1018086-524 Umbra 7705739952340_43097917423828 Jardinières murales||Wall planters White & Gold 2.5 kg Large Hanging Planter - Triflora Large Hanging Planter - Triflora Black Beautiful hanging houseplant planter that combines the utility of a curtain rod with the beauty of potted plants. Ideal for herbs, succulents, vines and more, the Triflora Hanging Planter mounts to the wall or ceiling and adds functionality to your window by turning it into a space for growing plants. Hyper lightweight, made of durable materials, you can adjust the length of the cords and slide them anywhere along the metal rod to customize the position of each hanging pot. You can also use this planter outdoors. Need drainage? Easily drill a small hole in the bottom of each pot. 7705739952340 shopify_CA_7705739952340_43097917391060 new 89,99 CADin stock 1018086-040 Umbra 7705739952340_43097917391060 Jardinières murales||Wall planters Black 2.5 kg Large Hanging Planter - Triflora Large Hanging Planter - Triflora White & black Beautiful hanging houseplant planter that combines the utility of a curtain rod with the beauty of potted plants. Ideal for herbs, succulents, vines and more, the Triflora Hanging Planter mounts to the wall or ceiling and adds functionality to your window by turning it into a space for growing plants. Hyper lightweight, made of durable materials, you can adjust the length of the cords and slide them anywhere along the metal rod to customize the position of each hanging pot. You can also use this planter outdoors. Need drainage? Easily drill a small hole in the bottom of each pot. 7705739952340 shopify_CA_7705739952340_43097917456596 new 89,99 CADin stock 1018086-660 Umbra 7705739952340_43097917456596 Jardinières murales||Wall planters White & black 2.5 kg Kozy Textured throw - Black Kozy Textured throw - Black The most popular! This textured throw is soft, comfortable, a great size and cleans up very well. The texture is reminiscent of popcorn "cotton balls". It is versatile and is ideal for any occasion. 7705331302612 shopify_CA_7705331302612_43298411774164 new 34,99 CAD29,99 CADin stock K2027 Agence K 7705331302612_43298411774164 Jetés||Throws 0.707 kg Set of 4 Lisbon bowls - Black Set of 4 Lisbon bowls - Black Default Title The little bowls you need to set the table with distinction. Durable and modern, they'll delight all your guests, starting with you! 8257638203604 shopify_CA_8257638203604_44775496188116 new 12,99 CADin stock Safdie & Co 8257638203604_44775496188116 Vaisselles & ensembles||Sets of dishes 0.0 kg Set of 4 Lisbon dinner plates - Ivory Set of 4 Lisbon dinner plates - Ivory Default Title Impress your guests by presenting your most distinguished dishes in this elegant dinnerware worthy of the best tables in town. The price is as charming as the quality! 8257591279828 shopify_CA_8257591279828_44775436812500 new 16,99 CADin stock Safdie & Co 8257591279828_44775436812500 Vaisselles & ensembles||Sets of dishes 0.0 kg Candle - Je t'aime Candle - Je t'aime Default Title Finally a candle that meets all the criteria of a successful gift: a sweet scent of lavender, a pretty package and a wish as a bonus! Stock up, because it's going to go faaast! 7872966361300 shopify_CA_7872966361300_43655518388436 new 12,99 CADin stock Nostalgia Import 7872966361300_43655518388436 Chandelles décoratives||Decorative candles 0.0 kg "Bonheur'' wooden decorative "Bonheur'' wooden decorative White Small wooden block in the shape of the word "Happiness". It can be placed in any decor. Whether it is on a shelf, a windowsill or a piece of furniture! Stands upright without a stand. Add a little touch of happiness with this positive word that will decorate your home. 7705340215508 shopify_CA_7705340215508_43095835181268 new 7,99 CADin stock I7622 Attitudes Import 7705340215508_43095835181268 Objets décoratifs||Decorative objects White 0.107 kg "Bonheur'' wooden decorative "Bonheur'' wooden decorative Black Small wooden block in the shape of the word "Happiness". It can be placed in any decor. Whether it is on a shelf, a windowsill or a piece of furniture! Stands upright without a stand. Add a little touch of happiness with this positive word that will decorate your home. 7705340215508 shopify_CA_7705340215508_43095835214036 new 7,99 CADout of stock LH1145 Attitudes Import 7705340215508_43095835214036 Objets décoratifs||Decorative objects Black 0.107 kg "Bonheur'' wooden decorative "Bonheur'' wooden decorative Natural Small wooden block in the shape of the word "Happiness". It can be placed in any decor. Whether it is on a shelf, a windowsill or a piece of furniture! Stands upright without a stand. Add a little touch of happiness with this positive word that will decorate your home. 7705340215508 shopify_CA_7705340215508_43095835246804 new 7,99 CADout of stock I6424 Attitudes Import 7705340215508_43095835246804 Objets décoratifs||Decorative objects Natural 0.107 kg "Bonheur'' wooden decorative "Bonheur'' wooden decorative Green Small wooden block in the shape of the word "Happiness". It can be placed in any decor. Whether it is on a shelf, a windowsill or a piece of furniture! Stands upright without a stand. Add a little touch of happiness with this positive word that will decorate your home. 7705340215508 shopify_CA_7705340215508_43378656149716 new 7,99 CADout of stock Attitudes Import 7705340215508_43378656149716 Objets décoratifs||Decorative objects Green 0.17 kg "Bonheur'' wooden decorative "Bonheur'' wooden decorative Gray Small wooden block in the shape of the word "Happiness". It can be placed in any decor. Whether it is on a shelf, a windowsill or a piece of furniture! Stands upright without a stand. Add a little touch of happiness with this positive word that will decorate your home. 7705340215508 shopify_CA_7705340215508_43095835279572 new 7,99 CADin stock I8678 Attitudes Import 7705340215508_43095835279572 Objets décoratifs||Decorative objects Gray 0.107 kg Set of 4 Lisbon salad plates - Black Set of 4 Lisbon salad plates - Black Default Title These small stoneware salad plates will look chic on your table and light on your wallet! 8257634926804 shopify_CA_8257634926804_44775491207380 new 12,99 CADin stock Safdie & Co 8257634926804_44775491207380 Vaisselles & ensembles||Sets of dishes 0.0 kg Onion storage bag Onion storage bag Default Title Tired of leaving onions in a half torn bag in the back of the cupboard? Here is the ideal ecological bag to store them in! 7705329270996 shopify_CA_7705329270996_43298420293844 new 9,99 CADin stock 6123355LN Danesco 7705329270996_43298420293844 Outils de conservation||Conservation tools 0.078 kg Dish cloth - Éducatrice formidable Dish cloth - Éducatrice formidable Default Title Dishcloths with a message for an educator or a teacher whose dedication you want to highlight: ''Une personne fantastique donne toujours une éducatrice formidable''. 7705516376276 shopify_CA_7705516376276_43298468331732 new 12,99 CADin stock LVKSAUGE12 La Fabrique Champêtre 7705516376276_43298468331732 TAGS : IDC_Prof 0.092 kg Ceramic ice cubes Ceramic ice cubes Default Title Set of 6 ice cubes. Gently refreshes your drinks without diluting or altering the taste. Simply store them in the freezer in their storage bag until needed. The most convenient ice cubes ever! 7705309380820 shopify_CA_7705309380820_43298370486484 new 17,99 CADin stock 0971530 Trudeau 7705309380820_43298370486484 Accessoires à cocktails||Cocktail accessories 0.4 kg Extra virgin olive oil Extra virgin olive oil Default Title This extra virgin green olive oil is made with olives cold pressed the same day they are picked. It contains less than 0.3% acidity and decants naturally for 2 months. This process allows a better elimination of the residues which harm a quality cooking. Green with golden reflections, with a frank and powerful perfume of olive and greenery, it also releases a slightly peppered taste. Perfect as a flavour enhancer for salads and for cooking fish, grilled meats, pasta, vegetables and stir-fries. 7705306726612 shopify_CA_7705306726612_43298404565204 new 14,99 CADin stock 250MLV La Belle Excuse 7705306726612_43298404565204 Huiles, vinaigres & vinaigrettes||Oils, vinegars & dressings 0.56 kg Happiness box - Amitié Happiness box - Amitié Default Title Do you have a friend who is important to you? Here's a great way to remind him/her in 365 different ways. Dosage: one a day for a year. 7705295552724 shopify_CA_7705295552724_43298376745172 new 20,99 CADin stock BO2002 Zatnick 7705295552724_43298376745172 Boîtes à messages||Message boxes 0.285 kg Mini silicone tongs - Black or white Mini silicone tongs - Black or white Default Title These mini silicone tongs are perfect for gripping and manipulating your food in your quality pots and pans, as they will not damage non-stick surfaces. A great addition to have in your kitchen! 7806046175444 shopify_CA_7806046175444_43446744645844 new 2,99 CADin stock Danesco 7806046175444_43446744645844 Outils de préparation||Preparation tools 0.2 kg Bath bomb - Melon Lemonade Bath bomb - Melon Lemonade Default Title Treat yourself to a sweet relaxing moment with this "Lemonade Melon" bath bomb, which has a sweet melon fragrance and light touches of lemon. The magical ingredient (avocado oil) that makes it up will undoubtedly work miracles on your skin! 7705729269972 shopify_CA_7705729269972_43298449719508 new 6,99 CADin stock BOMBW-08 Kozy x Three Wix & CO 7705729269972_43298449719508 Produits pour le bains||Bath products 0.1 kg Champagne glass without stem - Gala 240 ml Champagne glass without stem - Gala 240 ml Default Title Trudeau's Gala Collection stemless champagne flutes bring style to the table while maximizing the champagne experience. The rim of the glasses is laser cut and heat polished. It is also tempered for added strength. Trudeau's Gala stemless champagne flutes are dishwasher safe for worry-free maintenance. 7705415811284 shopify_CA_7705415811284_43298400862420 new 24,99 CAD17,99 CADin stock 490036702001 Trudeau 7705415811284_43298400862420 Flûtes à champagne||Champagne flutes 0.6 kg Set of 4 Lisbon pasta bowls - Ivory Set of 4 Lisbon pasta bowls - Ivory Default Title The tableware of fine restaurants is now available in different variations, but at a fraction of the price! These refined pasta bowls can also serve as plates for your most aesthetically sought-after culinary works, such as tartars & desserts! 8257615298772 shopify_CA_8257615298772_44775465615572 new 19,99 CADin stock Safdie & Co 8257615298772_44775465615572 Vaisselles & ensembles||Sets of dishes 0.0 kg Gift box - 8 hot chocolate bombs Gift box - 8 hot chocolate bombs Default Title Discover THE gift box to warm the hearts of young and old alike. A versatile, tasty gift that's so magical to give, you'll probably want one for yourself too!Exciting flavours of mint, caramel, French vanilla, orange, dulce de leche, maple and, above all, the original blend that certainly needs no introduction. Get out the marshmallows, it's party time! Made with Laura Secord chocolate. 8067227648212 shopify_CA_8067227648212_44166567887060 new 29,99 CADin stock Poseidn 8067227648212_44166567887060 Chocolats, caramels et sucreries||Chocolates, caramels and sweets 0.5 kg 3 tier shelf - Bellwood 3 tier shelf - Bellwood Natural Totally versatile, this freestanding shelf will fit in any room where it is allowed! Easy to assemble, its wood finish is superb and its handles make it easy to handle. From shoe storage to bedside table, simply remove some of the shelves to meet your needs! 7902369874132 shopify_CA_7902369874132_43753603268820 new 159,99 CADin stock Umbra 7902369874132_43753603268820 Étagères||Racks Natural 5.5 kg 3 tier shelf - Bellwood 3 tier shelf - Bellwood Brown Totally versatile, this freestanding shelf will fit in any room where it is allowed! Easy to assemble, its wood finish is superb and its handles make it easy to handle. From shoe storage to bedside table, simply remove some of the shelves to meet your needs! 7902369874132 shopify_CA_7902369874132_43753603301588 new 159,99 CADin stock Umbra 7902369874132_43753603301588 Étagères||Racks Brown 5.5 kg Mini silicone whip - Black or white Mini silicone whip - Black or white Default Title This mini silicone whisk is great for whipping cream, sauces and eggs. Perfect for your quality pots and pans, as it will not damage non-stick surfaces. 7806046109908 shopify_CA_7806046109908_43446744547540 new 2,99 CADin stock Danesco 7806046109908_43446744547540 Accessoires à pâtisseries||Baking accessories 0.2 kg Mug with text - Prof passionné Mug with text - Prof passionné Default Title Beautiful text mug with the inscription: ''Un professeur passionné c'est difficile à trouver mais impossible à oublier''. It is a very nice gift to offer to your child's teacher. 7705519456468 shopify_CA_7705519456468_43298474426580 new 15,99 CADin stock TASSEKSAUGE11 La Fabrique Champêtre 7705519456468_43298474426580 Tasses||Mugs 0.3 kg 3-Wick Candle - Aloha! 3-Wick Candle - Aloha! Default Title This 3-wick soy blend candle is hand-poured into a large glass jar. The jarred candle retains its scent better than a regular candle. The "Aloha!" scent is both fresh and fruity, with pineapple, mango and peach. Its delicious fragrance will fill the room with an invigorating scent, all in a light way. 7705709805780 shopify_CA_7705709805780_43298386936020 new 23,99 CADin stock THREEW-01 Kozy x Three Wix & CO 7705709805780_43298386936020 Chandelles parfumées||Scented candles 0.4 kg Essential oil - Balsam fir Essential oil - Balsam fir Default Title Pure essential oil, certified organic. For use with an essential oil diffuser. Benefits of orange peel (tonic): It is known for its ability, when in the air, to restore energy and neutralize moodiness. Enjoy the benefits of aromatherapy at home. 7705304039636 shopify_CA_7705304039636_43298402468052 new 11,99 CADin stock k1056 Agence K 7705304039636_43298402468052 Huiles essentielles & parfumées||Essential & scented oils 0.042 kg Beer glass - C'est l'heure d'une bonne bière Beer glass - C'est l'heure d'une bonne bière Default Title It's always time for a good beer, but now you'll have the proof in the pudding! Pretty cool gift you'll agree. 7830013804756 shopify_CA_7830013804756_43518397907156 new 12,99 CADin stock Attitudes Import 2 7830013804756_43518397907156 Verres à bière avec textes||Beer glasses with text 0.3 kg Bath bomb - Melon Cucumber Bath bomb - Melon Cucumber Default Title Treat yourself to a sweet relaxing moment by adding this "Cucumber Melon!" bath bomb, with its cucumber extract, honeydew melon and Himalayan salt fragrance. The magical ingredient (avocado oil) that makes it up will undoubtedly work miracles on your skin! 7705710887124 shopify_CA_7705710887124_43298449686740 new 6,99 CADin stock BOMBW-05 Kozy x Three Wix & CO 7705710887124_43298449686740 Produits pour le bains||Bath products 0.1 kg Round placemat - Mandala Round placemat - Mandala Black Round jute placemat with an elegant mandala pattern. Perfect to create a warm effect at your table. 7705351913684 shopify_CA_7705351913684_43095851204820 new 4,99 CADin stock 837-004 Nostalgia Import 7705351913684_43095851204820 Napperons||Placemats Black 0.134 kg Round placemat - Mandala Round placemat - Mandala Natural Round jute placemat with an elegant mandala pattern. Perfect to create a warm effect at your table. 7705351913684 shopify_CA_7705351913684_43095851237588 new 4,99 CADin stock 837-007 Nostalgia Import 7705351913684_43095851237588 Napperons||Placemats Natural 0.134 kg Port wine jelly Port wine jelly Default Title The concentration of wine makes this product one of the tastiest on the market! Sweet and syrupy, it leaves a nice warmth in the mouth. 7705658753236 shopify_CA_7705658753236_43298389262548 new 7,99 CADin stock 000269 Lili Gourmet 7705658753236_43298389262548 Confits et assaisonnements||Confits and seasonings 0.3 kg Adjustable food ring Adjustable food ring Default Title This adjustable ring will allow you to mold your tartars, desserts and any other food requiring precision on the plate. 7705631457492 shopify_CA_7705631457492_43298421407956 new 11,99 CADin stock 080145 Ricardo 7705631457492_43298421407956 Outils de préparation||Preparation tools 0.0 kg Vintage mug - Câlin du matin Vintage mug - Câlin du matin Default Title White embossed ceramic mug with small black dots. Humorous text: "Calin du matin". Perfect for lovers who take the time to snuggle while drinking their coffees. 7705417122004 shopify_CA_7705417122004_43298473476308 new 7,99 CADin stock LL1027 Attitudes Import 2 7705417122004_43298473476308 Tasses||Mugs 0.4 kg Wine glasses 350 ml - Oxygen Wine glasses 350 ml - Oxygen Default Title With the Oxygen collection of glasses, the wine spins in the glass as it is poured: the raised effect on the glasses aerates the wine and releases its aromas. Set of 2 glasses. 7705290899668 shopify_CA_7705290899668_43298496577748 new 29,99 CAD22,99 CADin stock 490407350 Trudeau 7705290899668_43298496577748 Verres à vin||Wine glasses 0.485 kg Cooling wine bag Cooling wine bag Vino Whether you're heading to a night out with friends, a romantic picnic, or an elegant dinner, this bag adds a touch of elegance to your wine experience. Made from high-quality neoprene, it is durable, washable, and eco-friendly. Moreover, it comes with a cooling sleeve for wrapping around the bottle. 8049959862484 shopify_CA_8049959862484_44353744240852 new 14,99 CADin stock Agence K 8049959862484_44353744240852 Accessoires à vin||Wine accessories Vino 0.05 kg Cooling wine bag Cooling wine bag Red Whether you're heading to a night out with friends, a romantic picnic, or an elegant dinner, this bag adds a touch of elegance to your wine experience. Made from high-quality neoprene, it is durable, washable, and eco-friendly. Moreover, it comes with a cooling sleeve for wrapping around the bottle. 8049959862484 shopify_CA_8049959862484_44353744273620 new 14,99 CADin stock Agence K 8049959862484_44353744273620 Accessoires à vin||Wine accessories Red 0.05 kg Cooling wine bag Cooling wine bag Cheers Whether you're heading to a night out with friends, a romantic picnic, or an elegant dinner, this bag adds a touch of elegance to your wine experience. Made from high-quality neoprene, it is durable, washable, and eco-friendly. Moreover, it comes with a cooling sleeve for wrapping around the bottle. 8049959862484 shopify_CA_8049959862484_45855415664852 new 14,99 CADin stock Agence K 8049959862484_45855415664852 Accessoires à vin||Wine accessories Cheers 0.05 kg Kozy Textured throw - Cantaloup Kozy Textured throw - Cantaloup This textured throw is soft, comfortable, a nice size and cleans up very well. The texture is reminiscent of popcorn "cotton balls". It's versatile and great for gift giving for any occasion. 7858289934548 shopify_CA_7858289934548_43606080192724 new 34,99 CAD29,99 CADin stock Agence K 7858289934548_43606080192724 Jetés||Throws 0.707 kg Fake rabbit fur cushion - White Fake rabbit fur cushion - White Default Title One of our best sellers! The softest cushion you will ever touch. It's silky, comfortable and warm. Whether it's for a bedroom or a living room, you'll want to lay your head on it. 7705309872340 shopify_CA_7705309872340_43095757521108 new 34,99 CAD24,99 CADin stock K2030 Agence K 7705309872340_43095757521108 Coussins||Cushions 0.5 kg Set of 4 Lisbon bowls - Ivory Set of 4 Lisbon bowls - Ivory Default Title The little bowls you need to set the table with distinction. Durable and modern, they'll delight all your guests, starting with you! 8257606385876 shopify_CA_8257606385876_44775455752404 new 12,99 CADin stock Safdie & Co 8257606385876_44775455752404 Vaisselles & ensembles||Sets of dishes 0.0 kg Boite Bonheur - Pour toi grand-maman Boite Bonheur - Pour toi grand-maman Default Title The perfect gift to give to someone who has everything, but especially to someone special. Tell your grandmother, once a day for a year, how much she means to you. The happiness box with 365 messages is ideal. Dosage: one a day for a year. 7705296371924 shopify_CA_7705296371924_43298377072852 new 20,99 CADin stock BO2035 Zatnick 7705296371924_43298377072852 Boîtes à messages||Message boxes 0.285 kg Hand soap - La Belle Excuse Hand soap - La Belle Excuse Default Title Olive oil has been used for years in gastronomy as well as in cosmetic products. A high quality product, this soap will leave your hands silky and fresh. Olive oil protects the skin from drying out. 7705289851092 shopify_CA_7705289851092_43298459975892 new 18,99 CADin stock SAV 200ML La Belle Excuse 7705289851092_43298459975892 Savons & crème à mains||Soaps & hand cream 0.596 kg Reusable tote bag - Éducatrice Reusable tote bag - Éducatrice Default Title Discover our elegant and practical reusable bag, the perfect gift for a teacher or educator! Give a gift that combines utility and respect for the planet, and show your appreciation to those dedicated teachers and/or educators. Make a chic, eco-friendly gesture today! 8461417185492 shopify_CA_8461417185492_45223438713044 new 21,99 CADin stock La Fabrique Champêtre 8461417185492_45223438713044 Sacs réutilisables||Reusable bags 0.0 kg Wine glass & mug duo - Maman Wine glass & mug duo - Maman Default Title Original duo set comprising a stemless wine glass and a text mug that will accompany you from morning to night! " Énergie pour maman épuisée " " Recharge de maman en cours " 8058771013844 shopify_CA_8058771013844_44143637070036 new 17,99 CADin stock Attitudes Import 2 8058771013844_44143637070036 Ensembles-cadeaux||Gift sets 0.2 kg Luggage set 3 pieces - Brussels Luggage set 3 pieces - Brussels Red This set of suitcases from the Bruxelles collection offers you all the features you're looking for in a durable & functional suitcase - with a sleek, contemporary style! 7971742712020 shopify_CA_7971742712020_43928572887252 new 500,00 CADin stock Bugatti 7971742712020_43928572887252 Ensemble de valise||Luggage set Rouge||Red 0.0 kg Luggage set 3 pieces - Brussels Luggage set 3 pieces - Brussels Black This set of suitcases from the Bruxelles collection offers you all the features you're looking for in a durable & functional suitcase - with a sleek, contemporary style! 7971742712020 shopify_CA_7971742712020_43928574001364 new 500,00 CADout of stock Bugatti 7971742712020_43928574001364 Ensemble de valise||Luggage set Noir||Black 0.0 kg Luggage set 3 pieces - Brussels Luggage set 3 pieces - Brussels Blue This set of suitcases from the Bruxelles collection offers you all the features you're looking for in a durable & functional suitcase - with a sleek, contemporary style! 7971742712020 shopify_CA_7971742712020_43928574066900 new 500,00 CADout of stock Bugatti 7971742712020_43928574066900 Ensemble de valise||Luggage set Bleu||Blue 0.0 kg Quilted set - Clémentine Quilted set - Clémentine Double-queen (88 x 90) Would you like to own a unique piece, crafted with passion and care? The quilt is perfect to complete the design of a room, and can also be used as a blanket, since it has two layers of fabric & well-balanced padding. 7933087482068 shopify_CA_7933087482068_43831148183764 new 97,99 CADin stock Brunelli 7933087482068_43831148183764 Ensemble de courtepointe||Quilted set Double-queen (88 x 90)US 0.0 kg Essential oil - Lavandin super Essential oil - Lavandin super Default Title Pure essential oil, certified organic. To be used with an essential oil diffuser. Benefits of Lavandin Super (Relaxing): Helps relax lung muscles, calm itching, relieve pain. Its therapeutic properties are very recognized. Enjoy the benefits of aromatherapy at home. 7705303777492 shopify_CA_7705303777492_43298402402516 new 10,99 CADin stock k1054 Agence K 7705303777492_43298402402516 Huiles essentielles & parfumées||Essential & scented oils 0.042 kg White wine glass 360 ml - Splendido White wine glass 360 ml - Splendido Default Title Splendido wine glasses are designed to give you an extraordinary tasting experience. They are more resistant than classic glasses. Set of 4 glasses. 7705302401236 shopify_CA_7705302401236_43298496118996 new 34,99 CAD24,99 CADin stock 4900833 Trudeau 7705302401236_43298496118996 Verres à vin||Wine glasses 0.91 kg Text cushion - Marraine Text cushion - Marraine Default Title Perfect text cushion for a kind-hearted godmother. Or tell a friend or sister that you are choosing her as your godmother. Cotton cushion with text: « Y'a rien de plus précieux qu'une marraine comme toi. » In french only. 7705292308692 shopify_CA_7705292308692_43298390966484 new 23,99 CADin stock CPAWH112 La Fabrique Champêtre 7705292308692_43298390966484 Coussins à texte||Text cushions 0.318 kg Pizza stone Pizza stone Default Title This large RICARDO pizza stone can be used both in the oven and on the barbecue. Its coating resists very high temperatures without cracking or damaging the stone. 7705475383508 shopify_CA_7705475383508_43298432581844 new 39,99 CADin stock 064048 Ricardo 7705475383508_43298432581844 Plaques & moules||Plates & moulds 0.23 kg Dark chocolate caramel - 106 ml Dark chocolate caramel - 106 ml Default Title Homemade caramel, irresistible even with a spoon. Made with butter and cream and, above all, without preservatives. Rich and creamy taste. 7705403949268 shopify_CA_7705403949268_43298387853524 new 6,49 CADin stock CB00114 Chocolaterie du Vieux-Beloeil 7705403949268_43298387853524 Chocolats, caramels et sucreries||Chocolates, caramels and sweets 0.251 kg Text cushion - Grand-maman et grand-papa Text cushion - Grand-maman et grand-papa Default Title Anything goes at Grandma and Grandpa's. This is a special treat for the grandparents we love. Remind them every day. Cotton pillow with text: « Chez grand-maman et grand-papa, attends-toi à être gâté. Pas d’espionnage des parents, des gâteries en tout temps, on raconte des histoires, l’heure du dodo se négocie, on joue à plein de jeux, des caresses et des bisous en quantité, confort et sécurité assurés, on n’a que du plaisir, ce qui se passe ici reste ici! ». In french only. 7705292538068 shopify_CA_7705292538068_43298391589076 new 23,99 CADin stock CPOWH206 La Fabrique Champêtre 7705292538068_43298391589076 Coussins à texte||Text cushions 0.331 kg Set of 4 Lisbon salad plates - Ivory Set of 4 Lisbon salad plates - Ivory Default Title These small stoneware salad plates will look chic on your table and light on your wallet! 8257601994964 shopify_CA_8257601994964_44775450542292 new 12,99 CADin stock Safdie & Co 8257601994964_44775450542292 Vaisselles & ensembles||Sets of dishes 0.0 kg Wine aerator Wine aerator Default Title Thanks to this Trudeau wine aerator, decanting your wine by the glass is now possible! It immediately enhances the bouquet by injecting air into the liquid as it is poured. 7705649119444 shopify_CA_7705649119444_43298372288724 new 15,99 CAD10,99 CADin stock 0579112 Trudeau 7705649119444_43298372288724 Accessoires à vin||Wine accessories 0.1 kg Hair catcher - Starfish Hair catcher - Starfish Blue Starfish hair catcher, inspired by a real starfish that always sticks to the bottom of the water. Ideal for a shower or bath. Very easy to install, press the suction cups and it will stick to the floor. 7705376424148 shopify_CA_7705376424148_43095898521812 new 5,99 CADin stock 023014-276 Umbra 7705376424148_43095898521812 Accessoires bain & douche||Bath & shower accessories Blue 0.1 kg Hair catcher - Starfish Hair catcher - Starfish White Starfish hair catcher, inspired by a real starfish that always sticks to the bottom of the water. Ideal for a shower or bath. Very easy to install, press the suction cups and it will stick to the floor. 7705376424148 shopify_CA_7705376424148_43095898554580 new 5,99 CADin stock 023014-660 Umbra 7705376424148_43095898554580 Accessoires bain & douche||Bath & shower accessories White 0.1 kg Napkins - C'est un plaisir Napkins - C'est un plaisir Black Add this set of 20 text napkins to your tables to add a little something unique! Pretty and practical with the cheerful print: "C'est un plaisir de vous recevoir". 7705355649236 shopify_CA_7705355649236_44166795526356 new 4,99 CADin stock Attitudes Import 2 7705355649236_44166795526356 Serviettes de table||Napkins Black 0.113 kg Red pepper jelly Red pepper jelly Default Title This mustard is very versatile! It goes wonderfully with meats, fish, sandwiches, etc. It can be added to your favorite vinaigrettes to enhance them without altering them! Excellent in marinades, omelets, tartars, dips, burgers... there are many possibilities! 7705351192788 shopify_CA_7705351192788_43298389786836 new 9,99 CADin stock RPJ VB Wildly Delicious 7705351192788_43298389786836 Confits et assaisonnements||Confits and seasonings 0.3 kg Dip mix - Parmesan & artichoke Dip mix - Parmesan & artichoke Default Title This dip mix can be prepared in just a few minutes and tastes just like heaven. Simply add to sour cream or Greek yogurt for a deliciously creamy result. You can also sprinkle it in small doses over meat or in salads & sandwiches for a light extra kick! 8139978539220 shopify_CA_8139978539220_44445528359124 new 4,49 CADin stock Gourmet du Village 8139978539220_44445528359124 Confits et assaisonnements||Confits and seasonings 0.0 kg Service tray with handles - Acacia Service tray with handles - Acacia Small 18x12 Made from high-quality acacia wood, this board combines durability and aesthetics. The distinctive grain of the acacia wood creates a visually appealing surface, and the practical integrated handles add a functional dimension to the board. 8072752464084 shopify_CA_8072752464084_44182414754004 new 39,99 CAD24,99 CADin stock Agence K 8072752464084_44182414754004 Plateaux de service||Serving trays Small 18x12US 0.2 kg Service tray with handles - Acacia Service tray with handles - Acacia Large 20x14 Made from high-quality acacia wood, this board combines durability and aesthetics. The distinctive grain of the acacia wood creates a visually appealing surface, and the practical integrated handles add a functional dimension to the board. 8072752464084 shopify_CA_8072752464084_44182414786772 new 49,99 CAD29,99 CADin stock Agence K 8072752464084_44182414786772 Plateaux de service||Serving trays Large 20x14US 0.2 kg Kozy textured throw - Tabacco Kozy textured throw - Tabacco Elevate your living spaces with the unparalleled comfort of our textured throws. Made from quality materials and designed to instantly enhance any decor, you won't want to do without them! 7962621378772 shopify_CA_7962621378772_43908261806292 new 34,99 CAD29,99 CADin stock Agence K 7962621378772_43908261806292 Jetés||Throws 0.5 kg Pillows shams set - Ethan Pillows shams set - Ethan Double-queen (20 x 30) Complete your bedding ensemble with our extensive collection of pillow shams or with the pillow sham from the same brand! 7931907735764 shopify_CA_7931907735764_43827984531668 new 80,99 CADin stock 9220130S Brunelli 7931907735764_43827984531668 Ensemble de taies d'oreiller||Pillowcases set Double-queen (20 x 30)US 0.0 kg Pillows shams set - Ethan Pillows shams set - Ethan King (20 x 36) Complete your bedding ensemble with our extensive collection of pillow shams or with the pillow sham from the same brand! 7931907735764 shopify_CA_7931907735764_43827984564436 new 85,99 CADin stock 9220136S Brunelli 7931907735764_43827984564436 Ensemble de taies d'oreiller||Pillowcases set King (20 x 36)US 0.0 kg Plain onion confit Plain onion confit Default Title Delicious onion confit, the ultimate accompaniment to your holiday bites. Slightly sweet, a little tart - the right mix of flavours! 7705659048148 shopify_CA_7705659048148_43298389295316 new 7,99 CADin stock 000467 Lili Gourmet 7705659048148_43298389295316 Confits et assaisonnements||Confits and seasonings 0.4 kg Wine glass & mug duo - Mamie Wine glass & mug duo - Mamie Default Title Thank the granny in your life in the sweetest way possible with this mug and glass duo featuring little messages of gratitude. Grandma is cool & caring - it's important to remind her! 8372816740564 shopify_CA_8372816740564_45040690004180 new 17,99 CADin stock Attitudes Import 2 8372816740564_45040690004180 Ensembles-cadeaux||Gift sets 0.0 kg White chocolate & strawberry caramel - 314 ml White chocolate & strawberry caramel - 314 ml Default Title Homemade caramel, irresistible even with a spoon. Made with butter and cream and, above all, without preservatives. Rich and creamy taste. 8049948524756 shopify_CA_8049948524756_44122115440852 new 10,99 CADin stock Chocolaterie du Vieux-Beloeil 8049948524756_44122115440852 Chocolats, caramels et sucreries||Chocolates, caramels and sweets 0.611 kg Port onion confit - 212 ml Port onion confit - 212 ml Default Title Delicious onion confit, the ultimate accompaniment to sublime bites.  Slightly sweet, a little tangy - just the right mix of flavors! 8031743181012 shopify_CA_8031743181012_44075226792148 new 7,99 CADin stock Lili Gourmet 8031743181012_44075226792148 Confits et assaisonnements||Confits and seasonings 0.3 kg Suncatcher - Eye pendant Suncatcher - Eye pendant Default Title Made of crystal and colored prism, the primary purpose of a suncatcher is to transform a simple natural ray into a colored light beauty by refraction. Create a perfectly harmonious atmosphere by installing it near a window, a patio door or even directly on a covered terrace. You will enjoy the benefits of a positive light from which will emanate new energies. 7884097159380 shopify_CA_7884097159380_43686410518740 new 7,99 CADin stock Nostalgia Import 7884097159380_43686410518740 Objets décoratifs||Decorative objects 0.0 kg Vintage mug - Hands in heart Vintage mug - Hands in heart Default Title This vintage mug is super current. After all, who doesn't share their love by forming a heart with their hands these days? The gift that will please every time! Size of 400 ml. 7872593395924 shopify_CA_7872593395924_43654361546964 new 8,99 CADin stock Nostalgia Import 7872593395924_43654361546964 Tasses||Mugs 0.0 kg Scented sachet 11 ml - Cashmere Scented sachet 11 ml - Cashmere Default Title This small scented bag can be hidden everywhere: in your furniture, car or in your shoes if needed! Simple and effective, we spoil ourselves with the different existing fragrances. Cashmere fragrance. Also available in other fragrances. 7705616056532 shopify_CA_7705616056532_43298455683284 new 2,99 CADin stock G901-522 Canfloyd 7705616056532_43298455683284 Sachets parfumés||Scented sachets 0.0 kg Eucalyptus in pot - White Eucalyptus in pot - White Default Title Small pot of artificial eucalyptus integrated. For all those who love to decorate their home with greenery, but unfortunately do not have a green thumb! 7705611796692 shopify_CA_7705611796692_43298430124244 new 11,99 CADin stock 867-002 Nostalgia Import 7705611796692_43298430124244 Plantes en pot||Potted plants 0.145 kg Mug by Kozy - Maman tu es la meilleure Mug by Kozy - Maman tu es la meilleure Default Title A nice mug with a beautiful message to offer to an exceptional person: "Maman tu es la meilleure". Ideal for coffee, hot chocolate or tea. 7705409618132 shopify_CA_7705409618132_43298473279700 new 7,99 CADin stock LH2576 Attitudes Import 2 7705409618132_43298473279700 Tasses||Mugs 0.4 kg Kozy Textured throw - Cranberry red Kozy Textured throw - Cranberry red Default Title The most popular! This textured throw is soft, comfortable, a great size and cleans up very well. The texture is reminiscent of popcorn "cotton balls". It is versatile and is ideal for any occasion. 7705331433684 shopify_CA_7705331433684_43298411839700 new 34,99 CAD20,00 CADin stock K2028 Agence K 7705331433684_43298411839700 Jetés||Throws 0.707 kg Text cushion - Les amis Text cushion - Les amis Default Title Perfect for telling a friend how much he or she means to you. You can read: « Les amis c'est comme les étoiles, on ne les voit pas toujours, mais on sait qu'ils sont là ». In french only. 7705321177300 shopify_CA_7705321177300_43298391818452 new 23,99 CADin stock CPOWH269 La Fabrique Champêtre 7705321177300_43298391818452 Coussins à texte||Text cushions 0.32 kg Bread dipper - Balsamic vinegar Bread dipper - Balsamic vinegar Default Title Perfect with bread, grilled vegetables or even as a marinade for your meats, this balsamic vinegar dip will add a gourmet touch to all your culinary creations. 7982683750612 shopify_CA_7982683750612_43959604248788 new 9,99 CADin stock Wildly Delicious 7982683750612_43959604248788 Huiles, vinaigres & vinaigrettes||Oils, vinegars & dressings 0.5 kg Large hair clip - Green Large hair clip - Green Default Title Whether you're looking for clips for everyday styling or a special occasion, our hair clips offer a design and finish to suit every need. 7982681948372 shopify_CA_7982681948372_43959594582228 new 4,99 CADin stock May King 7982681948372_43959594582228 Accessoires à cheveux||Hair accessories 0.0 kg Large 28" luggage - Wellington Large 28" luggage - Wellington beige Discover the rigid luggage in Bugatti's Wellington collection. Made from lightweight ABS and trimmed with vegetable leather, these pieces are built to last. The 3 suitcases feature a telescopic trolley handle that locks in 2 different positions, and 8 360° swivel wheels for precise control and a smooth, quiet ride.   7971742253268 shopify_CA_7971742253268_43928572395732 new 240,00 CADin stock Bugatti 7971742253268_43928572395732 Grande valise||Large luggage Beige||beige 0.0 kg Large 28" luggage - Wellington Large 28" luggage - Wellington Black Discover the rigid luggage in Bugatti's Wellington collection. Made from lightweight ABS and trimmed with vegetable leather, these pieces are built to last. The 3 suitcases feature a telescopic trolley handle that locks in 2 different positions, and 8 360° swivel wheels for precise control and a smooth, quiet ride.   7971742253268 shopify_CA_7971742253268_43928575246548 new 240,00 CADin stock Bugatti 7971742253268_43928575246548 Grande valise||Large luggage Noir||Black 0.0 kg Large 28" luggage - Wellington Large 28" luggage - Wellington Blue Discover the rigid luggage in Bugatti's Wellington collection. Made from lightweight ABS and trimmed with vegetable leather, these pieces are built to last. The 3 suitcases feature a telescopic trolley handle that locks in 2 different positions, and 8 360° swivel wheels for precise control and a smooth, quiet ride.   7971742253268 shopify_CA_7971742253268_43928575443156 new 240,00 CADin stock Bugatti 7971742253268_43928575443156 Grande valise||Large luggage Bleu||Blue 0.0 kg Large 28" luggage - Wellington Large 28" luggage - Wellington Silver Discover the rigid luggage in Bugatti's Wellington collection. Made from lightweight ABS and trimmed with vegetable leather, these pieces are built to last. The 3 suitcases feature a telescopic trolley handle that locks in 2 different positions, and 8 360° swivel wheels for precise control and a smooth, quiet ride.   7971742253268 shopify_CA_7971742253268_43928575574228 new 240,00 CADin stock Bugatti 7971742253268_43928575574228 Grande valise||Large luggage Argent||Silver 0.0 kg Scented oil - Hibiscus & guava Scented oil - Hibiscus & guava Default Title A fragrant oil with the scent of hibiscus & guava. Perfect for diffusing and creating ambiance at home, for use with an oil diffuser. A 100% Quebec collaboration. 7955769589972 shopify_CA_7955769589972_43891334938836 new 11,99 CADin stock Kozy x Three Wix & CO 7955769589972_43891334938836 Huiles essentielles & parfumées||Essential & scented oils 0.0 kg Mini doughnut maker Mini doughnut maker Default Title Your evenings with friends or family will take a whole new direction with this practical, original and totally fun tool that is the Ricardo mini donut machine! 7705630146772 shopify_CA_7705630146772_43298424848596 new 24,99 CADin stock 063414 Ricardo 7705630146772_43298424848596 Petits électros||Small appliances 0.0 kg Scented sachet 11 ml - Magnolia Scented sachet 11 ml - Magnolia Default Title This small scented sachet can be hidden everywhere: in your furniture, car or in your shoes if needed! Simple and effective, we spoil ourselves with the different existing fragrances. Magnolia fragrance. Also available in other fragrances. 7705615925460 shopify_CA_7705615925460_43298455650516 new 2,99 CADin stock G901-515 Canfloyd 7705615925460_43298455650516 Sachets parfumés||Scented sachets 0.0 kg Green hanging Green hanging Default Title Hanging bud stem, perfect for decorating small spaces, hanging greenery can be placed in a pot without taking up too much space in your home. 7705547538644 shopify_CA_7705547538644_43298490450132 new 7,99 CADin stock EV1060 Attitudes Import 2 7705547538644_43298490450132 Verdure sur tige||Stemmed greenery 0.1 kg Sea salt Sea salt Default Title Product of La Belle Excuse, this finishing salt that can replace table salt has been harvested by hand and not refined in order to preserve its precious minerals. You can use this fleur de sel dried by the breeze under the warm rays of the Mediterranean sun to add a special touch to all your dishes, whether they are vegetables, fish, meat or pasta. 7705329500372 shopify_CA_7705329500372_43298389491924 new 11,99 CADin stock FDS La Belle Excuse 7705329500372_43298389491924 Confits et assaisonnements||Confits and seasonings 0.292 kg Hybrid wine glass 450 ml - Splendido Hybrid wine glass 450 ml - Splendido Default Title The Splendido wine glasses are designed to give you a unique wine tasting experience. Here is the hybrid model that can be used for both white and red wine. Set of 4 glasses. 7705302139092 shopify_CA_7705302139092_43298495987924 new 29,99 CAD24,99 CADin stock 4900831 Trudeau 7705302139092_43298495987924 Verres à vin||Wine glasses 0.918 kg Rainbow mug - Professeur passionné Rainbow mug - Professeur passionné Default Title This pretty mug with the inscription "Un professeur passionné c'est difficile à trouver mais impossible à oublier" may bring a tear to the eye of the person who passionately teaches your child. It's even more meaningful when given with love and gratitude! In French only. 7920036839636 shopify_CA_7920036839636_43796762591444 new 15,99 CADin stock La Fabrique Champêtre 7920036839636_43796762591444 Tasses||Mugs 0.32 kg Fig tartinade Fig tartinade Default Title Sublime fig spread - deliciously sweet in a natural way. It's the perfect gourmet gift! 7705658917076 shopify_CA_7705658917076_43298389229780 new 6,99 CADin stock 000405 Lili Gourmet 7705658917076_43298389229780 Confits et assaisonnements||Confits and seasonings 0.3 kg Scented sachet 11 ml - Lavender Scented sachet 11 ml - Lavender Default Title This small scented bag can be hidden everywhere: in your furniture, car or in your shoes if needed! Simple and effective, we spoil ourselves with the different existing fragrances. Lavender fragrance. Also available in other fragrances. 7705615827156 shopify_CA_7705615827156_43298455617748 new 2,99 CADin stock G901-514 Canfloyd 7705615827156_43298455617748 Sachets parfumés||Scented sachets 0.0 kg Kozy Textured throw - White Kozy Textured throw - White The most popular! This textured throw is soft, comfortable, a great size and cleans up very well. The texture is reminiscent of popcorn "cotton balls". It is versatile and is ideal for any occasion. 7705308233940 shopify_CA_7705308233940_43298411577556 new 34,99 CAD29,99 CADin stock K2003 Agence K 7705308233940_43298411577556 Jetés||Throws 0.707 kg Dip mix - Roasted pepper Dip mix - Roasted pepper Default Title This dip mix can be prepared in just a few minutes and tastes just like heaven. Simply add to sour cream or Greek yogurt for a deliciously creamy result. You can also sprinkle it in small doses over meat or in salads & sandwiches for a light extra kick! 8139975295188 shopify_CA_8139975295188_44445511712980 new 4,49 CADin stock Gourmet du Village 8139975295188_44445511712980 Confits et assaisonnements||Confits and seasonings 0.0 kg 3D Gin tonic - Peach & thyme 3D Gin tonic - Peach & thyme Default Title Attention all gin cocktail lovers, this product will have you completely hooked! Not too bitter, not too sweet - it's the perfect balance of flavours explosion and comfort! A clean taste of juicy peach, combined with the herbaceous richness of thyme and the distinctive character of sea buckthorn berries: a thirst-quenching, yet unexpected experience! 8064508821716 shopify_CA_8064508821716_44159539544276 new 24,99 CADin stock Poseidn 8064508821716_44159539544276 Mélanges pour cocktails||Cocktail mixes 0.06 kg 3-Wick Candle - Lavender 3-Wick Candle - Lavender Default Title Discover the timeless elegance of our three-wick candle with the enchanting fragrance of lavender. This olfactory masterpiece, designed to elevate your space and create a soothing atmosphere, is the perfect choice for those seeking the perfect blend of aesthetics and scented ambiance. 8049935188180 shopify_CA_8049935188180_44122078085332 new 23,99 CADin stock Kozy x Three Wix & CO 8049935188180_44122078085332 Chandelles parfumées||Scented candles 0.4 kg Decorative bird - Black Decorative bird - Black Large Add a touch of elegance to your home decor with these luxurious black decorative birds. Available in two different sizes. 7934210670804 shopify_CA_7934210670804_43833785024724 new 8,99 CADin stock Attitudes Import 7934210670804_43833785024724 Objets décoratifs||Decorative objects LargeUS 0.0 kg Decorative bird - Black Decorative bird - Black Small Add a touch of elegance to your home decor with these luxurious black decorative birds. Available in two different sizes. 7934210670804 shopify_CA_7934210670804_43833785057492 new 4,99 CADout of stock Attitudes Import 7934210670804_43833785057492 Objets décoratifs||Decorative objects SmallUS 0.0 kg Canvas - Leaf II Canvas - Leaf II Natural / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075083476 shopify_CA_7925075083476_43808581583060 new 94,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075083476_43808581583060 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Leaf II Canvas - Leaf II Black / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075083476 shopify_CA_7925075083476_43808583581908 new 94,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075083476_43808583581908 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Leaf II Canvas - Leaf II White / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075083476 shopify_CA_7925075083476_43808583778516 new 94,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075083476_43808583778516 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Leaf II Canvas - Leaf II Espresso / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075083476 shopify_CA_7925075083476_43808583975124 new 94,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075083476_43808583975124 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Leaf II Canvas - Leaf II Without Frame / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075083476 shopify_CA_7925075083476_43808584204500 new 49,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075083476_43808584204500 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Leaf II Canvas - Leaf II Natural / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075083476 shopify_CA_7925075083476_43808584532180 new 109,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075083476_43808584532180 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Leaf II Canvas - Leaf II Black / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075083476 shopify_CA_7925075083476_43808584859860 new 109,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075083476_43808584859860 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Leaf II Canvas - Leaf II White / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075083476 shopify_CA_7925075083476_43808585122004 new 109,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075083476_43808585122004 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Leaf II Canvas - Leaf II Espresso / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075083476 shopify_CA_7925075083476_43808585351380 new 109,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075083476_43808585351380 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Leaf II Canvas - Leaf II Without Frame / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075083476 shopify_CA_7925075083476_43808585613524 new 59,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075083476_43808585613524 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Leaf II Canvas - Leaf II Natural / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075083476 shopify_CA_7925075083476_43808585875668 new 139,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075083476_43808585875668 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Leaf II Canvas - Leaf II Black / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075083476 shopify_CA_7925075083476_43808586203348 new 139,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075083476_43808586203348 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Leaf II Canvas - Leaf II White / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075083476 shopify_CA_7925075083476_43808586432724 new 139,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075083476_43808586432724 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Leaf II Canvas - Leaf II Espresso / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075083476 shopify_CA_7925075083476_43808586563796 new 139,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075083476_43808586563796 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Leaf II Canvas - Leaf II Without Frame / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075083476 shopify_CA_7925075083476_43808586662100 new 74,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075083476_43808586662100 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Leaf II Canvas - Leaf II Natural / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075083476 shopify_CA_7925075083476_43808586760404 new 159,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075083476_43808586760404 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Leaf II Canvas - Leaf II Black / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075083476 shopify_CA_7925075083476_43808582697172 new 159,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075083476_43808582697172 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Leaf II Canvas - Leaf II White / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075083476 shopify_CA_7925075083476_43808582828244 new 159,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075083476_43808582828244 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Leaf II Canvas - Leaf II Espresso / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075083476 shopify_CA_7925075083476_43808582893780 new 159,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075083476_43808582893780 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Leaf II Canvas - Leaf II Without Frame / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075083476 shopify_CA_7925075083476_43808582959316 new 84,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075083476_43808582959316 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Leaf II Canvas - Leaf II Oak wood / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075083476 shopify_CA_7925075083476_43974925549780 new 94,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075083476_43974925549780 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Leaf II Canvas - Leaf II Oak wood / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075083476 shopify_CA_7925075083476_43974925615316 new 109,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075083476_43974925615316 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Leaf II Canvas - Leaf II Oak wood / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075083476 shopify_CA_7925075083476_43974925648084 new 139,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075083476_43974925648084 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Leaf II Canvas - Leaf II Oak wood / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075083476 shopify_CA_7925075083476_43974925680852 new 159,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075083476_43974925680852 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Bath bomb - White tea & pear Bath bomb - White tea & pear Default Title Treat yourself to a sweet relaxing moment by adding this "White Tea & Pear" bath bomb, with its bergamot, lemon and apple fragrance. The magical ingredient (avocado oil) that makes it up will undoubtedly work miracles on your skin! 7909695586516 shopify_CA_7909695586516_43769360253140 new 6,99 CADin stock Kozy x Three Wix & CO 7909695586516_43769360253140 Produits pour le bains||Bath products 0.0 kg Faux fur short pile throw - Pink - Sage green Faux fur short pile throw - Pink - Sage green Default Title The softest cushion you will ever touch. It is silky, comfortable and warm. To decorate a bedroom or a living room, you will only want to lie down on it. 7817784656084 shopify_CA_7817784656084_43482701463764 new 34,99 CAD29,99 CADin stock Agence K 7817784656084_43482701463764 Coussins||Cushions 0.5 kg Mini silicone spatula - Black or white Mini silicone spatula - Black or white Default Title This mini silicone spatula is perfect for mixing and stirring your food in your quality pots and pans, as it will not damage non-stick surfaces. A great addition to have in your kitchen! 7806046077140 shopify_CA_7806046077140_43446744514772 new 2,99 CADin stock Danesco 7806046077140_43446744514772 Accessoires à pâtisseries||Baking accessories 0.2 kg Set of 2 double wall cups Set of 2 double wall cups Default Title Set of two hot or cold drink glasses with double wall. Ricardo cups keep drinks hotter longer without burning your fingers. They also keep drinks cold longer without condensation. 7705556779220 shopify_CA_7705556779220_43298475016404 new 26,99 CADin stock 063220 Ricardo 7705556779220_43298475016404 Tasses||Mugs 0.5 kg Large white wall planter - Trigg Large white wall planter - Trigg Silver Pretty concrete resin wall planter with a modern, minimalist look. Perfect for real or fake plants, but also as a storage space for pencils. Whether it's for an office space or just hanging in a living room, this planter will turn heads. Combine it with the 2 smaller ones to create a unique and dynamic decor. Easy to hang and maintain. 7705326190804 shopify_CA_7705326190804_43095815749844 new 29,99 CADout of stock 470752-670 Umbra 7705326190804_43095815749844 Jardinières murales||Wall planters Silver 0.6 kg Large white wall planter - Trigg Large white wall planter - Trigg Black Pretty concrete resin wall planter with a modern, minimalist look. Perfect for real or fake plants, but also as a storage space for pencils. Whether it's for an office space or just hanging in a living room, this planter will turn heads. Combine it with the 2 smaller ones to create a unique and dynamic decor. Easy to hang and maintain. 7705326190804 shopify_CA_7705326190804_43095815782612 new 29,99 CADout of stock 470752-1137 Umbra 7705326190804_43095815782612 Jardinières murales||Wall planters Black 0.6 kg Large white wall planter - Trigg Large white wall planter - Trigg Gold Pretty concrete resin wall planter with a modern, minimalist look. Perfect for real or fake plants, but also as a storage space for pencils. Whether it's for an office space or just hanging in a living room, this planter will turn heads. Combine it with the 2 smaller ones to create a unique and dynamic decor. Easy to hang and maintain. 7705326190804 shopify_CA_7705326190804_43095815815380 new 29,99 CADin stock 470752-524 Umbra 7705326190804_43095815815380 Jardinières murales||Wall planters Gold 0.6 kg Wine glasses 550 ml - Oxygen Wine glasses 550 ml - Oxygen Default Title Thanks to the Oxygen glass collection, the wine turns in the glass while pouring it: the relief effect on the glasses aerates the wine and releases its aromas. Set of 2 glasses. 7705290997972 shopify_CA_7705290997972_43298496610516 new 29,99 CAD22,99 CADin stock 490407550 Trudeau 7705290997972_43298496610516 Verres à vin||Wine glasses 0.528 kg Green flowered cushion - Éducatrice passionnée Green flowered cushion - Éducatrice passionnée Default Title Cushion for an educator to whom you want to say thank you for her dedication. Raw cotton cushion with text: «  Une éducatrice passionnée c'est difficile à trouver mais impossible à oublier  ». French only 7920040214740 shopify_CA_7920040214740_43796783071444 new 23,99 CADin stock La Fabrique Champêtre 7920040214740_43796783071444 Coussins à texte||Text cushions 0.32 kg Set of 4 taring knives Set of 4 taring knives Default Title This set of 4 spreader knives is ideal for soft cheeses and pâtés. The handles are non-slip and the set comes in a nice gift box. 7871883215060 shopify_CA_7871883215060_43652218257620 new 13,99 CADin stock Trudeau 7871883215060_43652218257620 Outils de service||Serving tools 0.1 kg Oval mirror - Hub Oval mirror - Hub 18 x 24 Large oval mirror with a casual and clean line. It has a thick, shock-resistant rubber surround. Place a mirror in a room to enlarge it and increase its brightness. Perfect size for many different rooms. 7705380552916 shopify_CA_7705380552916_43095911170260 new 89,99 CADin stock 1013765-040 Umbra 7705380552916_43095911170260 Miroirs muraux||Wall mirrors 18 x 24US 5.6 kg Oval mirror - Hub Oval mirror - Hub 24 x 36 Large oval mirror with a casual and clean line. It has a thick, shock-resistant rubber surround. Place a mirror in a room to enlarge it and increase its brightness. Perfect size for many different rooms. 7705380552916 shopify_CA_7705380552916_43095911203028 new 149,99 CADin stock 1006044-040 Umbra 7705380552916_43095911203028 Miroirs muraux||Wall mirrors 24 x 36US 5.6 kg Pizza scissors Pizza scissors Default Title This pizza cutter makes it easy to cut pizza, focaccia etc. It is made wider to also use it as a serving tool. 7705290637524 shopify_CA_7705290637524_43298389950676 new 24,99 CADin stock 063033 Ricardo 7705290637524_43298389950676 Coupes aliments||Cutting tools 0.23 kg Wine glass & mug duo - AM | PM Wine glass & mug duo - AM | PM Default Title Original duo set comprising a stemless wine glass and a text mug that will accompany you from morning to night! We offer it to you exclusively. 8058769146068 shopify_CA_8058769146068_44143632679124 new 17,99 CADin stock Attitudes Import 2 8058769146068_44143632679124 Ensembles-cadeaux||Gift sets 0.2 kg Lined notepad - Cats Lined notepad - Cats Default Title This cute notepad is perfect for cat lovers. Keep it handy to write everything down in the nicest way possible! 7877902237908 shopify_CA_7877902237908_43669159575764 new 2,99 CADin stock Nostalgia Import 7877902237908_43669159575764 Papeteries||Stationery Store 0.0 kg Floor Mirror - Hubba Floor Mirror - Hubba Gold The Hubba Arch Floor Mirror revisits the standard mirror with its unique curvature. This mirror features soft curves and a thin brass or titanium border. Use this mirror in your entryway, bedroom, or other living space to add a decorative touch, while instantly brightening up your room. If you live in a relatively small space, the Hubba mirror can create an optical effect and make your room larger by allowing more light to reflect throughout the room. 7705427869908 shopify_CA_7705427869908_44294893666516 new 184,99 CADin stock 1017062-104 Umbra 7705427869908_44294893666516 Miroirs de plancher||Floor mirrors Gold 7.9 kg Floor Mirror - Hubba Floor Mirror - Hubba Silver The Hubba Arch Floor Mirror revisits the standard mirror with its unique curvature. This mirror features soft curves and a thin brass or titanium border. Use this mirror in your entryway, bedroom, or other living space to add a decorative touch, while instantly brightening up your room. If you live in a relatively small space, the Hubba mirror can create an optical effect and make your room larger by allowing more light to reflect throughout the room. 7705427869908 shopify_CA_7705427869908_44294893732052 new 184,99 CADin stock Umbra 7705427869908_44294893732052 Miroirs de plancher||Floor mirrors Silver 7.9 kg Arch mirror 24 x 36 - Hub Arch mirror 24 x 36 - Hub Default Title Large arch mirror with black rubber surround. Place a mirror in a room to enlarge it and increase its brightness. Perfect size for multiple rooms, both as an entrance mirror and a decorative mirror. Hang the Hub mirror in your entryway, bedroom or other living space to add a decorative touch, while instantly brightening your room. With its rounded edges, the Hub Mirror will soften your room while dressing up your wall. 7705426395348 shopify_CA_7705426395348_43298417311956 new 149,99 CADin stock 1017060-040 Umbra 7705426395348_43298417311956 Miroirs muraux||Wall mirrors 6.0 kg Canvas - Horizon Canvas - Horizon Black / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075312852 shopify_CA_7925075312852_43808581812436 new 94,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075312852_43808581812436 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Horizon Canvas - Horizon Natural / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075312852 shopify_CA_7925075312852_43808587382996 new 94,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075312852_43808587382996 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Horizon Canvas - Horizon White / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075312852 shopify_CA_7925075312852_43808587612372 new 94,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075312852_43808587612372 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Horizon Canvas - Horizon Espresso / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075312852 shopify_CA_7925075312852_43808587743444 new 94,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075312852_43808587743444 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Horizon Canvas - Horizon Without Frame / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075312852 shopify_CA_7925075312852_43808587907284 new 49,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075312852_43808587907284 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Horizon Canvas - Horizon Black / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075312852 shopify_CA_7925075312852_43808588136660 new 109,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075312852_43808588136660 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Horizon Canvas - Horizon Natural / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075312852 shopify_CA_7925075312852_43808588300500 new 109,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075312852_43808588300500 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Horizon Canvas - Horizon White / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075312852 shopify_CA_7925075312852_43808588431572 new 109,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075312852_43808588431572 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Horizon Canvas - Horizon Espresso / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075312852 shopify_CA_7925075312852_43808588595412 new 109,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075312852_43808588595412 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Horizon Canvas - Horizon Without Frame / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075312852 shopify_CA_7925075312852_43808588759252 new 59,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075312852_43808588759252 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Horizon Canvas - Horizon Black / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075312852 shopify_CA_7925075312852_43808588890324 new 139,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075312852_43808588890324 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Horizon Canvas - Horizon Natural / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075312852 shopify_CA_7925075312852_43808589021396 new 139,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075312852_43808589021396 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Horizon Canvas - Horizon White / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075312852 shopify_CA_7925075312852_43808589185236 new 139,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075312852_43808589185236 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Horizon Canvas - Horizon Espresso / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075312852 shopify_CA_7925075312852_43808589349076 new 139,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075312852_43808589349076 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Horizon Canvas - Horizon Without Frame / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075312852 shopify_CA_7925075312852_43808589512916 new 74,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075312852_43808589512916 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Horizon Canvas - Horizon Black / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075312852 shopify_CA_7925075312852_43808589676756 new 159,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075312852_43808589676756 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Horizon Canvas - Horizon Natural / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075312852 shopify_CA_7925075312852_43808585384148 new 159,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075312852_43808585384148 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Horizon Canvas - Horizon White / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075312852 shopify_CA_7925075312852_43808585580756 new 159,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075312852_43808585580756 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Horizon Canvas - Horizon Espresso / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075312852 shopify_CA_7925075312852_43808585777364 new 159,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075312852_43808585777364 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Horizon Canvas - Horizon Without Frame / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075312852 shopify_CA_7925075312852_43808586039508 new 84,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075312852_43808586039508 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Horizon Canvas - Horizon Oak wood / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075312852 shopify_CA_7925075312852_43974911459540 new 94,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075312852_43974911459540 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Horizon Canvas - Horizon Oak wood / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075312852 shopify_CA_7925075312852_43974913720532 new 109,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075312852_43974913720532 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Horizon Canvas - Horizon Oak wood / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075312852 shopify_CA_7925075312852_43974911721684 new 139,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075312852_43974911721684 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Horizon Canvas - Horizon Oak wood / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075312852 shopify_CA_7925075312852_43974912082132 new 159,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075312852_43974912082132 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Isothermal wine glass - Enseignante en vacances Isothermal wine glass - Enseignante en vacances Default Title An insulated cup perfect for enjoying your favorite beverage this summer, outdoors, without it getting hot. Can be used for both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, hot or cold. 7900293988564 shopify_CA_7900293988564_43749271896276 new 22,99 CADin stock Attitudes Import 7900293988564_43749271896276 Verres à vin isothermes||Isothermal wine glasses 0.2 kg Stick diffuser - Clean air Stick diffuser - Clean air Default Title Lightly scent your room with this chic stick diffuser. The small twig adds a natural touch and the whole set will blend into your space while giving it a refreshing scent of clean air! 7871445139668 shopify_CA_7871445139668_43650463334612 new 24,99 CADin stock Nostalgia Import 7871445139668_43650463334612 Diffuseurs à bâtons||Stick diffusers 0.614 kg Kozy cushion - Green foliage Kozy cushion - Green foliage Default Title We love the simplicity of this cream-colored square cushion, with a delicate bottle green foliage. A tropical touch that will definitely make a difference in the ambiance of your room! 7844162240724 shopify_CA_7844162240724_43568882385108 new 29,99 CADin stock Les textiles Patlin 7844162240724_43568882385108 Coussins||Cushions 0.4 kg Candle - Une journée à la fois Candle - Une journée à la fois Default Title Scented candle in a glass jar with the inscription "Une journée à la fois - le meilleur est à venir" in French only. A little thought to share with people who don't always have it easy. 7705578438868 shopify_CA_7705578438868_43298384707796 new 12,99 CADin stock RB1166 Attitudes Import 2 7705578438868_43298384707796 Chandelles décoratives||Decorative candles 0.4 kg Mustard with olive oil, roasted garlic and white balsamic Mustard with olive oil, roasted garlic and white balsamic Default Title Emulsified with "La Belle Excuse" green olive oil, this delicious mustard has a creamy texture, enhanced by a subtle aroma of roasted garlic and the pleasantly acidic sweetness of white balsamic vinegar. 7705574998228 shopify_CA_7705574998228_43298389885140 new 15,99 CADin stock MOUT270 La Belle Excuse 7705574998228_43298389885140 Confits et assaisonnements||Confits and seasonings 0.6 kg Plant sprayer Plant sprayer Default Title Keep your plants hydrated in style with this elegant plant mister. With beveled sides and an easy-to-use pump and curved handle, it will be a simple and stylish addition to your small garden. 7705467191508 shopify_CA_7705467191508_43298373468372 new 11,99 CADin stock 20-MR-CLEAR Abbott 7705467191508_43298373468372 Arrosoirs||Watering cans 0.4 kg Eco text cushion - Maman Eco text cushion - Maman Default Title Great text pillow "Mom she can replace anyone, but no one can replace her". This item can easily be arranged in several styles of decor. Great gift to give for a loved one. 7705411223764 shopify_CA_7705411223764_43298391949524 new 24,99 CADin stock KPCT84-01 Les textiles Patlin 7705411223764_43298391949524 Coussins à texte||Text cushions 0.5 kg Coaster set - Silicone Coaster set - Silicone Default Title Made from a special super absorbent ceramic, these coasters will absorb any condensation, leaving your cup or glass drip-free. A set of four comes in a box, ready to give away. The abundance of colors and tones is remarkable and will ensure a distinctive look. 7705321832660 shopify_CA_7705321832660_43298462793940 new 10,99 CADin stock 080353 Ricardo 7705321832660_43298462793940 Sous-verres||Coasters 0.4 kg Text cushion - Retraite Text cushion - Retraite Default Title The gift to celebrate the retirement of a friend, colleague or relative. Cotton cushion with text: « La retraite c'est ralentir pour vivre à fond ». In french only. 7705288900820 shopify_CA_7705288900820_43298391097556 new 23,99 CADin stock CPAWH148 La Fabrique Champêtre 7705288900820_43298391097556 Coussins à texte||Text cushions 0.33 kg Glass mug - Prof hors du commun Glass mug - Prof hors du commun Default Title Acknowledge the efforts of a teacher in your life with this sleek glass mug that will stand the test of time! 8128003375316 shopify_CA_8128003375316_44403158352084 new 9,99 CADin stock Attitudes Import 8128003375316_44403158352084 Tasses||Mugs 0.1 kg Deluxe knitted throw - Bottle green Deluxe knitted throw - Bottle green Default Title Elevate your living spaces with the unparalleled comfort of our deluxe knit throws. Made from quality materials and designed to instantly enhance any decor, you'll never want to do without them! 7962633797844 shopify_CA_7962633797844_43908286283988 new 69,99 CAD30,00 CADin stock Agence K 7962633797844_43908286283988 Jetés||Throws 0.5 kg Kozy cushion - Abstract rusty Kozy cushion - Abstract rusty Default Title Cushion with abstract design and warm colors. Very original, it will match well with other Kozy cushions. It will be a hit in your decor whether it is in your bedroom or your living room. 7705400574164 shopify_CA_7705400574164_43298396340436 new 29,99 CADin stock KPCA2084-02 Les textiles Patlin 7705400574164_43298396340436 Coussins||Cushions 0.6 kg Hanging picture frame set of 5 - Exhibit Hanging picture frame set of 5 - Exhibit Silver With this set of hanging frames, create a photo gallery in one simple motion. No more drilling multiple holes in the wall to create a "wow" effect. Modern and sleek, but above all functional. Use 2 screws to install 5 frames! 7705377505492 shopify_CA_7705377505492_43095902290132 new 69,99 CADin stock 1013426-158 Umbra 7705377505492_43095902290132 Cadres muraux||Wall frames Silver 2.6 kg Hanging picture frame set of 5 - Exhibit Hanging picture frame set of 5 - Exhibit White With this set of hanging frames, create a photo gallery in one simple motion. No more drilling multiple holes in the wall to create a "wow" effect. Modern and sleek, but above all functional. Use 2 screws to install 5 frames! 7705377505492 shopify_CA_7705377505492_43095902322900 new 69,99 CADin stock 1013426-660 Umbra 7705377505492_43095902322900 Cadres muraux||Wall frames White 2.6 kg Hanging picture frame set of 5 - Exhibit Hanging picture frame set of 5 - Exhibit Black With this set of hanging frames, create a photo gallery in one simple motion. No more drilling multiple holes in the wall to create a "wow" effect. Modern and sleek, but above all functional. Use 2 screws to install 5 frames! 7705377505492 shopify_CA_7705377505492_43095902355668 new 69,99 CADout of stock 1013426-040 Umbra 7705377505492_43095902355668 Cadres muraux||Wall frames Black 2.6 kg Hanging picture frame set of 5 - Exhibit Hanging picture frame set of 5 - Exhibit Gold With this set of hanging frames, create a photo gallery in one simple motion. No more drilling multiple holes in the wall to create a "wow" effect. Modern and sleek, but above all functional. Use 2 screws to install 5 frames! 7705377505492 shopify_CA_7705377505492_43095902388436 new 69,99 CADout of stock 1013426-221 Umbra 7705377505492_43095902388436 Cadres muraux||Wall frames Gold 2.6 kg Mug - Il n'y a pas de meilleure amie qu'une soeur Mug - Il n'y a pas de meilleure amie qu'une soeur Default Title Pretty mug with a vintage look and the inscription: "Il n'y a pas de meilleure amie qu'une soeur". The perfect gift idea that's sure to please! In French only. 8011959697620 shopify_CA_8011959697620_44037708153044 new 8,99 CADin stock Attitudes Import 2 8011959697620_44037708153044 Tasses||Mugs 0.1 kg Canvas - Leaf III Canvas - Leaf III Natural / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075214548 shopify_CA_7925075214548_43808581714132 new 94,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075214548_43808581714132 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Leaf III Canvas - Leaf III Black / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075214548 shopify_CA_7925075214548_43808583221460 new 94,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075214548_43808583221460 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Leaf III Canvas - Leaf III White / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075214548 shopify_CA_7925075214548_43808583319764 new 94,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075214548_43808583319764 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Leaf III Canvas - Leaf III Espresso / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075214548 shopify_CA_7925075214548_43808583450836 new 94,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075214548_43808583450836 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Leaf III Canvas - Leaf III Without Frame / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075214548 shopify_CA_7925075214548_43808583647444 new 49,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075214548_43808583647444 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Leaf III Canvas - Leaf III Natural / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075214548 shopify_CA_7925075214548_43808583876820 new 109,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075214548_43808583876820 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Leaf III Canvas - Leaf III Black / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075214548 shopify_CA_7925075214548_43808584073428 new 109,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075214548_43808584073428 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Leaf III Canvas - Leaf III White / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075214548 shopify_CA_7925075214548_43808584302804 new 109,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075214548_43808584302804 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Leaf III Canvas - Leaf III Espresso / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075214548 shopify_CA_7925075214548_43808584597716 new 109,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075214548_43808584597716 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Leaf III Canvas - Leaf III Without Frame / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075214548 shopify_CA_7925075214548_43808584892628 new 59,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075214548_43808584892628 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Leaf III Canvas - Leaf III Natural / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075214548 shopify_CA_7925075214548_43808585056468 new 139,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075214548_43808585056468 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Leaf III Canvas - Leaf III Black / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075214548 shopify_CA_7925075214548_43808585285844 new 139,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075214548_43808585285844 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Leaf III Canvas - Leaf III White / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075214548 shopify_CA_7925075214548_43808585515220 new 139,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075214548_43808585515220 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Leaf III Canvas - Leaf III Espresso / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075214548 shopify_CA_7925075214548_43808585744596 new 139,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075214548_43808585744596 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Leaf III Canvas - Leaf III Without Frame / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075214548 shopify_CA_7925075214548_43808585973972 new 74,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075214548_43808585973972 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Leaf III Canvas - Leaf III Natural / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075214548 shopify_CA_7925075214548_43808586236116 new 159,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075214548_43808586236116 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Leaf III Canvas - Leaf III Black / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075214548 shopify_CA_7925075214548_43808582369492 new 159,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075214548_43808582369492 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Leaf III Canvas - Leaf III White / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075214548 shopify_CA_7925075214548_43808582467796 new 159,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075214548_43808582467796 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Leaf III Canvas - Leaf III Espresso / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075214548 shopify_CA_7925075214548_43808582631636 new 159,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075214548_43808582631636 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Leaf III Canvas - Leaf III Without Frame / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075214548 shopify_CA_7925075214548_43808582795476 new 84,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075214548_43808582795476 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Leaf III Canvas - Leaf III Oak wood / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075214548 shopify_CA_7925075214548_43974909657300 new 94,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075214548_43974909657300 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Leaf III Canvas - Leaf III Oak wood / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075214548 shopify_CA_7925075214548_43974910083284 new 109,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075214548_43974910083284 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Leaf III Canvas - Leaf III Oak wood / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075214548 shopify_CA_7925075214548_43974910410964 new 139,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075214548_43974910410964 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Leaf III Canvas - Leaf III Oak wood / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075214548 shopify_CA_7925075214548_43974910607572 new 159,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075214548_43974910607572 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Ambient mist & textiles - White tea & pear Ambient mist & textiles - White tea & pear Default Title This room mist will do wonders to freshen up your home, the air around you and your textiles. This white tea and pear fragrance is perfect for changing the mood in the room of your choice. 7903523864788 shopify_CA_7903523864788_43756487344340 new 19,99 CADin stock Kozy x Three Wix & CO 7903523864788_43756487344340 Vaporisateurs||Vaporizers 0.2 kg Notepad - Cats Notepad - Cats Default Title This pretty cat patterned pad is just waiting for your stories, lists or other noteworthy thoughts. Get your pens ready! 7877901484244 shopify_CA_7877901484244_43669156888788 new 3,99 CADin stock Nostalgia Import 7877901484244_43669156888788 Papeteries||Stationery Store 0.0 kg Kozy cushion - Black foliage with arches Kozy cushion - Black foliage with arches Default Title This gorgeous cream, rust & black cushion reminds us that arches are still trendy this year! Complete the look by adding one or two plain cushions and a matching throw from our exclusive collection! 7844162765012 shopify_CA_7844162765012_43568887398612 new 29,99 CADin stock Les textiles Patlin 7844162765012_43568887398612 Coussins||Cushions 0.4 kg 8 x 10 photo frame - Natural wood effect 8 x 10 photo frame - Natural wood effect Default Title This simple photo frame with natural-colored wood edges is the perfect way to show off your favorite photos. Holds one 8x10 photo. 7705665503444 shopify_CA_7705665503444_43097239519444 new 14,99 CADin stock RN1024 Attitudes Import 7705665503444_43097239519444 Cadres photo||Photo frames 0.7 kg Bath tray - Aquala Bath tray - Aquala Natural Beautiful adjustable bamboo bath tray. Ideal to insert a book, a shelf, glasses of different sizes and even a practical support for wine glasses. Can be adapted to several bath sizes. 7705353158868 shopify_CA_7705353158868_43095852843220 new 49,99 CADin stock 020390-390 Umbra 7705353158868_43095852843220 Accessoires bain & douche||Bath & shower accessories Natural 1.6 kg Bath tray - Aquala Bath tray - Aquala Brown Beautiful adjustable bamboo bath tray. Ideal to insert a book, a shelf, glasses of different sizes and even a practical support for wine glasses. Can be adapted to several bath sizes. 7705353158868 shopify_CA_7705353158868_43095852875988 new 49,99 CADout of stock 020390-656 Umbra 7705353158868_43095852875988 Accessoires bain & douche||Bath & shower accessories Brown 1.6 kg Body and hand lotion - Goat's milk and linseed oil Body and hand lotion - Goat's milk and linseed oil Default Title Goat's milk and linseed oil body and hand lotion. It penetrates well into the skin because of its formula enriched with certified organic shea butter. Goat's milk and flaxseed oil are known for their soothing and regenerating properties. Rich in calcium, amino acids and vitamin E. 7705299058900 shopify_CA_7705299058900_43298462138580 new 22,99 CADin stock LBL-L01 Pure Living 7705299058900_43298462138580 Soins de la peau||Skin care 0.517 kg Happiness box - Pour toi papa Happiness box - Pour toi papa Default Title A box with 365 messages that will say the words for you. Show your dad how much he means to you. Dosage: one a day for a year. 7705294078164 shopify_CA_7705294078164_43298376909012 new 20,99 CADin stock BO2012 Zatnick 7705294078164_43298376909012 Boîtes à messages||Message boxes 0.285 kg Diffuser Zenith + Free oil Diffuser Zenith + Free oil Eucalyptus globulus The natural wood effect diffuser is very quiet and has a modern and elegant faux wood exterior, a warm ambient glow. It maintains a fresh, aromatic and soothing atmosphere in any room. Perfect for aromatherapy lovers, enjoy the benefits of essential oils at home. 8065396998356 shopify_CA_8065396998356_44162044002516 new 80,98 CAD59,99 CADin stock Agence K 8065396998356_44162044002516 Diffuseurs pour huiles||Diffuser for oils 0.0 kg Diffuser Zenith + Free oil Diffuser Zenith + Free oil Coconut Vanilla The natural wood effect diffuser is very quiet and has a modern and elegant faux wood exterior, a warm ambient glow. It maintains a fresh, aromatic and soothing atmosphere in any room. Perfect for aromatherapy lovers, enjoy the benefits of essential oils at home. 8065396998356 shopify_CA_8065396998356_44162044035284 new 80,98 CAD59,99 CADin stock Agence K 8065396998356_44162044035284 Diffuseurs pour huiles||Diffuser for oils 0.0 kg Diffuser Zenith + Free oil Diffuser Zenith + Free oil Lavandin super The natural wood effect diffuser is very quiet and has a modern and elegant faux wood exterior, a warm ambient glow. It maintains a fresh, aromatic and soothing atmosphere in any room. Perfect for aromatherapy lovers, enjoy the benefits of essential oils at home. 8065396998356 shopify_CA_8065396998356_44162044068052 new 80,98 CAD59,99 CADin stock Agence K 8065396998356_44162044068052 Diffuseurs pour huiles||Diffuser for oils 0.0 kg Diffuser Zenith + Free oil Diffuser Zenith + Free oil Fruity passion The natural wood effect diffuser is very quiet and has a modern and elegant faux wood exterior, a warm ambient glow. It maintains a fresh, aromatic and soothing atmosphere in any room. Perfect for aromatherapy lovers, enjoy the benefits of essential oils at home. 8065396998356 shopify_CA_8065396998356_44162044100820 new 80,98 CAD59,99 CADin stock Agence K 8065396998356_44162044100820 Diffuseurs pour huiles||Diffuser for oils 0.0 kg Diffuser Zenith + Free oil Diffuser Zenith + Free oil Balsam Fir The natural wood effect diffuser is very quiet and has a modern and elegant faux wood exterior, a warm ambient glow. It maintains a fresh, aromatic and soothing atmosphere in any room. Perfect for aromatherapy lovers, enjoy the benefits of essential oils at home. 8065396998356 shopify_CA_8065396998356_44162044133588 new 80,98 CAD59,99 CADin stock Agence K 8065396998356_44162044133588 Diffuseurs pour huiles||Diffuser for oils 0.0 kg Diffuser Zenith + Free oil Diffuser Zenith + Free oil Green tea and cucumber The natural wood effect diffuser is very quiet and has a modern and elegant faux wood exterior, a warm ambient glow. It maintains a fresh, aromatic and soothing atmosphere in any room. Perfect for aromatherapy lovers, enjoy the benefits of essential oils at home. 8065396998356 shopify_CA_8065396998356_44162044166356 new 80,98 CAD59,99 CADin stock Agence K 8065396998356_44162044166356 Diffuseurs pour huiles||Diffuser for oils 0.0 kg Diffuser Zenith + Free oil Diffuser Zenith + Free oil Lemon Zest The natural wood effect diffuser is very quiet and has a modern and elegant faux wood exterior, a warm ambient glow. It maintains a fresh, aromatic and soothing atmosphere in any room. Perfect for aromatherapy lovers, enjoy the benefits of essential oils at home. 8065396998356 shopify_CA_8065396998356_44162044199124 new 80,98 CAD59,99 CADin stock Agence K 8065396998356_44162044199124 Diffuseurs pour huiles||Diffuser for oils 0.0 kg Diffuser Zenith + Free oil Diffuser Zenith + Free oil Bergamot & sea salt The natural wood effect diffuser is very quiet and has a modern and elegant faux wood exterior, a warm ambient glow. It maintains a fresh, aromatic and soothing atmosphere in any room. Perfect for aromatherapy lovers, enjoy the benefits of essential oils at home. 8065396998356 shopify_CA_8065396998356_44162044231892 new 80,98 CAD59,99 CADin stock Agence K 8065396998356_44162044231892 Diffuseurs pour huiles||Diffuser for oils 0.0 kg Diffuser Zenith + Free oil Diffuser Zenith + Free oil Lychee flowers The natural wood effect diffuser is very quiet and has a modern and elegant faux wood exterior, a warm ambient glow. It maintains a fresh, aromatic and soothing atmosphere in any room. Perfect for aromatherapy lovers, enjoy the benefits of essential oils at home. 8065396998356 shopify_CA_8065396998356_44162044264660 new 80,98 CAD59,99 CADin stock Agence K 8065396998356_44162044264660 Diffuseurs pour huiles||Diffuser for oils 0.0 kg Diffuser Zenith + Free oil Diffuser Zenith + Free oil Hibiscus & guava The natural wood effect diffuser is very quiet and has a modern and elegant faux wood exterior, a warm ambient glow. It maintains a fresh, aromatic and soothing atmosphere in any room. Perfect for aromatherapy lovers, enjoy the benefits of essential oils at home. 8065396998356 shopify_CA_8065396998356_44162044297428 new 80,98 CAD59,99 CADin stock Agence K 8065396998356_44162044297428 Diffuseurs pour huiles||Diffuser for oils 0.0 kg Diffuser Zenith + Free oil Diffuser Zenith + Free oil White tea & pear The natural wood effect diffuser is very quiet and has a modern and elegant faux wood exterior, a warm ambient glow. It maintains a fresh, aromatic and soothing atmosphere in any room. Perfect for aromatherapy lovers, enjoy the benefits of essential oils at home. 8065396998356 shopify_CA_8065396998356_44162044330196 new 80,98 CAD59,99 CADin stock Agence K 8065396998356_44162044330196 Diffuseurs pour huiles||Diffuser for oils 0.0 kg Wine glass & mug duo - Retraite Wine glass & mug duo - Retraite Default Title Original duo set comprising a stemless wine glass and a text mug that will accompany you from morning to night! " Le café du retraité AM " " Le verre du retraité PM " 8058771996884 shopify_CA_8058771996884_44143639822548 new 17,99 CADin stock Attitudes Import 2 8058771996884_44143639822548 Ensembles-cadeaux||Gift sets 0.2 kg Scented oil - Lychee flowers Scented oil - Lychee flowers Default Title A fragrant oil with the scent of lychee flowers. Perfect for diffusing and creating ambiance at home, for use with an oil diffuser. A 100% Quebec collaboration. 7955768967380 shopify_CA_7955768967380_43891333562580 new 11,99 CADin stock Kozy x Three Wix & CO 7955768967380_43891333562580 Huiles essentielles & parfumées||Essential & scented oils 0.0 kg 3-Wick Candle - Cactus Blossom 3-Wick Candle - Cactus Blossom Default Title This 3-wick soy blend candle is hand-poured into a large glass vase. The jarred candle retains its scent better than a regular candle. The Cactus Blossom scent is both fresh and floral, as it is composed of bergamot, white flowers, cactus stems and coconut. Its delicious fragrance will fill the room with an invigorating scent, all in lightness. 7705709904084 shopify_CA_7705709904084_43298386968788 new 23,99 CADin stock THREEW-02 Kozy x Three Wix & CO 7705709904084_43298386968788 Chandelles parfumées||Scented candles 0.4 kg Slate tray set Slate tray set Default Title Whether it's for serving cheese, charcuterie or simply to be used as an individual serving plate, these slate plates are a must for a modern look at your table. 7705404506324 shopify_CA_7705404506324_43298434285780 new 16,99 CADin stock 7000015BK Danesco 7705404506324_43298434285780 Plateaux de service||Serving trays 1.475 kg Potato storage bag Potato storage bag Default Title Tired of leaving potatoes in a half-torn bag in the back of the cupboard? Here is the perfect eco-friendly bag to store them in! 7705329172692 shopify_CA_7705329172692_43298420326612 new 11,99 CADin stock 6123356LN Danesco 7705329172692_43298420326612 Outils de conservation||Conservation tools 0.098 kg Hand cream - La Belle Excuse Hand cream - La Belle Excuse Default Title Regenerating cream for the hands as well as any other part of the body, will restore all types of skin. Made from olive oil, it has a very refreshing smell. It leaves a pleasantly satiny sensation and protects the hands against daily aggressions. 7705289916628 shopify_CA_7705289916628_43298459254996 new 25,99 CADin stock CREME 200ML La Belle Excuse 7705289916628_43298459254996 Crèmes pour le corps||Hand creams 0.572 kg Round service tray - Acacia Round service tray - Acacia Default Title Discover the natural elegance and exceptional functionality of our round acacia wood serving tray. Designed to combine style and practicality, this tray is much more than a simple kitchen accessory - it's a decorative centerpiece that transforms every service into a unique experience. 8072789655764 shopify_CA_8072789655764_44182546546900 new 59,99 CAD29,99 CADin stock Agence K 8072789655764_44182546546900 Plateaux de service||Serving trays 0.2 kg Lagurus stem bundle - White Lagurus stem bundle - White Default Title These silky feathers will fill your vase with elegance and delicacy. Their airy effect is incomparable. 7970809938132 shopify_CA_7970809938132_43925791113428 new 12,99 CAD8,00 CADin stock Gift Craft 7970809938132_43925791113428 Branches & tiges||Branches & Stems 0.0 kg Duvet cover set - Raitha Duvet cover set - Raitha Double-queen (88 x 90) Add style to your bedroom with a top-quality, easy-care comforter cover. This set includes the comforter cover and two pillow shams. 7929765789908 shopify_CA_7929765789908_43822148813012 new 255,99 CADin stock Brunelli 7929765789908_43822148813012 Ensemble de housse de couette||Duvet cover set Double-queen (88 x 90)US 0.0 kg Duvet cover set - Raitha Duvet cover set - Raitha King (104 x 90) Add style to your bedroom with a top-quality, easy-care comforter cover. This set includes the comforter cover and two pillow shams. 7929765789908 shopify_CA_7929765789908_43822148845780 new 294,99 CADin stock Brunelli 7929765789908_43822148845780 Ensemble de housse de couette||Duvet cover set King (104 x 90)US 0.0 kg Canvas - Grey foliage Canvas - Grey foliage Black / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075149012 shopify_CA_7925075149012_43808581648596 new 94,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075149012_43808581648596 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Grey foliage Canvas - Grey foliage Natural / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075149012 shopify_CA_7925075149012_43808587350228 new 94,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075149012_43808587350228 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Grey foliage Canvas - Grey foliage White / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075149012 shopify_CA_7925075149012_43808587546836 new 94,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075149012_43808587546836 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Grey foliage Canvas - Grey foliage Espresso / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075149012 shopify_CA_7925075149012_43808587776212 new 94,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075149012_43808587776212 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Grey foliage Canvas - Grey foliage Without Frame / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075149012 shopify_CA_7925075149012_43808587940052 new 49,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075149012_43808587940052 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Grey foliage Canvas - Grey foliage Black / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075149012 shopify_CA_7925075149012_43808588103892 new 109,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075149012_43808588103892 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Grey foliage Canvas - Grey foliage Natural / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075149012 shopify_CA_7925075149012_43808588267732 new 109,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075149012_43808588267732 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Grey foliage Canvas - Grey foliage White / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075149012 shopify_CA_7925075149012_43808588398804 new 109,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075149012_43808588398804 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Grey foliage Canvas - Grey foliage Espresso / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075149012 shopify_CA_7925075149012_43808588529876 new 109,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075149012_43808588529876 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Grey foliage Canvas - Grey foliage Without Frame / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075149012 shopify_CA_7925075149012_43808588660948 new 59,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075149012_43808588660948 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Grey foliage Canvas - Grey foliage Black / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075149012 shopify_CA_7925075149012_43808588824788 new 139,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075149012_43808588824788 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Grey foliage Canvas - Grey foliage Natural / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075149012 shopify_CA_7925075149012_43808588988628 new 139,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075149012_43808588988628 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Grey foliage Canvas - Grey foliage White / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075149012 shopify_CA_7925075149012_43808589152468 new 139,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075149012_43808589152468 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Grey foliage Canvas - Grey foliage Espresso / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075149012 shopify_CA_7925075149012_43808589316308 new 139,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075149012_43808589316308 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Grey foliage Canvas - Grey foliage Without Frame / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075149012 shopify_CA_7925075149012_43808589480148 new 74,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075149012_43808589480148 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Grey foliage Canvas - Grey foliage Black / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075149012 shopify_CA_7925075149012_43808589611220 new 159,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075149012_43808589611220 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Grey foliage Canvas - Grey foliage Natural / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075149012 shopify_CA_7925075149012_43808586072276 new 159,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075149012_43808586072276 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Grey foliage Canvas - Grey foliage White / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075149012 shopify_CA_7925075149012_43808586301652 new 159,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075149012_43808586301652 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Grey foliage Canvas - Grey foliage Espresso / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075149012 shopify_CA_7925075149012_43808586399956 new 159,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075149012_43808586399956 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Grey foliage Canvas - Grey foliage Without Frame / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075149012 shopify_CA_7925075149012_43808586498260 new 84,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075149012_43808586498260 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Grey foliage Canvas - Grey foliage Oak wood / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075149012 shopify_CA_7925075149012_43974906544340 new 94,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075149012_43974906544340 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Grey foliage Canvas - Grey foliage Oak wood / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075149012 shopify_CA_7925075149012_43974906937556 new 109,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075149012_43974906937556 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Grey foliage Canvas - Grey foliage Oak wood / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075149012 shopify_CA_7925075149012_43974907166932 new 139,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075149012_43974907166932 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Grey foliage Canvas - Grey foliage Oak wood / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075149012 shopify_CA_7925075149012_43974907363540 new 159,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075149012_43974907363540 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Wine pump stopper Wine pump stopper Default Title Very practical, this 2 in 1 stopper removes the air from your wine bottle for a totally optimal conservation. In addition, its leak-proof seal allows for versatile storage. Definitely a tool of choice for the wine lover in you! 7823222767828 shopify_CA_7823222767828_43496990769364 new 7,99 CADin stock Agence K 7823222767828_43496990769364 Accessoires à vin||Wine accessories 0.05 kg Cosmetic organizer - Bellwood Cosmetic organizer - Bellwood White A versatile and modern organizer for cosmetics and other products, the Bellwood organizer features 3 trays with a wooden handle for easy carrying. Its tray is perfect for storing makeup brushes and other small bathroom accessories. 7705424658644 shopify_CA_7705424658644_44353669497044 new 47,99 CADin stock 1015098-668 Umbra 7705424658644_44353669497044 Rangements salle de bain||Bathroom storages White 0.6 kg Cosmetic organizer - Bellwood Cosmetic organizer - Bellwood Black A versatile and modern organizer for cosmetics and other products, the Bellwood organizer features 3 trays with a wooden handle for easy carrying. Its tray is perfect for storing makeup brushes and other small bathroom accessories. 7705424658644 shopify_CA_7705424658644_44353669529812 new 47,99 CADin stock Umbra 7705424658644_44353669529812 Rangements salle de bain||Bathroom storages Black 0.6 kg Storage side table - Bellwood Storage side table - Bellwood Black A modern solution for cables and messy storage, the Bellwood Storage Side Table is both a side table and cable management. Made of metal and wood, this side table can be used in any space to provide versatile yet sophisticated storage. Its table top offers the perfect place for your device or a glass of wine, while its storage container is perfect for cables or larger items like blankets or books. 7705424330964 shopify_CA_7705424330964_43096013045972 new 99,99 CADin stock 1013760-048 Umbra 7705424330964_43096013045972 Tables d'appoint||Side tables Black 2.7 kg Storage side table - Bellwood Storage side table - Bellwood White A modern solution for cables and messy storage, the Bellwood Storage Side Table is both a side table and cable management. Made of metal and wood, this side table can be used in any space to provide versatile yet sophisticated storage. Its table top offers the perfect place for your device or a glass of wine, while its storage container is perfect for cables or larger items like blankets or books. 7705424330964 shopify_CA_7705424330964_43096013111508 new 99,99 CADin stock 1013760-668 Umbra 7705424330964_43096013111508 Tables d'appoint||Side tables White 2.7 kg Plain scrubbing sponge Plain scrubbing sponge Default Title These scouring sponges are magic for removing dirt without damaging the surface and come in a convenient size. 7705334644948 shopify_CA_7705334644948_43298379858132 new 2,99 CADin stock S1002 Autres 7705334644948_43298379858132 Brosses à vaisselle||Dishwashing brushes 0.015 kg Whisky service set - 7 pieces Whisky service set - 7 pieces Default Title A 7 piece whiskey serving set that will impress your guests at a small price. The set includes a decanter and 6 tumbler glasses. A great gift to offer. 7705328091348 shopify_CA_7705328091348_43298491564244 new 44,99 CAD29,99 CADin stock 45026041 Trudeau 7705328091348_43298491564244 Verres à spiritueux||Spirits glasses 2.0 kg Grass ball Grass ball Default Title Practical and versatile fake lawn ball. Fits in a country, cottage-chic or boho decor. Place several in a large clear vase for a great look. 7705306169556 shopify_CA_7705306169556_43298489008340 new 5,99 CADin stock 1684-113000 Torre Tagus 7705306169556_43298489008340 Verdure en bouquet||Greenery in bouquets 0.031 kg Cocktail Shaker Cocktail Shaker Default Title Cocktail lovers, don't look for your recipes in the back of your drawers. The Trudeau Cocktail Mixer brings you the 6 most popular cocktail recipes right to the glass. 7705292898516 shopify_CA_7705292898516_43298370519252 new 12,99 CADin stock 0971532 Trudeau 7705292898516_43298370519252 Accessoires à cocktails||Cocktail accessories 0.467 kg Set of 4 Lisbon mug - Black Set of 4 Lisbon mug - Black Default Title Generous size, wide, practical handle: a mug you won't want to do without! 8257647116500 shopify_CA_8257647116500_44775509622996 new 12,99 CADin stock Safdie & Co 8257647116500_44775509622996 Vaisselles & ensembles||Sets of dishes 0.0 kg Green candle - "Professeur" Green candle - "Professeur" Default Title This candle in an amber-green glass container will please an exceptional teacher who has had a positive influence in your child's life. 8127999639764 shopify_CA_8127999639764_44403133776084 new 16,99 CADin stock Attitudes Import 8127999639764_44403133776084 Chandelles décoratives||Decorative candles 0.1 kg Notebook - Cats Notebook - Cats Default Title This notebook is for cat lovers. Several lined pages are waiting for your stories, lists or other noteworthy literary creations. Get your pens ready! 7877900894420 shopify_CA_7877900894420_43669155217620 new 7,99 CADin stock Nostalgia Import 7877900894420_43669155217620 Papeteries||Stationery Store 0.0 kg Notebook - Selene Notebook - Selene Default Title This notebook is definitely a work of art in itself! On a pink background lies Selene, goddess of the moon, the cover you need to have an inspired pen! Several lined pages are just waiting for your stories, lists or other noteworthy literary creations. Be ready! 7867284717780 shopify_CA_7867284717780_43638046982356 new 6,99 CADin stock Nostalgia Import 7867284717780_43638046982356 Papeteries||Stationery Store 0.01 kg Syrop pourer Syrop pourer Default Title No more mess with this syrup jar with spout. Your surface will remain clean and non-sticky when you happily drizzle your pancakes, for example. Holds up to 600 ml of syrup. 7856285221076 shopify_CA_7856285221076_43597761806548 new 18,99 CADin stock Ricardo 7856285221076_43597761806548 Outils de service||Serving tools 0.261 kg Scented sachet 11 ml - Linen Scented sachet 11 ml - Linen Default Title This small scented bag can be hidden everywhere: in your furniture, car or shoes if needed! Simple and effective, we spoil ourselves with the different existing fragrances. Linen fragrance. Also available in other fragrances. 7705615630548 shopify_CA_7705615630548_43298455584980 new 2,99 CADin stock G901-498 Canfloyd 7705615630548_43298455584980 Sachets parfumés||Scented sachets 0.0 kg Text cushion - Chez mamie Text cushion - Chez mamie Default Title Everything is allowed at Grandma's. It is a special attention for the grandmother you love. Remind her every day with this pretty raw cotton pillow with text: « Chez mamie, attends-toi à être gâté. Pas d'espionnage des parents, des gâteries en tout temps, on raconte des histoires, l'heure du dodo se négocie, on joue à plein de jeux, des caresses et des bisous en quantité, confort et sécurité assurés, on n'a que du plaisir, ce qui se passe ici reste ici! ». In french only. 7705309511892 shopify_CA_7705309511892_43298391523540 new 23,99 CADin stock CPOWH204 La Fabrique Champêtre 7705309511892_43298391523540 Coussins à texte||Text cushions 0.331 kg Plain caramel - 106 ml Plain caramel - 106 ml Default Title Homemade caramel, irresistible even with a spoon. Made with butter and cream and, above all, without preservatives. Rich and creamy taste. 7705307316436 shopify_CA_7705307316436_43298387787988 new 6,49 CADin stock CB00111 Chocolaterie du Vieux-Beloeil 7705307316436_43298387787988 Chocolats, caramels et sucreries||Chocolates, caramels and sweets 0.251 kg Text cushion - Une soeur Text cushion - Une soeur Default Title Give this cushion to your sister to show her how much you love her. Cotton cushion with message: « Une sœur c'est une chance inouïe...» In french only. 7705292374228 shopify_CA_7705292374228_43298391785684 new 23,99 CADin stock CPOWH254 La Fabrique Champêtre 7705292374228_43298391785684 Coussins à texte||Text cushions 0.308 kg Plain green tablecloth - Kabane Plain green tablecloth - Kabane 54" x 72" This elegant, nature-inspired tablecloth brings a warm ambience to your table. Its rich color and wrinkle-resistant properties make it a practical and sophisticated choice for all occasions. Easy to store and clean, it saves you time so you can enjoy your meals to the full. 8285514203348 shopify_CA_8285514203348_44843467538644 new 27,99 CADin stock Brunelli 8285514203348_44843467538644 Nappes||Tablecloths 54" x 72"US 0.0 kg Plain green tablecloth - Kabane Plain green tablecloth - Kabane 60" x 90" This elegant, nature-inspired tablecloth brings a warm ambience to your table. Its rich color and wrinkle-resistant properties make it a practical and sophisticated choice for all occasions. Easy to store and clean, it saves you time so you can enjoy your meals to the full. 8285514203348 shopify_CA_8285514203348_44843467571412 new 32,99 CADin stock Brunelli 8285514203348_44843467571412 Nappes||Tablecloths 60" x 90"US 0.0 kg Plain green tablecloth - Kabane Plain green tablecloth - Kabane 60" x 108" This elegant, nature-inspired tablecloth brings a warm ambience to your table. Its rich color and wrinkle-resistant properties make it a practical and sophisticated choice for all occasions. Easy to store and clean, it saves you time so you can enjoy your meals to the full. 8285514203348 shopify_CA_8285514203348_44843467604180 new 37,99 CADin stock Brunelli 8285514203348_44843467604180 Nappes||Tablecloths 60" x 108"US 0.0 kg Deluxe knitted cushion - Grey Deluxe knitted cushion - Grey Default Title Enhance your living spaces with the unparalleled comfort of our pretty deluxe knit cushions. Made from quality materials and designed to instantly enhance any décor, you won't want to do without them! 7962642186452 shopify_CA_7962642186452_43908305322196 new 34,99 CAD15,00 CADin stock Agence K 7962642186452_43908305322196 Coussins||Cushions 0.5 kg Duvet cover set - Fleetwood Duvet cover set - Fleetwood Double-queen (88 x 90) Superb comforter cover in an interesting gradation of neutral colors. Modern and timeless, it will suit a contemporary, slightly minimalist decor with a few accents of wood and raw materials. 7929748521172 shopify_CA_7929748521172_43822088749268 new 229,99 CADin stock Brunelli 7929748521172_43822088749268 Ensemble de housse de couette||Duvet cover set Double-queen (88 x 90)US 0.0 kg Duvet cover set - Fleetwood Duvet cover set - Fleetwood King (104 x 90) Superb comforter cover in an interesting gradation of neutral colors. Modern and timeless, it will suit a contemporary, slightly minimalist decor with a few accents of wood and raw materials. 7929748521172 shopify_CA_7929748521172_43822088782036 new 255,99 CADin stock Brunelli 7929748521172_43822088782036 Ensemble de housse de couette||Duvet cover set King (104 x 90)US 0.0 kg Napkins - Cats prints Napkins - Cats prints Default Title Do you know a cat lover or are you that person? These napkins are for you! With their playful designs, they are sure to get noticed. 7862055895252 shopify_CA_7862055895252_43621415452884 new 4,99 CADin stock Attitudes Import 7862055895252_43621415452884 Serviettes de table||Napkins 0.71 kg Mini sandwich maker Mini sandwich maker Default Title The Ricardo mini sandwich maker grills them in less than 5 minutes! Your meals will be better because this tool will make your life easier on those days when time is always running out! 7705681723604 shopify_CA_7705681723604_43298425274580 new 24,99 CADin stock 063416 Ricardo 7705681723604_43298425274580 Petits électros||Small appliances 0.0 kg Double wall coffee cups 400 ml - Set of 2 Double wall coffee cups 400 ml - Set of 2 Default Title Set of two double-walled coffee cups. The double wall provides insulation that keeps the liquid warm in style while the outer wall stays comfortable to the touch. They are easy to care for. Great all-purpose gift! 7705651118292 shopify_CA_7705651118292_43298475835604 new 25,99 CADin stock BT1024 Agence K 7705651118292_43298475835604 Tasses||Mugs 0.5 kg Kozy Textured throw - Cream Kozy Textured throw - Cream The most popular! This textured throw is soft, comfortable, a nice size and cleans up very well. The texture is reminiscent of popcorn "cotton balls". It is versatile and is ideal for any occasion. 7705491079380 shopify_CA_7705491079380_43298412101844 new 34,99 CAD29,99 CADin stock K2049 Agence K 7705491079380_43298412101844 Jetés||Throws 0.707 kg Text cushion - Rien de plus précieux... Maman Text cushion - Rien de plus précieux... Maman Default Title Text cushion to give to your mom to show her all your love. A personalized cushion with a sweet note that she can proudly add to her decor « Rien de plus précieux qu'une maman comme toi ». In french only. 7705291915476 shopify_CA_7705291915476_43298391195860 new 23,99 CADin stock CPAWH171 La Fabrique Champêtre 7705291915476_43298391195860 Coussins à texte||Text cushions 0.243 kg Kozy deluxe throw - Beige Kozy deluxe throw - Beige Default Title A deluxe throw! Perfect with its lining for ideal temperature, never too hot, never too cold. The exterior imitates a pretty fur. 8645391220948 shopify_CA_8645391220948_45686537486548 new 59,99 CAD34,99 CADin stock Agence K 8645391220948_45686537486548 Jetés||Throws 0.0 kg Bath bomb - Lavender Bath bomb - Lavender Default Title Treat yourself to a sweet relaxing moment by adding this lavender bath bomb to your bath routine. The magical ingredient (avocado oil) that makes it up will undoubtedly work miracles on your skin! 8049925226708 shopify_CA_8049925226708_44122039058644 new 6,99 CADin stock Kozy x Three Wix & CO 8049925226708_44122039058644 Produits pour le bains||Bath products 0.1 kg Bath bomb - Hibiscus & guava Bath bomb - Hibiscus & guava Default Title Treat yourself to a sweet relaxing moment by adding this "Hibiscus & Guava" bath bomb, with its pineapple and fruity orange fragrance. The magical ingredient (avocado oil) that makes it up will undoubtedly work miracles on your skin! 7909695357140 shopify_CA_7909695357140_43769359958228 new 6,99 CADin stock Kozy x Three Wix & CO 7909695357140_43769359958228 Produits pour le bains||Bath products 0.0 kg Suncatcher - Heart Suncatcher - Heart Default Title Made of crystal and colored prism, the primary purpose of a suncatcher is to transform a simple natural ray into a colored light beauty by refraction. Create a perfectly harmonious atmosphere by installing it near a window, a patio door or even directly on a covered terrace. You will enjoy the benefits of a positive light from which will emanate new energies. 7884098437332 shopify_CA_7884098437332_43686412845268 new 7,99 CADin stock Nostalgia Import 7884098437332_43686412845268 Objets décoratifs||Decorative objects 0.0 kg Stick diffuser - Raspberry Stick diffuser - Raspberry Default Title Lightly scent your room with this chic stick diffuser. The little twig adds a natural touch and the whole thing will blend into your space while giving it a divine raspberry scent! 7871442125012 shopify_CA_7871442125012_43650445902036 new 24,99 CADin stock Nostalgia Import 7871442125012_43650445902036 Diffuseurs à bâtons||Stick diffusers 0.614 kg Bath bomb - Cactus Blossom Bath bomb - Cactus Blossom Default Title Treat yourself to a sweet relaxing moment by adding this "Cactus Blossom!" bath bomb, with its bergamot, white flower, cactus stem and coconut fragrance. The magical ingredient (avocado oil) will undoubtedly work wonders on your skin! 7705710723284 shopify_CA_7705710723284_43298449621204 new 6,99 CADin stock BOMBW-02 Kozy x Three Wix & CO 7705710723284_43298449621204 Produits pour le bains||Bath products 0.1 kg Set of beverage dispensers Set of beverage dispensers Default Title Acid and juice resistant stainless steel beverage dispenser. Always have the exact dose. 7705404473556 shopify_CA_7705404473556_43298371469524 new 10,49 CADin stock FTA7052 PSI product 7705404473556_43298371469524 Accessoires à cocktails||Cocktail accessories 0.055 kg Large jewelry box - Stowit Large jewelry box - Stowit Default Title Attractive jewelry box with 3 utility sections. Modern look, design and function. 7705375015124 shopify_CA_7705375015124_43095895113940 new 74,99 CADin stock 290245-668 Umbra 7705375015124_43095895113940 Rangement à bijoux||Jewelry storage 2.3 kg White balsamic vinegar White balsamic vinegar Default Title La belle excuse balsamic vinegar is made in Modena. Its fresh, sweet and sour taste goes wonderfully well with fish dishes, without coloring the flesh. Delicious with some summer fruits, such as melon or strawberry. Go off the beaten path by presenting it as a jelly to accompany your cheeses. Your guests will ask for more! 7705322488020 shopify_CA_7705322488020_43298404106452 new 16,99 CADin stock 250ML BBL La Belle Excuse 7705322488020_43298404106452 Huiles, vinaigres & vinaigrettes||Oils, vinegars & dressings 0.56 kg White chocolate caramel - 314 ml White chocolate caramel - 314 ml Default Title Homemade caramel, irresistible even with a spoon. Made with butter and cream and, above all, without preservatives. Rich and creamy taste. 7705307185364 shopify_CA_7705307185364_43298388017364 new 10,99 CADin stock CB00133 Chocolaterie du Vieux-Beloeil 7705307185364_43298388017364 Chocolats, caramels et sucreries||Chocolates, caramels and sweets 0.611 kg Dark chocolate caramel - 314 ml Dark chocolate caramel - 314 ml Default Title Homemade caramel, irresistible even with a spoon. Made with butter and cream and, above all, without preservatives. Rich and creamy taste. 7705307087060 shopify_CA_7705307087060_43298388082900 new 10,99 CADin stock CB00134 Chocolaterie du Vieux-Beloeil 7705307087060_43298388082900 Chocolats, caramels et sucreries||Chocolates, caramels and sweets 0.611 kg Plain caramel - 314 ml Plain caramel - 314 ml Default Title Homemade caramel, irresistible even with a spoon. Made with butter and cream and, above all, without preservatives. Rich and creamy taste. 7705306923220 shopify_CA_7705306923220_43298387951828 new 10,99 CADin stock CB00131 Chocolaterie du Vieux-Beloeil 7705306923220_43298387951828 Chocolats, caramels et sucreries||Chocolates, caramels and sweets 0.611 kg Side table - Lima Side table - Lima Brown This side table combines functionality with a contemporary look. The sturdy base provides a practical surface for eating in front of the TV, for example. Easy to assemble, too! 8389815828692 shopify_CA_8389815828692_45077244838100 new 67,99 CADout of stock Safdie & Co 8389815828692_45077244838100 Tables d'appoint||Side tables Brown 0.0 kg Side table - Lima Side table - Lima Taupe This side table combines functionality with a contemporary look. The sturdy base provides a practical surface for eating in front of the TV, for example. Easy to assemble, too! 8389815828692 shopify_CA_8389815828692_45077244805332 new 67,99 CADin stock Safdie & Co 8389815828692_45077244805332 Tables d'appoint||Side tables Taupe 0.0 kg Dip mix - Tomato Basil Dip mix - Tomato Basil Default Title This dip mix can be prepared in just a few minutes and tastes just like heaven. Simply add to sour cream or Greek yogurt for a deliciously creamy result. You can also sprinkle it in small doses over meat or in salads & sandwiches for a light extra kick! 8139980832980 shopify_CA_8139980832980_44445540778196 new 4,49 CADin stock Gourmet du Village 8139980832980_44445540778196 Confits et assaisonnements||Confits and seasonings 0.0 kg Kozy textured throw - Olive green Kozy textured throw - Olive green Elevate your living spaces with the unparalleled comfort of our textured throws. Made from quality materials and designed to instantly enhance any decor, you won't want to do without them! 7962627801300 shopify_CA_7962627801300_43908276158676 new 34,99 CAD29,99 CADin stock Agence K 7962627801300_43908276158676 Jetés||Throws 0.5 kg Suncatcher - Diamond Suncatcher - Diamond Default Title Made of crystal and colored prism, the primary purpose of a suncatcher is to transform a simple natural ray into a colored light beauty by refraction. Create a perfectly harmonious atmosphere by installing it near a window, a patio door or even directly on a covered terrace. You will enjoy the benefits of a positive light from which will emanate new energies. 7884099190996 shopify_CA_7884099190996_43686415335636 new 7,99 CADin stock Nostalgia Import 7884099190996_43686415335636 Objets décoratifs||Decorative objects 0.0 kg Kozy cushion - Face Kozy cushion - Face Default Title Face design cushion in cream and orange colors. Very original, it will match well with other Kozy cushions. It will be a hit in your decor whether in your bedroom or your living room. 7705400377556 shopify_CA_7705400377556_43298395816148 new 29,99 CADin stock KPCA2084-01 Les textiles Patlin 7705400377556_43298395816148 Coussins||Cushions 0.6 kg Exfoliating sea salt soap Exfoliating sea salt soap Default Title The La Belle Excuse exfoliating soap bar gently removes impurities from your skin. With this olive oil and sea salt based product, your skin will be softer, brighter and easier to moisturize. 7705330024660 shopify_CA_7705330024660_43298460074196 new 14,99 CADin stock SAVBARRESDM La Belle Excuse 7705330024660_43298460074196 Savons & crème à mains||Soaps & hand cream 0.171 kg Set of cheese knifes Set of cheese knifes Default Title A must-have for cheese lovers. Each knife is designed for a specific type of cheese. The set includes a soft cheese knife, a firm cheese knife, a knife for aged cheeses and a serving fork. 7705328255188 shopify_CA_7705328255188_43298399650004 new 13,99 CADin stock 0571079 Trudeau 7705328255188_43298399650004 Ensembles de couteaux à fromage||Cheese knife sets 0.6 kg Candle 20h - Tea leaf and honey flower Candle 20h - Tea leaf and honey flower Default Title Soy candle that burns for 20 hours made with goat milk and linseed oil. Soybeans are environmentally friendly and encourage the local agricultural economy. 7705299845332 shopify_CA_7705299845332_43298386346196 new 13,99 CADin stock LC20-L03 Pure Living 7705299845332_43298386346196 Chandelles parfumées||Scented candles 0.18 kg Rox & Roll whiskey set Rox & Roll whiskey set Default Title Ideal gift set for whiskey and other strong drinks lovers. Simply take the stainless steel ball out of the freezer, drop it into your glass and spin it. 7705289031892 shopify_CA_7705289031892_43298491171028 new 19,99 CADin stock 1124.013.00 Intercontinental Mercantile 7705289031892_43298491171028 Verres à spiritueux||Spirits glasses 0.361 kg Lined wool socks - Pink Lined wool socks - Pink Default Title Treat your feet to a cocoon of softness with our lined wool socks. Designed for optimum comfort, they keep your feet warm and stylish. Their soft, warm lining makes them the ideal choice for cocooning evenings or relaxing days at home. A must-have for a “kozy” winter! 8645323161812 shopify_CA_8645323161812_45686383640788 new 16,99 CADin stock Agence K 8645323161812_45686383640788 Pantoufles, bas & sandales||Slippers, socks & sandals 0.0 kg Dip mix - Roasted garlic Dip mix - Roasted garlic Default Title This dip mix can be prepared in just a few minutes and tastes just like heaven. Simply add to sour cream or Greek yogurt for a deliciously creamy result. You can also sprinkle it in small doses over meat or in salads & sandwiches for a light extra kick! 8139975196884 shopify_CA_8139975196884_44445511352532 new 4,49 CADin stock Gourmet du Village 8139975196884_44445511352532 Confits et assaisonnements||Confits and seasonings 0.0 kg Salad bowl - Acacia Salad bowl - Acacia Default Title Made from high-quality acacia wood, each bowl is carefully crafted to offer a unique design and impeccable finishes. Whether you're serving fresh salads, exotic fruits or simply adding an elegant touch to your table, this acacia wood bowl is the perfect accessory. Its timeless look complements any decorating style, making it a versatile choice for all occasions. 8072753184980 shopify_CA_8072753184980_44182415737044 new 69,99 CAD49,99 CADin stock Agence K 8072753184980_44182415737044 Bols de service||Serving bowls 0.2 kg Cocktail mixer with recipes Cocktail mixer with recipes Default Title Classic cocktail shaker ideal for making your favorite mixers! Find popular cocktail recipes printed directly on the shaker, perfect for your happy hour. 7840148095188 shopify_CA_7840148095188_43554523381972 new 24,99 CADin stock Agence K 7840148095188_43554523381972 Accessoires à cocktails||Cocktail accessories 0.677 kg Fragrance 500 ml - Eucalyptus Fragrance 500 ml - Eucalyptus Default Title The Eucalyptus Freshness Lamp Refill in 500 ml format offers a clearly stated dynamic. It begins with green notes and frosted citrus. The freshness is confirmed in a freshly invigorating, powerfully aromatic bouquet of eucalyptus and mint. 500 ml bottle, to be used with a Maison Berger lamp. 7705630965972 shopify_CA_7705630965972_43298453291220 new 25,99 CADin stock 415319 Maison Berger 7705630965972_43298453291220 Recharges Maison Berger||Maison Berger refills 0.46 kg Wool dryer balls Wool dryer balls Default Title A set of 2 drying balls. Simply drop the 2 balls directly into the dryer to replace the sheet softener. The balls reduce drying time and are hypoallergenic. They also pick up residue on the clothes. 7705483313364 shopify_CA_7705483313364_43298373566676 new 11,99 CADin stock 822-009 Nostalgia Import 7705483313364_43298373566676 Serviettes de bain & accessoires||Towels & accessories 0.4 kg Adhesive clock - Blink Adhesive clock - Blink Default Title Perfect in a clean and modern decor. The size is adjustable and fits most walls. Easy to install and quiet. Two patterns in two sizes are included for easy installation. Includes two templates. 7705331826900 shopify_CA_7705331826900_43095822926036 new 44,99 CADin stock 1005400-040 Umbra 7705331826900_43095822926036 Horloges murales||Wall clocks 0.2 kg Champagne glass 200 ml - Splendido Champagne glass 200 ml - Splendido Default Title Let the fragrance of wine enliven your taste buds. The "balloon" glass is ideal for lovers of full-bodied red wine. Set of 4 glasses. 7705302597844 shopify_CA_7705302597844_43298496151764 new 34,99 CAD24,99 CADin stock 4900834 Trudeau 7705302597844_43298496151764 Verres à vin||Wine glasses 0.706 kg French shallot confit with raspberry balsamic French shallot confit with raspberry balsamic Default Title French shallot confit with raspberry balsamic is a must try, whether it's in a grilled cheese or just with crackers and charcuterie, any excuse is good enough to eat it! On the one hand sweet, thanks to the shallot and raspberry, and on the other hand peppery, thanks to the Kampot pepper. 7705293226196 shopify_CA_7705293226196_43298389393620 new 17,99 CADin stock CONFITÉ La Belle Excuse 7705293226196_43298389393620 Confits et assaisonnements||Confits and seasonings 0.643 kg Scented sachet 11 ml - Garden thyme Scented sachet 11 ml - Garden thyme Default Title This scented bag has many possible destinations: in drawers, closets and cupboards to freshen up odors, or even in the car! Simple and effective, we spoil ourselves with the different existing fragrances! Fresh thyme fragrance. Also available in other fragrances. 7885603438804 shopify_CA_7885603438804_43691338531028 new 2,99 CADin stock Canfloyd 7885603438804_43691338531028 Sachets parfumés||Scented sachets 0.0 kg Wood effect diffuser + Free oil Wood effect diffuser + Free oil Eucalyptus globulus The natural wood effect diffuser is very quiet and has a modern and elegant faux wood exterior, a warm ambient glow. It maintains a fresh, aromatic and soothing atmosphere in any room. Perfect for aromatherapy lovers, enjoy the benefits of essential oils at home. 7810487550164 shopify_CA_7810487550164_43460144201940 new 90,98 CAD69,99 CADin stock Agence K 7810487550164_43460144201940 Diffuseurs pour huiles||Diffuser for oils 0.4 kg Wood effect diffuser + Free oil Wood effect diffuser + Free oil Coconut Vanilla The natural wood effect diffuser is very quiet and has a modern and elegant faux wood exterior, a warm ambient glow. It maintains a fresh, aromatic and soothing atmosphere in any room. Perfect for aromatherapy lovers, enjoy the benefits of essential oils at home. 7810487550164 shopify_CA_7810487550164_43460144234708 new 90,98 CAD69,99 CADin stock Agence K 7810487550164_43460144234708 Diffuseurs pour huiles||Diffuser for oils 0.4 kg Wood effect diffuser + Free oil Wood effect diffuser + Free oil Lavandin super The natural wood effect diffuser is very quiet and has a modern and elegant faux wood exterior, a warm ambient glow. It maintains a fresh, aromatic and soothing atmosphere in any room. Perfect for aromatherapy lovers, enjoy the benefits of essential oils at home. 7810487550164 shopify_CA_7810487550164_43460144267476 new 90,98 CAD69,99 CADin stock Agence K 7810487550164_43460144267476 Diffuseurs pour huiles||Diffuser for oils 0.4 kg Wood effect diffuser + Free oil Wood effect diffuser + Free oil Fruity passion The natural wood effect diffuser is very quiet and has a modern and elegant faux wood exterior, a warm ambient glow. It maintains a fresh, aromatic and soothing atmosphere in any room. Perfect for aromatherapy lovers, enjoy the benefits of essential oils at home. 7810487550164 shopify_CA_7810487550164_43460144300244 new 90,98 CAD69,99 CADin stock Agence K 7810487550164_43460144300244 Diffuseurs pour huiles||Diffuser for oils 0.4 kg Wood effect diffuser + Free oil Wood effect diffuser + Free oil Balsam Fir The natural wood effect diffuser is very quiet and has a modern and elegant faux wood exterior, a warm ambient glow. It maintains a fresh, aromatic and soothing atmosphere in any room. Perfect for aromatherapy lovers, enjoy the benefits of essential oils at home. 7810487550164 shopify_CA_7810487550164_43460144333012 new 90,98 CAD69,99 CADin stock Agence K 7810487550164_43460144333012 Diffuseurs pour huiles||Diffuser for oils 0.4 kg Wood effect diffuser + Free oil Wood effect diffuser + Free oil Green tea and cucumber The natural wood effect diffuser is very quiet and has a modern and elegant faux wood exterior, a warm ambient glow. It maintains a fresh, aromatic and soothing atmosphere in any room. Perfect for aromatherapy lovers, enjoy the benefits of essential oils at home. 7810487550164 shopify_CA_7810487550164_43460144398548 new 90,98 CAD69,99 CADin stock Agence K 7810487550164_43460144398548 Diffuseurs pour huiles||Diffuser for oils 0.4 kg Wood effect diffuser + Free oil Wood effect diffuser + Free oil Lemon Zest The natural wood effect diffuser is very quiet and has a modern and elegant faux wood exterior, a warm ambient glow. It maintains a fresh, aromatic and soothing atmosphere in any room. Perfect for aromatherapy lovers, enjoy the benefits of essential oils at home. 7810487550164 shopify_CA_7810487550164_43460144431316 new 90,98 CAD69,99 CADin stock Agence K 7810487550164_43460144431316 Diffuseurs pour huiles||Diffuser for oils 0.4 kg Wood effect diffuser + Free oil Wood effect diffuser + Free oil Bergamot & sea salt The natural wood effect diffuser is very quiet and has a modern and elegant faux wood exterior, a warm ambient glow. It maintains a fresh, aromatic and soothing atmosphere in any room. Perfect for aromatherapy lovers, enjoy the benefits of essential oils at home. 7810487550164 shopify_CA_7810487550164_44161971224788 new 90,98 CAD69,99 CADin stock Agence K 7810487550164_44161971224788 Diffuseurs pour huiles||Diffuser for oils 0.4 kg Wood effect diffuser + Free oil Wood effect diffuser + Free oil Lychee flowers The natural wood effect diffuser is very quiet and has a modern and elegant faux wood exterior, a warm ambient glow. It maintains a fresh, aromatic and soothing atmosphere in any room. Perfect for aromatherapy lovers, enjoy the benefits of essential oils at home. 7810487550164 shopify_CA_7810487550164_44161971257556 new 90,98 CAD69,99 CADin stock Agence K 7810487550164_44161971257556 Diffuseurs pour huiles||Diffuser for oils 0.4 kg Wood effect diffuser + Free oil Wood effect diffuser + Free oil Hibiscus & guava The natural wood effect diffuser is very quiet and has a modern and elegant faux wood exterior, a warm ambient glow. It maintains a fresh, aromatic and soothing atmosphere in any room. Perfect for aromatherapy lovers, enjoy the benefits of essential oils at home. 7810487550164 shopify_CA_7810487550164_44161971290324 new 90,98 CAD69,99 CADin stock Agence K 7810487550164_44161971290324 Diffuseurs pour huiles||Diffuser for oils 0.4 kg Wood effect diffuser + Free oil Wood effect diffuser + Free oil White tea & pear The natural wood effect diffuser is very quiet and has a modern and elegant faux wood exterior, a warm ambient glow. It maintains a fresh, aromatic and soothing atmosphere in any room. Perfect for aromatherapy lovers, enjoy the benefits of essential oils at home. 7810487550164 shopify_CA_7810487550164_44161971323092 new 90,98 CAD69,99 CADin stock Agence K 7810487550164_44161971323092 Diffuseurs pour huiles||Diffuser for oils 0.4 kg 3-Wick Candle - Bergamot & sea salt 3-Wick Candle - Bergamot & sea salt Default Title This 3 wick soy blend candle is hand poured into a large glass jar. The jarred candle retains its scent better than a regular candle. The bergamot and sea salt fragrance is totally sexy and dashing. Its delicious scent will fill the room with an invigorating aroma and lightness. 7705710461140 shopify_CA_7705710461140_43298387230932 new 23,99 CADin stock THREEW-09 Kozy x Three Wix & CO 7705710461140_43298387230932 Chandelles parfumées||Scented candles 0.4 kg Wine glass - Pause maman Wine glass - Pause maman Default Title Wine glass with a humorous message: "Maman en pause bien méritée". This is a great gift for the mom who wants to take a break and relax, or for the mom who forgets to do so! 7705649512660 shopify_CA_7705649512660_43298492580052 new 16,99 CADin stock BT1021 Attitudes Import 2 7705649512660_43298492580052 Verres à vin avec textes||Wine glasses with text 0.256 kg Polyester placemat - Black Polyester placemat - Black Default Title Superbe napperon rond en polyester noir. Parfait pour un dessous de centre de table ou pour créer une belle table pour recevoir famille et amis. 7705608978644 shopify_CA_7705608978644_43298419310804 new 3,99 CADin stock 863-001 Nostalgia Import 7705608978644_43298419310804 Napperons||Placemats 0.0 kg Oyster tool kit Oyster tool kit Default Title Set of tools for shucking oysters. An original and fun gift to give (or receive!), this one includes a wooden shucking block and an oyster knife with hand guard. 7705582993620 shopify_CA_7705582993620_43298421768404 new 21,99 CADin stock 3250570RW Danesco 7705582993620_43298421768404 Outils de préparation||Preparation tools 0.3 kg Big kitchen soap with rosemary, lemon & coffee Big kitchen soap with rosemary, lemon & coffee Default Title A little known product, La Belle Excuse kitchen soap is a must-have! It effectively removes all the odors of garlic, onion and fish from your hands after cooking, in addition to purifying sensitive skin and protecting the epidermis from drying out. 7705329860820 shopify_CA_7705329860820_43298460106964 new 15,99 CADin stock SAVON 135GR La Belle Excuse 7705329860820_43298460106964 Savons & crème à mains||Soaps & hand cream 0.135 kg Paring knives set Paring knives set Default Title Makes it easy to cut pizza, focaccia etc. It is made wider to also use it as a serving tool for pizza. 7705292767444 shopify_CA_7705292767444_43298390016212 new 15,99 CADin stock 063074 Ricardo 7705292767444_43298390016212 Coupes aliments||Cutting tools 0.146 kg Kozy deluxe cushion - Beige Kozy deluxe cushion - Beige Default Title Beautiful “deluxe” gray cushion. The exterior imitates a pretty fur. Soft, you'll want to stick to it again and again! Integrated zipper for foam removal. 8646478889172 shopify_CA_8646478889172_45689171116244 new 29,99 CAD24,99 CADin stock Agence K 8646478889172_45689171116244 Coussins||Cushions 0.0 kg Hand cream - Raspberry & vanilla Hand cream - Raspberry & vanilla Default Title Treat yourself to this ultra-moisturizing, nourishing cream enriched with shea butter, to soften dry hands. Its vanilla raspberry fragrance will awaken all your senses. 8630955114708 shopify_CA_8630955114708_45644661850324 new 9,99 CADin stock Histoire de bulles 8630955114708_45644661850324 Savons & crème à mains||Soaps & hand cream 0.0 kg Woven tray - Round Woven tray - Round Default Title It can be ingenious to include a touch of warmth to a more modern decor. This woven serving tray works with many types of wood, and that's exactly what makes it so appealing! 8151877714132 shopify_CA_8151877714132_44473054986452 new 24,99 CADin stock Nostalgia Import 8151877714132_44473054986452 Plateaux décoratifs||Decorative trays 0.0 kg Anti-stress stone - Amethyst Anti-stress stone - Amethyst Default Title Discover our collection of carefully selected anti-stress stones to soothe your mind and reduce stress. Find inner tranquility with these quality crystals. Amethyst : promotes concentration & spiritual upliftment. 7982540325076 shopify_CA_7982540325076_43959161520340 new 6,99 CADin stock Nostalgia Import 7982540325076_43959161520340 Énergie||Energy 0.05 kg Canvas - Minimalist I Canvas - Minimalist I Black / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925116076244 shopify_CA_7925116076244_43808696139988 new 94,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925116076244_43808696139988 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Minimalist I Canvas - Minimalist I Natural / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925116076244 shopify_CA_7925116076244_43808698433748 new 94,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925116076244_43808698433748 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Minimalist I Canvas - Minimalist I White / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925116076244 shopify_CA_7925116076244_43808698466516 new 94,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925116076244_43808698466516 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Minimalist I Canvas - Minimalist I Espresso / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925116076244 shopify_CA_7925116076244_43808698499284 new 94,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925116076244_43808698499284 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Minimalist I Canvas - Minimalist I Without Frame / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925116076244 shopify_CA_7925116076244_43808698532052 new 49,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925116076244_43808698532052 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Minimalist I Canvas - Minimalist I Black / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925116076244 shopify_CA_7925116076244_43808698564820 new 109,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925116076244_43808698564820 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Minimalist I Canvas - Minimalist I Natural / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925116076244 shopify_CA_7925116076244_43808698597588 new 109,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925116076244_43808698597588 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Minimalist I Canvas - Minimalist I White / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925116076244 shopify_CA_7925116076244_43808698630356 new 109,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925116076244_43808698630356 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Minimalist I Canvas - Minimalist I Espresso / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925116076244 shopify_CA_7925116076244_43808698663124 new 109,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925116076244_43808698663124 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Minimalist I Canvas - Minimalist I Without Frame / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925116076244 shopify_CA_7925116076244_43808698695892 new 59,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925116076244_43808698695892 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Minimalist I Canvas - Minimalist I Black / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925116076244 shopify_CA_7925116076244_43808698728660 new 139,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925116076244_43808698728660 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Minimalist I Canvas - Minimalist I Natural / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925116076244 shopify_CA_7925116076244_43808698761428 new 139,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925116076244_43808698761428 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Minimalist I Canvas - Minimalist I White / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925116076244 shopify_CA_7925116076244_43808698794196 new 139,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925116076244_43808698794196 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Minimalist I Canvas - Minimalist I Espresso / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925116076244 shopify_CA_7925116076244_43808698826964 new 139,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925116076244_43808698826964 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Minimalist I Canvas - Minimalist I Without Frame / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925116076244 shopify_CA_7925116076244_43808698859732 new 74,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925116076244_43808698859732 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Minimalist I Canvas - Minimalist I Black / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925116076244 shopify_CA_7925116076244_43808698892500 new 159,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925116076244_43808698892500 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Minimalist I Canvas - Minimalist I Natural / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925116076244 shopify_CA_7925116076244_43808698302676 new 159,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925116076244_43808698302676 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Minimalist I Canvas - Minimalist I White / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925116076244 shopify_CA_7925116076244_43808698335444 new 159,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925116076244_43808698335444 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Minimalist I Canvas - Minimalist I Espresso / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925116076244 shopify_CA_7925116076244_43808698368212 new 159,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925116076244_43808698368212 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Minimalist I Canvas - Minimalist I Without Frame / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925116076244 shopify_CA_7925116076244_43808698400980 new 84,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925116076244_43808698400980 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Minimalist I Canvas - Minimalist I Oak wood / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925116076244 shopify_CA_7925116076244_43974905692372 new 94,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925116076244_43974905692372 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Minimalist I Canvas - Minimalist I Oak wood / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925116076244 shopify_CA_7925116076244_43974905954516 new 109,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925116076244_43974905954516 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Minimalist I Canvas - Minimalist I Oak wood / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925116076244 shopify_CA_7925116076244_43974906151124 new 139,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925116076244_43974906151124 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Minimalist I Canvas - Minimalist I Oak wood / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925116076244 shopify_CA_7925116076244_43974906511572 new 159,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925116076244_43974906511572 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Kanji I Canvas - Kanji I Natural / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075345620 shopify_CA_7925075345620_43808581845204 new 94,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075345620_43808581845204 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Kanji I Canvas - Kanji I Black / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075345620 shopify_CA_7925075345620_43808582992084 new 94,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075345620_43808582992084 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Kanji I Canvas - Kanji I White / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075345620 shopify_CA_7925075345620_43808583024852 new 94,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075345620_43808583024852 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Kanji I Canvas - Kanji I Espresso / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075345620 shopify_CA_7925075345620_43808583057620 new 94,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075345620_43808583057620 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Kanji I Canvas - Kanji I Without Frame / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075345620 shopify_CA_7925075345620_43808583090388 new 49,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075345620_43808583090388 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Kanji I Canvas - Kanji I Natural / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075345620 shopify_CA_7925075345620_43808583123156 new 109,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075345620_43808583123156 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Kanji I Canvas - Kanji I Black / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075345620 shopify_CA_7925075345620_43808583155924 new 109,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075345620_43808583155924 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Kanji I Canvas - Kanji I White / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075345620 shopify_CA_7925075345620_43808583188692 new 109,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075345620_43808583188692 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Kanji I Canvas - Kanji I Espresso / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075345620 shopify_CA_7925075345620_43808583254228 new 109,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075345620_43808583254228 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Kanji I Canvas - Kanji I Without Frame / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075345620 shopify_CA_7925075345620_43808583352532 new 59,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075345620_43808583352532 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Kanji I Canvas - Kanji I Natural / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075345620 shopify_CA_7925075345620_43808583483604 new 139,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075345620_43808583483604 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Kanji I Canvas - Kanji I Black / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075345620 shopify_CA_7925075345620_43808583614676 new 139,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075345620_43808583614676 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Kanji I Canvas - Kanji I White / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075345620 shopify_CA_7925075345620_43808583811284 new 139,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075345620_43808583811284 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Kanji I Canvas - Kanji I Espresso / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075345620 shopify_CA_7925075345620_43808584040660 new 139,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075345620_43808584040660 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Kanji I Canvas - Kanji I Without Frame / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075345620 shopify_CA_7925075345620_43808584237268 new 74,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075345620_43808584237268 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Kanji I Canvas - Kanji I Natural / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075345620 shopify_CA_7925075345620_43808584499412 new 159,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075345620_43808584499412 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Kanji I Canvas - Kanji I Black / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075345620 shopify_CA_7925075345620_43808582205652 new 159,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075345620_43808582205652 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Kanji I Canvas - Kanji I White / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075345620 shopify_CA_7925075345620_43808582238420 new 159,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075345620_43808582238420 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Kanji I Canvas - Kanji I Espresso / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075345620 shopify_CA_7925075345620_43808582271188 new 159,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075345620_43808582271188 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Kanji I Canvas - Kanji I Without Frame / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075345620 shopify_CA_7925075345620_43808582303956 new 84,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075345620_43808582303956 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Kanji I Canvas - Kanji I Oak wood / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075345620 shopify_CA_7925075345620_43974908182740 new 94,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075345620_43974908182740 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Kanji I Canvas - Kanji I Oak wood / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075345620 shopify_CA_7925075345620_43974909690068 new 109,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075345620_43974909690068 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Kanji I Canvas - Kanji I Oak wood / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075345620 shopify_CA_7925075345620_43974909853908 new 139,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075345620_43974909853908 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Kanji I Canvas - Kanji I Oak wood / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075345620 shopify_CA_7925075345620_43974910017748 new 159,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075345620_43974910017748 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Yellow flowered cushion - Merci Yellow flowered cushion - Merci Default Title A simple thank you can sometimes have a big impact! Offer this sublime, playful cushion, delicately decorated with flowers, to a deserving person - they'll be delighted! In French only. 7920039854292 shopify_CA_7920039854292_43796781990100 new 23,99 CADin stock La Fabrique Champêtre 7920039854292_43796781990100 Coussins à texte||Text cushions 0.32 kg Dish cloth - Professeur passionné Dish cloth - Professeur passionné Default Title This dishcloth is the perfect gift for a much-loved teacher! Its inscription: "Un  professeur passionné c'est difficile à trouver mais impossible à oublier " will look great in the recipient's kitchen! In French only. 7920039526612 shopify_CA_7920039526612_43796781072596 new 12,99 CADin stock La Fabrique Champêtre 7920039526612_43796781072596 Linges à vaisselle||Dish cloths 0.32 kg Stainless steel ice cubes Stainless steel ice cubes Default Title The "last minute" ice cubes that everyone must have! Leave them in the freezer and take them out with the aperitif! 7822589755604 shopify_CA_7822589755604_43495036977364 new 19,99 CAD14,99 CADin stock Agence K 7822589755604_43495036977364 Accessoires à cocktails||Cocktail accessories 0.05 kg Spoon rest Spoon rest Default Title Spoon rest to keep stoves and countertops clean. Designed to accommodate large and small utensils. Simple, elegant design fits any kitchen. 7705678020820 shopify_CA_7705678020820_43298369667284 new 9,99 CADin stock 063769 Ricardo 7705678020820_43298369667284 Outils de préparation||Preparation tools 0.2 kg Scented sachet - Lavender Scented sachet - Lavender Default Title This scented bag has many possible destinations: in drawers, closets and cupboards to freshen up odors, or in the car! Simple and effective, we spoil ourselves with the different existing fragrances! Lavender fragrance. Also available in other fragrances. 7705615007956 shopify_CA_7705615007956_43298453913812 new 4,99 CADin stock G900-514 Canfloyd 7705615007956_43298453913812 Sachets parfumés||Scented sachets 0.0 kg Unscented candle - Natural Unscented candle - Natural Default Title Large unscented candle. Ideal for romantic dinners for two, it contributes to the ambiance of the room to make it more attractive without masking the smell of your food. Burns for approximately 12 hours. 7705458671828 shopify_CA_7705458671828_43298384347348 new 2,49 CADin stock K132567 Carsim trading 7705458671828_43298384347348 Chandelles décoratives||Decorative candles 0.08 kg Ceramic ball vase Ceramic ball vase Black Ceramic ball vase with a cylindrical top with vertical lines that add texture. This vase is ideal for branches or flowers. 7705444974804 shopify_CA_7705444974804_43096082022612 new 24,99 CADin stock LH2236 Attitudes Import 2 7705444974804_43096082022612 Vases||Vases Black 0.4 kg Ceramic ball vase Ceramic ball vase White Ceramic ball vase with a cylindrical top with vertical lines that add texture. This vase is ideal for branches or flowers. 7705444974804 shopify_CA_7705444974804_43096082088148 new 24,99 CADin stock LH3104 Attitudes Import 2 7705444974804_43096082088148 Vases||Vases White 0.4 kg Fragrance 500 ml - Fresh linen Fragrance 500 ml - Fresh linen Default Title The Fresh Linen fragrance is dynamic, clean and invigorating. You'll love it at any time of day. 500 ml bottle, to be used with a Maison Berger lamp. 7705342116052 shopify_CA_7705342116052_43298451882196 new 25,99 CADin stock 415011 Maison Berger 7705342116052_43298451882196 Recharges Maison Berger||Maison Berger refills 0.46 kg Extra virgin black olive oil Extra virgin black olive oil Default Title This extra virgin black olive oil is made from olives cold pressed the same day they are picked. It contains less than 0.3% acidity and decants naturally for 2 months. This process allows a better elimination of the residues which harm a quality cooking. With golden reflections, it gives off a floral and sweet taste as well as a touch of ripe fruit and light pepper. Perfect for enhancing the flavors of a salad as well as for cooking: fish, grilled meats, pasta, vegetables and stir-fries. 7705306792148 shopify_CA_7705306792148_43298404532436 new 14,99 CADin stock 250MLN La Belle Excuse 7705306792148_43298404532436 Huiles, vinaigres & vinaigrettes||Oils, vinegars & dressings 0.56 kg Rice cooker - 8 cups Rice cooker - 8 cups Default Title Save space in your kitchen with the RICARDO 8-cup rice cooker. Compact and powerful, it prepares all types of rice to perfection. 4 programs, timer and keep warm. RICARDO quality. 7705305612500 shopify_CA_7705305612500_43298423603412 new 49,99 CADin stock Ricardo 7705305612500_43298423603412 Petits électros||Small appliances 3.58 kg Small candle - Realistic flame Small candle - Realistic flame White Small candle with fake flame that flickers like a real one. Made of wax, for an even more real effect. Safe and convenient. 8 hour timer available to save batteries. Works with AA batteries. Also available in large size. 7705299386580 shopify_CA_7705299386580_43095725899988 new 10,99 CADin stock K1001 Agence K 7705299386580_43095725899988 Chandelles décoratives||Decorative candles White 0.177 kg Small candle - Realistic flame Small candle - Realistic flame Ivory Small candle with fake flame that flickers like a real one. Made of wax, for an even more real effect. Safe and convenient. 8 hour timer available to save batteries. Works with AA batteries. Also available in large size. 7705299386580 shopify_CA_7705299386580_43095725932756 new 10,99 CADin stock K1005 Agence K 7705299386580_43095725932756 Chandelles décoratives||Decorative candles Ivory 0.177 kg Small candle - Realistic flame Small candle - Realistic flame Gray Small candle with fake flame that flickers like a real one. Made of wax, for an even more real effect. Safe and convenient. 8 hour timer available to save batteries. Works with AA batteries. Also available in large size. 7705299386580 shopify_CA_7705299386580_43095725965524 new 10,99 CADin stock K1007 Agence K 7705299386580_43095725965524 Chandelles décoratives||Decorative candles Gray 0.177 kg Candle 20h - Goat milk and linseed oil Candle 20h - Goat milk and linseed oil Default Title Soy candle - which burns for about 20 hours - made from goat's milk and linseed oil. Soybeans are environmentally friendly and support our agricultural economy. 7705299288276 shopify_CA_7705299288276_43298386247892 new 13,99 CADin stock LC20-L01 Pure Living 7705299288276_43298386247892 Chandelles parfumées||Scented candles 0.18 kg Red wine glass - Splendido Red wine glass - Splendido Default Title Let the fragrance of wine enliven your taste buds. The "balloon" glass is ideal for lovers of full-bodied red wine. Set of 4 glasses. 7705297584340 shopify_CA_7705297584340_43298496184532 new 34,99 CAD24,99 CADin stock 4900835 Trudeau 7705297584340_43298496184532 Verres à vin||Wine glasses 0.944 kg Giant chocolate - Pecan caramel Giant chocolate - Pecan caramel Default Title Ah, the sweet reminder of "Turtles" chocolates - totally creamy & richly filled with melting caramel and pecans. Y-U-M-M-Y! 8138854170836 shopify_CA_8138854170836_44441842876628 new 4,99 CADin stock Andea chocolate 8138854170836_44441842876628 Chocolats, caramels et sucreries||Chocolates, caramels and sweets 0.0 kg Kozy rectangular Cushion - Mushrooms Kozy rectangular Cushion - Mushrooms Default Title How cute and trendy can this cushion be? Mushroom lovers or not, they're definitely emerging in the latest decorating trends. In addition to its trendy look, the cover features a zipper to remove the stuffing and is machine washable. 7974140313812 shopify_CA_7974140313812_43934482989268 new 29,99 CADin stock Kozy X Patelin 7974140313812_43934482989268 Coussins||Cushions 0.2 kg Lagurus stem bundle - Brown Lagurus stem bundle - Brown Default Title These silky feathers will fill your vase with elegance and delicacy. Their airy effect is incomparable. 7970810200276 shopify_CA_7970810200276_43925793407188 new 12,99 CAD8,00 CADin stock Gift Craft 7970810200276_43925793407188 Branches & tiges||Branches & Stems 0.0 kg Scented oil - Eucalyptus Scented oil - Eucalyptus Default Title A fragrant oil with the scent of eucalyptus. Perfect for diffusing and creating ambiance at home, for use with an oil diffuser. A 100% Quebec collaboration. 7955769819348 shopify_CA_7955769819348_43891335692500 new 11,99 CADin stock Kozy x Three Wix & CO 7955769819348_43891335692500 Huiles essentielles & parfumées||Essential & scented oils 0.0 kg 4 seasons Duvet - Microfiber 4 seasons Duvet - Microfiber Twin (68 x 88) This 4-season cotton duvet will be your best friend throughout the night, as its weight adapts to the temperature for impeccable comfort. 7931286290644 shopify_CA_7931286290644_43825820172500 new 150,99 CADin stock Brunelli 7931286290644_43825820172500 Couettes||Duvets Twin (68 x 88)US 0.0 kg 4 seasons Duvet - Microfiber 4 seasons Duvet - Microfiber Double-queen (88 x 90) This 4-season cotton duvet will be your best friend throughout the night, as its weight adapts to the temperature for impeccable comfort. 7931286290644 shopify_CA_7931286290644_43825820205268 new 167,99 CADin stock Brunelli 7931286290644_43825820205268 Couettes||Duvets Double-queen (88 x 90)US 0.0 kg 4 seasons Duvet - Microfiber 4 seasons Duvet - Microfiber King (104 x 90) This 4-season cotton duvet will be your best friend throughout the night, as its weight adapts to the temperature for impeccable comfort. 7931286290644 shopify_CA_7931286290644_43825820238036 new 210,99 CADin stock Brunelli 7931286290644_43825820238036 Couettes||Duvets King (104 x 90)US 0.0 kg Canvas - Floraison Canvas - Floraison Natural / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925432549588 shopify_CA_7925432549588_43810049294548 new 94,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925432549588_43810049294548 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Floraison Canvas - Floraison Black / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925432549588 shopify_CA_7925432549588_43810050343124 new 94,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925432549588_43810050343124 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Floraison Canvas - Floraison White / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925432549588 shopify_CA_7925432549588_43810050375892 new 94,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925432549588_43810050375892 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Floraison Canvas - Floraison Espresso / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925432549588 shopify_CA_7925432549588_43810050408660 new 94,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925432549588_43810050408660 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Floraison Canvas - Floraison Without Frame / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925432549588 shopify_CA_7925432549588_43810050441428 new 49,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925432549588_43810050441428 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Floraison Canvas - Floraison Natural / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925432549588 shopify_CA_7925432549588_43810050474196 new 109,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925432549588_43810050474196 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Floraison Canvas - Floraison Black / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925432549588 shopify_CA_7925432549588_43810050506964 new 109,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925432549588_43810050506964 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Floraison Canvas - Floraison White / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925432549588 shopify_CA_7925432549588_43810050572500 new 109,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925432549588_43810050572500 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Floraison Canvas - Floraison Espresso / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925432549588 shopify_CA_7925432549588_43810050605268 new 109,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925432549588_43810050605268 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Floraison Canvas - Floraison Without Frame / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925432549588 shopify_CA_7925432549588_43810050670804 new 59,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925432549588_43810050670804 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Floraison Canvas - Floraison Natural / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925432549588 shopify_CA_7925432549588_43810050736340 new 139,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925432549588_43810050736340 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Floraison Canvas - Floraison Black / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925432549588 shopify_CA_7925432549588_43810050801876 new 139,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925432549588_43810050801876 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Floraison Canvas - Floraison White / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925432549588 shopify_CA_7925432549588_43810050900180 new 139,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925432549588_43810050900180 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Floraison Canvas - Floraison Espresso / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925432549588 shopify_CA_7925432549588_43810050998484 new 139,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925432549588_43810050998484 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Floraison Canvas - Floraison Without Frame / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925432549588 shopify_CA_7925432549588_43810051064020 new 74,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925432549588_43810051064020 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Floraison Canvas - Floraison Natural / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925432549588 shopify_CA_7925432549588_43810051096788 new 159,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925432549588_43810051096788 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Floraison Canvas - Floraison Black / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925432549588 shopify_CA_7925432549588_43810050080980 new 159,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925432549588_43810050080980 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Floraison Canvas - Floraison White / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925432549588 shopify_CA_7925432549588_43810050113748 new 159,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925432549588_43810050113748 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Floraison Canvas - Floraison Espresso / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925432549588 shopify_CA_7925432549588_43810050146516 new 159,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925432549588_43810050146516 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Floraison Canvas - Floraison Without Frame / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925432549588 shopify_CA_7925432549588_43810050179284 new 84,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925432549588_43810050179284 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Floraison Canvas - Floraison Oak wood / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925432549588 shopify_CA_7925432549588_43974902907092 new 94,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925432549588_43974902907092 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Floraison Canvas - Floraison Oak wood / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925432549588 shopify_CA_7925432549588_43974904185044 new 109,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925432549588_43974904185044 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Floraison Canvas - Floraison Oak wood / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925432549588 shopify_CA_7925432549588_43974904381652 new 139,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925432549588_43974904381652 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Floraison Canvas - Floraison Oak wood / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925432549588 shopify_CA_7925432549588_43974904512724 new 159,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925432549588_43974904512724 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Ambient mist & textiles - Melon & cucumber Ambient mist & textiles - Melon & cucumber Default Title This room mist will do wonders to freshen up your home, the air around you and your textiles. This cucumber and honeydew melon fragrance is perfect for changing the mood in the room of your choice. 7903521702100 shopify_CA_7903521702100_43756483281108 new 19,99 CADin stock Kozy x Three Wix & CO 7903521702100_43756483281108 Vaporisateurs||Vaporizers 0.2 kg Candle - Meilleure Amie Candle - Meilleure Amie Default Title Finally, a candle that meets all the criteria of a successful gift: a striking scent of verbena & citrus, a pretty package and a wish as a bonus! Stock up, because it's going to go faaast! 7872968818900 shopify_CA_7872968818900_43655538213076 new 12,99 CADin stock Nostalgia Import 7872968818900_43655538213076 Chandelles décoratives||Decorative candles 0.0 kg Steamless wine glass - Un jour/verre à la fois Steamless wine glass - Un jour/verre à la fois Default Title Stemless wine glass that reads: "Un jour/verre à la fois ". Give this humorous wine glass that is clearly a glass to use regularly, an original gift. 7827415826644 shopify_CA_7827415826644_43509001879764 new 9,99 CADin stock Attitudes Import 7827415826644_43509001879764 Verres à vin avec textes||Wine glasses with text 0.256 kg 3-Wick Candle - Hibiscus and Guava 3-Wick Candle - Hibiscus and Guava Default Title This 3-wick soy-based candle is hand-poured into a large glass vase, which retains the scent better than a regular candle. The "Hibiscus Guava" fragrance has a deliciously sweet and fruity scent that will fill the room with freshness. 7705729106132 shopify_CA_7705729106132_43298387362004 new 23,99 CADin stock THREEW-12 Kozy x Three Wix & CO 7705729106132_43298387362004 Chandelles parfumées||Scented candles 0.4 kg 8 x 10 picture frame 8 x 10 picture frame Default Title This simple photo frame with natural wood borders and thin white line will perfectly showcase your favorite photos. Holds one 8 x 10 photo. 7705663209684 shopify_CA_7705663209684_43097210585300 new 16,99 CADin stock LH3602 Attitudes Import 7705663209684_43097210585300 Cadres photo||Photo frames 0.7 kg Baby's sigh branch - Yellow Baby's sigh branch - Yellow Default Title The baby's breath branch is also known as Gypsophila paniculat. This essential yellow flower produces a veritable cloud of blooms adding a touch of lightness to both your garden or home. 7705417449684 shopify_CA_7705417449684_43298377760980 new 5,99 CADin stock EV1113 Attitudes Import 2 7705417449684_43298377760980 Bouquets de fleurs||Flower bouquets 0.2 kg Trash can - Woodrow Trash can - Woodrow Charcoal Superb wastebasket made of natural treated wood. Several colors available. The interior is always made of wood. With this item, give a modern look to your bathroom or your office. A trash can with a unique style that will create a "wow" effect. 7705377046740 shopify_CA_7705377046740_43757542605012 new 29,99 CADin stock Umbra 7705377046740_43757542605012 Poubelles de salle de bain||Bathroom garbage cans Charcoal 0.4 kg Trash can - Woodrow Trash can - Woodrow Black Superb wastebasket made of natural treated wood. Several colors available. The interior is always made of wood. With this item, give a modern look to your bathroom or your office. A trash can with a unique style that will create a "wow" effect. 7705377046740 shopify_CA_7705377046740_43095901044948 new 29,99 CADin stock 082780-045 Umbra 7705377046740_43095901044948 Poubelles de salle de bain||Bathroom garbage cans Black 0.4 kg Trash can - Woodrow Trash can - Woodrow Gray Superb wastebasket made of natural treated wood. Several colors available. The interior is always made of wood. With this item, give a modern look to your bathroom or your office. A trash can with a unique style that will create a "wow" effect. 7705377046740 shopify_CA_7705377046740_43095901077716 new 29,99 CADin stock 082780-918 Umbra 7705377046740_43095901077716 Poubelles de salle de bain||Bathroom garbage cans Gray 0.4 kg Trash can - Woodrow Trash can - Woodrow White Superb wastebasket made of natural treated wood. Several colors available. The interior is always made of wood. With this item, give a modern look to your bathroom or your office. A trash can with a unique style that will create a "wow" effect. 7705377046740 shopify_CA_7705377046740_43095901012180 new 29,99 CADin stock 082780-668 Umbra 7705377046740_43095901012180 Poubelles de salle de bain||Bathroom garbage cans White 0.4 kg Trash can - Woodrow Trash can - Woodrow Natural Superb wastebasket made of natural treated wood. Several colors available. The interior is always made of wood. With this item, give a modern look to your bathroom or your office. A trash can with a unique style that will create a "wow" effect. 7705377046740 shopify_CA_7705377046740_43095900979412 new 29,99 CADin stock 082780-390 Umbra 7705377046740_43095900979412 Poubelles de salle de bain||Bathroom garbage cans Natural 0.4 kg Trash can - Woodrow Trash can - Woodrow Green Superb wastebasket made of natural treated wood. Several colors available. The interior is always made of wood. With this item, give a modern look to your bathroom or your office. A trash can with a unique style that will create a "wow" effect. 7705377046740 shopify_CA_7705377046740_43095901110484 new 29,99 CADin stock 082780-1095 Umbra 7705377046740_43095901110484 Poubelles de salle de bain||Bathroom garbage cans Green 0.4 kg Personal blender Personal blender Default Title This little blender is much more powerful than it looks and will come in handy every day, whether you're making your favorite smoothies or grinding nuts effortlessly. 7705340084436 shopify_CA_7705340084436_43298424160468 new 49,99 CADin stock 063407 Ricardo 7705340084436_43298424160468 Petits électros||Small appliances 2.0 kg Room spray - Casa Room spray - Casa Default Title The home fragrance will envelop your home in a soothing way. Long lasting concentrated fragrance to create a relaxing and balancing atmosphere. This spray is perfect for changing the mood in the room of your choice. 7705320784084 shopify_CA_7705320784084_43298483241172 new 23,99 CADin stock CASA26 Pure Living 7705320784084_43298483241172 Vaporisateurs||Vaporizers 0.24 kg Lined wool socks - Grey Lined wool socks - Grey Default Title Treat your feet to a cocoon of softness with our lined wool socks. Designed for optimum comfort, they keep your feet warm and stylish. Their soft, warm lining makes them the ideal choice for cocooning evenings or relaxing days at home. A must-have for a “kozy” winter! 8645312282836 shopify_CA_8645312282836_45686341468372 new 16,99 CADin stock Agence K 8645312282836_45686341468372 Pantoufles, bas & sandales||Slippers, socks & sandals 0.0 kg Porcelain mug - Red mushroom Porcelain mug - Red mushroom Default Title This porcelain mug is sure to delight all mushroom enthusiasts - a trend that shows no signs of slowing down! Don't limit yourself to its primary use, use it as a decorative accessory on a shelf or in a glass cabinet! 8147657064660 shopify_CA_8147657064660_44467025969364 new 15,99 CADin stock Nostalgia Import 8147657064660_44467025969364 Tasses||Mugs 0.0 kg Canvas - The bohemian Canvas - The bohemian Black / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7979721982164 shopify_CA_7979721982164_43951438004436 new 94,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7979721982164_43951438004436 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - The bohemian Canvas - The bohemian Natural / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7979721982164 shopify_CA_7979721982164_43951438233812 new 94,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7979721982164_43951438233812 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - The bohemian Canvas - The bohemian White / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7979721982164 shopify_CA_7979721982164_43951438332116 new 94,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7979721982164_43951438332116 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - The bohemian Canvas - The bohemian Espresso / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7979721982164 shopify_CA_7979721982164_43951438463188 new 94,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7979721982164_43951438463188 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - The bohemian Canvas - The bohemian Without Frame / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7979721982164 shopify_CA_7979721982164_43951438659796 new 49,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7979721982164_43951438659796 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - The bohemian Canvas - The bohemian Black / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7979721982164 shopify_CA_7979721982164_43951438758100 new 109,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7979721982164_43951438758100 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - The bohemian Canvas - The bohemian Natural / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7979721982164 shopify_CA_7979721982164_43951438889172 new 109,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7979721982164_43951438889172 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - The bohemian Canvas - The bohemian White / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7979721982164 shopify_CA_7979721982164_43951439053012 new 109,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7979721982164_43951439053012 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - The bohemian Canvas - The bohemian Espresso / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7979721982164 shopify_CA_7979721982164_43951439184084 new 109,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7979721982164_43951439184084 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - The bohemian Canvas - The bohemian Without Frame / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7979721982164 shopify_CA_7979721982164_43951439347924 new 59,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7979721982164_43951439347924 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - The bohemian Canvas - The bohemian Black / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7979721982164 shopify_CA_7979721982164_43951439446228 new 139,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7979721982164_43951439446228 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - The bohemian Canvas - The bohemian Natural / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7979721982164 shopify_CA_7979721982164_43951439610068 new 139,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7979721982164_43951439610068 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - The bohemian Canvas - The bohemian White / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7979721982164 shopify_CA_7979721982164_43951440232660 new 139,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7979721982164_43951440232660 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - The bohemian Canvas - The bohemian Espresso / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7979721982164 shopify_CA_7979721982164_43951440396500 new 139,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7979721982164_43951440396500 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - The bohemian Canvas - The bohemian Without Frame / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7979721982164 shopify_CA_7979721982164_43951440527572 new 74,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7979721982164_43951440527572 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - The bohemian Canvas - The bohemian Black / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7979721982164 shopify_CA_7979721982164_43951440658644 new 159,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7979721982164_43951440658644 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - The bohemian Canvas - The bohemian Natural / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7979721982164 shopify_CA_7979721982164_43951440756948 new 159,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7979721982164_43951440756948 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - The bohemian Canvas - The bohemian White / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7979721982164 shopify_CA_7979721982164_43951440855252 new 159,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7979721982164_43951440855252 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - The bohemian Canvas - The bohemian Espresso / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7979721982164 shopify_CA_7979721982164_43951440953556 new 159,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7979721982164_43951440953556 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - The bohemian Canvas - The bohemian Without Frame / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7979721982164 shopify_CA_7979721982164_43951441051860 new 84,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7979721982164_43951441051860 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - The bohemian Canvas - The bohemian Oak wood / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7979721982164 shopify_CA_7979721982164_43974890094804 new 94,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7979721982164_43974890094804 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - The bohemian Canvas - The bohemian Oak wood / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7979721982164 shopify_CA_7979721982164_43974890291412 new 109,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7979721982164_43974890291412 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - The bohemian Canvas - The bohemian Oak wood / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7979721982164 shopify_CA_7979721982164_43974890553556 new 139,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7979721982164_43974890553556 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - The bohemian Canvas - The bohemian Oak wood / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7979721982164 shopify_CA_7979721982164_43974890684628 new 159,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7979721982164_43974890684628 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Floral fields Canvas - Floral fields Natural / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7979721949396 shopify_CA_7979721949396_43951437938900 new 94,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7979721949396_43951437938900 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Floral fields Canvas - Floral fields Black / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7979721949396 shopify_CA_7979721949396_43951438102740 new 94,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7979721949396_43951438102740 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Floral fields Canvas - Floral fields White / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7979721949396 shopify_CA_7979721949396_43951438135508 new 94,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7979721949396_43951438135508 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Floral fields Canvas - Floral fields Espresso / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7979721949396 shopify_CA_7979721949396_43951438168276 new 94,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7979721949396_43951438168276 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Floral fields Canvas - Floral fields Without Frame / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7979721949396 shopify_CA_7979721949396_43951438201044 new 59,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7979721949396_43951438201044 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Floral fields Canvas - Floral fields Natural / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7979721949396 shopify_CA_7979721949396_43951438266580 new 109,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7979721949396_43951438266580 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Floral fields Canvas - Floral fields Black / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7979721949396 shopify_CA_7979721949396_43951438364884 new 109,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7979721949396_43951438364884 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Floral fields Canvas - Floral fields White / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7979721949396 shopify_CA_7979721949396_43951438430420 new 109,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7979721949396_43951438430420 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Floral fields Canvas - Floral fields Espresso / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7979721949396 shopify_CA_7979721949396_43951438561492 new 109,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7979721949396_43951438561492 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Floral fields Canvas - Floral fields Without Frame / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7979721949396 shopify_CA_7979721949396_43951438790868 new 59,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7979721949396_43951438790868 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Floral fields Canvas - Floral fields Natural / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7979721949396 shopify_CA_7979721949396_43951438921940 new 139,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7979721949396_43951438921940 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Floral fields Canvas - Floral fields Black / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7979721949396 shopify_CA_7979721949396_43951439118548 new 139,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7979721949396_43951439118548 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Floral fields Canvas - Floral fields White / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7979721949396 shopify_CA_7979721949396_43951439216852 new 139,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7979721949396_43951439216852 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Floral fields Canvas - Floral fields Espresso / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7979721949396 shopify_CA_7979721949396_43951439315156 new 139,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7979721949396_43951439315156 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Floral fields Canvas - Floral fields Without Frame / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7979721949396 shopify_CA_7979721949396_43951439413460 new 74,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7979721949396_43951439413460 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Floral fields Canvas - Floral fields Natural / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7979721949396 shopify_CA_7979721949396_43951439544532 new 159,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7979721949396_43951439544532 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Floral fields Canvas - Floral fields Black / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7979721949396 shopify_CA_7979721949396_43951439741140 new 159,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7979721949396_43951439741140 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Floral fields Canvas - Floral fields White / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7979721949396 shopify_CA_7979721949396_43951440330964 new 159,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7979721949396_43951440330964 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Floral fields Canvas - Floral fields Espresso / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7979721949396 shopify_CA_7979721949396_43951440494804 new 159,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7979721949396_43951440494804 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Floral fields Canvas - Floral fields Without Frame / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7979721949396 shopify_CA_7979721949396_43951440625876 new 84,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7979721949396_43951440625876 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Floral fields Canvas - Floral fields Oak wood / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7979721949396 shopify_CA_7979721949396_43974890750164 new 94,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7979721949396_43974890750164 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Floral fields Canvas - Floral fields Oak wood / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7979721949396 shopify_CA_7979721949396_43974890848468 new 109,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7979721949396_43974890848468 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Floral fields Canvas - Floral fields Oak wood / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7979721949396 shopify_CA_7979721949396_43974890881236 new 139,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7979721949396_43974890881236 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Floral fields Canvas - Floral fields Oak wood / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7979721949396 shopify_CA_7979721949396_43974891012308 new 159,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7979721949396_43974891012308 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Scented oil - Bergamot & sea salt Scented oil - Bergamot & sea salt Default Title A fragrant oil with the scent of bergamot & sea salt. Perfect for diffusing and creating ambiance at home, for use with an oil diffuser. A 100% Quebec collaboration. 7955769622740 shopify_CA_7955769622740_43891334971604 new 11,99 CADin stock Kozy x Three Wix & CO 7955769622740_43891334971604 Huiles essentielles & parfumées||Essential & scented oils 0.0 kg Duvet cover - Rustic Duvet cover - Rustic White / Twin (68 x 88) Enhance the style of your bedroom with a high-quality, easy-care duvet cover. 7929768050900 shopify_CA_7929768050900_43822155432148 new 188,99 CADin stock Brunelli 7929768050900_43822155432148 Housses de couette||Duvet covers White Twin (68 x 88)US 0.0 kg Duvet cover - Rustic Duvet cover - Rustic White / Double-queen (88 x 90) Enhance the style of your bedroom with a high-quality, easy-care duvet cover. 7929768050900 shopify_CA_7929768050900_43822155464916 new 224,99 CADout of stock Brunelli 7929768050900_43822155464916 Housses de couette||Duvet covers White Double-queen (88 x 90)US 0.0 kg Duvet cover - Rustic Duvet cover - Rustic White / King (104 x 90) Enhance the style of your bedroom with a high-quality, easy-care duvet cover. 7929768050900 shopify_CA_7929768050900_43822155497684 new 282,99 CADout of stock Brunelli 7929768050900_43822155497684 Housses de couette||Duvet covers White King (104 x 90)US 0.0 kg Duvet cover - Rustic Duvet cover - Rustic Gray / Double-queen (88 x 90) Enhance the style of your bedroom with a high-quality, easy-care duvet cover. 7929768050900 shopify_CA_7929768050900_43822156415188 new 224,99 CADout of stock Brunelli 7929768050900_43822156415188 Housses de couette||Duvet covers Gray Double-queen (88 x 90)US 0.0 kg Duvet cover - Rustic Duvet cover - Rustic Gray / King (104 x 90) Enhance the style of your bedroom with a high-quality, easy-care duvet cover. 7929768050900 shopify_CA_7929768050900_43822156447956 new 282,99 CADin stock Brunelli 7929768050900_43822156447956 Housses de couette||Duvet covers Gray King (104 x 90)US 0.0 kg Canvas - Duality Canvas - Duality Black / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075542228 shopify_CA_7925075542228_43808582041812 new 94,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075542228_43808582041812 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Duality Canvas - Duality Natural / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075542228 shopify_CA_7925075542228_43808590627028 new 94,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075542228_43808590627028 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Duality Canvas - Duality White / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075542228 shopify_CA_7925075542228_43808590790868 new 94,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075542228_43808590790868 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Duality Canvas - Duality Espresso / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075542228 shopify_CA_7925075542228_43808590889172 new 94,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075542228_43808590889172 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Duality Canvas - Duality Without Frame / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075542228 shopify_CA_7925075542228_43808591020244 new 49,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075542228_43808591020244 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Duality Canvas - Duality Black / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075542228 shopify_CA_7925075542228_43808591118548 new 109,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075542228_43808591118548 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Duality Canvas - Duality Natural / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075542228 shopify_CA_7925075542228_43808591184084 new 109,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075542228_43808591184084 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Duality Canvas - Duality White / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075542228 shopify_CA_7925075542228_43808591282388 new 109,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075542228_43808591282388 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Duality Canvas - Duality Espresso / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075542228 shopify_CA_7925075542228_43808591413460 new 109,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075542228_43808591413460 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Duality Canvas - Duality Without Frame / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075542228 shopify_CA_7925075542228_43808591478996 new 59,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075542228_43808591478996 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Duality Canvas - Duality Black / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075542228 shopify_CA_7925075542228_43808591511764 new 139,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075542228_43808591511764 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Duality Canvas - Duality Natural / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075542228 shopify_CA_7925075542228_43808591544532 new 139,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075542228_43808591544532 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Duality Canvas - Duality White / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075542228 shopify_CA_7925075542228_43808591577300 new 139,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075542228_43808591577300 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Duality Canvas - Duality Espresso / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075542228 shopify_CA_7925075542228_43808591610068 new 139,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075542228_43808591610068 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Duality Canvas - Duality Without Frame / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075542228 shopify_CA_7925075542228_43808591642836 new 74,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075542228_43808591642836 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Duality Canvas - Duality Black / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075542228 shopify_CA_7925075542228_43808591675604 new 159,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075542228_43808591675604 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Duality Canvas - Duality Natural / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075542228 shopify_CA_7925075542228_43808592199892 new 159,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075542228_43808592199892 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Duality Canvas - Duality White / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075542228 shopify_CA_7925075542228_43808592232660 new 159,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075542228_43808592232660 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Duality Canvas - Duality Espresso / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075542228 shopify_CA_7925075542228_43808592265428 new 159,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075542228_43808592265428 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Duality Canvas - Duality Without Frame / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075542228 shopify_CA_7925075542228_43808592298196 new 84,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075542228_43808592298196 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Duality Canvas - Duality Oak wood / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075542228 shopify_CA_7925075542228_43974907691220 new 94,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075542228_43974907691220 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Duality Canvas - Duality Oak wood / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075542228 shopify_CA_7925075542228_43974910279892 new 109,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075542228_43974910279892 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Duality Canvas - Duality Oak wood / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075542228 shopify_CA_7925075542228_43974910509268 new 139,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075542228_43974910509268 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Duality Canvas - Duality Oak wood / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925075542228 shopify_CA_7925075542228_43974908313812 new 159,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925075542228_43974908313812 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Round placemat - Green Round placemat - Green Default Title In addition to being a decorative table accessory, the forest green placemat is also handy for protecting your table from damage caused by splashes and stains. Pair it with other placemats for a more complete decor! 7889775165652 shopify_CA_7889775165652_43705435324628 new 3,99 CADin stock Nostalgia Import 7889775165652_43705435324628 Napperons||Placemats 0.0 kg Stem of white flower Stem of white flower Default Title Here is the star element of your next centerpieces: this white flower stem! Accompanied by foliage, it will set the tone for your decor with its imposing shape and the whiteness of its petals! 7873106673876 shopify_CA_7873106673876_43656088191188 new 12,99 CADin stock Nostalgia Import 7873106673876_43656088191188 Branches & tiges||Branches & Stems 0.0 kg "Namaste" in black wood "Namaste" in black wood Default Title "Namaste" word in black wood to put on a shelf, a counter or in a bookcase. To read and re-read whenever you want! 7858806587604 shopify_CA_7858806587604_43608037490900 new 9,99 CADin stock Attitudes Import 7858806587604_43608037490900 Objets décoratifs||Decorative objects 0.1 kg Set of 4 shot glasses Set of 4 shot glasses Default Title The essential accessory for the bar? The shot glasses! With this set of 4 shot glasses, you won't miss the opportunity to have a festive "cheers" with your guests! Cheers! 7822528676052 shopify_CA_7822528676052_43494751568084 new 12,99 CADin stock Agence K 7822528676052_43494751568084 Verres à spiritueux||Spirits glasses 0.2 kg Green Eucalyptus Stem - 15" Green Eucalyptus Stem - 15" Default Title A beautiful eucalyptus stem for all those who are not green and wish to enhance their environment by adding a nice touch of greenery. 7705739296980 shopify_CA_7705739296980_43298490712276 new 7,99 CADin stock LH3666 Attitudes Import 7705739296980_43298490712276 Verdure sur tige||Stemmed greenery 0.2 kg 5 x 7 photo frame - Natural wood effect 5 x 7 photo frame - Natural wood effect Default Title This simple photo frame with natural-colored wood edges is the perfect way to show off your favorite photos. Holds one 5x7 photo. 7705665405140 shopify_CA_7705665405140_43097238143188 new 8,99 CADin stock RN1023 Attitudes Import 7705665405140_43097238143188 Cadres photo||Photo frames 0.5 kg Vinaigrette - Maple and red balsamic Vinaigrette - Maple and red balsamic Default Title Smooth and creamy, this delicious dressing will enhance the taste of all your salads. It is also perfect for your meat, poultry or fish marinades. Its balanced sweet and salty flavour is sure to complement all your delicious dishes! 7705659375828 shopify_CA_7705659375828_43298403418324 new 7,99 CADin stock 000672 Lili Gourmet 7705659375828_43298403418324 Huiles, vinaigres & vinaigrettes||Oils, vinegars & dressings 0.6 kg Double wall coffee cups 300 ml - Set of 2 Double wall coffee cups 300 ml - Set of 2 Default Title Set of two coffee mugs with double wall. The double wall insulation keeps the liquid warm with style while the outer wall stays comfortable to the touch. They are easy to care for. Great all-purpose gift! 7705651282132 shopify_CA_7705651282132_43298475868372 new 24,99 CADin stock BT1025 Agence K 7705651282132_43298475868372 Tasses||Mugs 0.5 kg Feather branch - Salmon Feather branch - Salmon Default Title Beautiful delicate and soft feather branches for floral arrangements. Current trend, chic and modern decor, you must have them in your decor! As a bouquet or simply a solitary branch, it will enhance a beautiful vase, no matter how big or small. This item can be bent to fit different vase sizes and is easily straightened. 7705485770964 shopify_CA_7705485770964_43298378645716 new 3,99 CADin stock EV1330 Attitudes Import 2 7705485770964_43298378645716 Branches & tiges||Branches & Stems 0.1 kg Dough cutter Dough cutter Default Title A professional kitchen tool, for those who cook a lot! This scraper is handy for cutting dough into different sections. Graduated, you are sure to get the desired size pieces. 7705444679892 shopify_CA_7705444679892_43298421211348 new 10,99 CADin stock 064080 Ricardo 7705444679892_43298421211348 Outils de préparation||Preparation tools 0.2 kg Champagne glass - Gala 200 ml Champagne glass - Gala 200 ml Default Title Trudeau Gala Collection stemless champagne flutes bring style to the table while maximizing the champagne experience. The rim of the glasses is laser cut and heat polished. It is also tempered for added strength. Trudeau's Gala stemless champagne flutes are dishwasher safe for worry-free maintenance. 7705412010196 shopify_CA_7705412010196_43298400895188 new 34,99 CAD24,99 CADin stock 49040728200 Trudeau 7705412010196_43298400895188 Flûtes à champagne||Champagne flutes 0.706 kg Double baguette bag Double baguette bag Default Title Nice reusable double baguette bread bag in linen. Very practical for carrying or storing bread. Adjusts to two lengths when bread is started. Much more stylish than a plastic or paper bag! 7705352306900 shopify_CA_7705352306900_43298458075348 new 11,99 CADin stock 6123362NA Danesco 7705352306900_43298458075348 Sacs à pain||Bread bags 0.05 kg Onion confit with lemon balsamic Onion confit with lemon balsamic Default Title The pearl onion confit with lemon balsamic is a "must" to try, whether in a grilled cheese or simply with crackers and cold cuts, any excuse is good to eat it! These little pearl onions will charm you with their delicate taste. Like all La Belle Excuse products, this little charm is made in an artisanal way. 7705322914004 shopify_CA_7705322914004_43298389426388 new 17,99 CADin stock CONFITO La Belle Excuse 7705322914004_43298389426388 Confits et assaisonnements||Confits and seasonings 0.643 kg Table vacuum - Mouse Table vacuum - Mouse Default Title Compact vacuum cleaner that fits easily in your hand, shaped like a mouse. The best tool for bread crumbs on the counter or table. 7705306038484 shopify_CA_7705306038484_43298373533908 new 14,99 CADin stock 080773 Ricardo 7705306038484_43298373533908 Aspirateurs de table||Table top vacuums 0.148 kg Set of striated wine glasses (2) - Stemless Set of striated wine glasses (2) - Stemless Default Title Versatile and elegant, this striated glass wine glass is perfect for any occasion. Whether you're dining with friends or relaxing on your own, it will enhance your table. Its timeless design also makes it an ideal gift for wine lovers and those in search of refined objects. 8695039328468 shopify_CA_8695039328468_45858968699092 new 17,99 CADin stock Agence K 8695039328468_45858968699092 Verres à vin sans pieds||Stemless wine glasses 0.0 kg Mug - "Tisane du soir" Mug - "Tisane du soir" Default Title Beautiful pure mauve cup with the inscription: "Ma petite tisane du soir". It's easy to relax in such lovely company! In French only. 8151877746900 shopify_CA_8151877746900_44473055019220 new 8,99 CADin stock Nostalgia Import 8151877746900_44473055019220 Tasses||Mugs 0.414 kg Foldable breakfast tray - Acacia Foldable breakfast tray - Acacia Default Title Discover our elegant acacia wood legged breakfast tray, a perfect fusion of functionality and style to enhance your mealtime moments. Carefully crafted from premium acacia wood, this tray offers not only a sturdy surface for your meals, but also a natural aesthetic that blends perfectly into any kitchen or dining room.The ingeniously designed legs add a touch of sophistication, providing the ideal height to create an enjoyable breakfast experience. What's more, the legs nest completely under the tray, making it easy to store and saving space when not in use. 8072787263700 shopify_CA_8072787263700_44182534848724 new 39,99 CAD29,99 CADin stock Agence K 8072787263700_44182534848724 Plateaux de service||Serving trays 0.2 kg Deluxe knitted throw - Grey Deluxe knitted throw - Grey Default Title Elevate your living spaces with the unparalleled comfort of our deluxe knit throws. Made from quality materials and designed to instantly enhance any decor, you'll never want to do without them! 7962635075796 shopify_CA_7962635075796_43908288381140 new 69,99 CAD30,00 CADin stock Agence K 7962635075796_43908288381140 Jetés||Throws 0.5 kg Decorative bird - White Decorative bird - White Large Add a touch of elegance to your home decor with these luxurious white decorative birds. Available in two different sizes. 7954777211092 shopify_CA_7954777211092_43887914221780 new 8,99 CADin stock Attitudes Import 7954777211092_43887914221780 Objets décoratifs||Decorative objects LargeUS 0.0 kg Decorative bird - White Decorative bird - White Small Add a touch of elegance to your home decor with these luxurious white decorative birds. Available in two different sizes. 7954777211092 shopify_CA_7954777211092_43887914254548 new 4,99 CADout of stock Attitudes Import 7954777211092_43887914254548 Objets décoratifs||Decorative objects SmallUS 0.0 kg Quilt - Lola Quilt - Lola Double-queen (88 x 90) Coverlets accentuate the elegant beauty of the bedding, with their meticulous detail & extreme comfort. Turn your bedroom into a temple of rest in an instant! Pillow shams sold separately. 7929749078228 shopify_CA_7929749078228_43822093467860 new 195,99 CADin stock Brunelli 7929749078228_43822093467860 Courtepointes||Quilts Double-queen (88 x 90)US 0.0 kg Quilt - Lola Quilt - Lola King (104 x 100) Coverlets accentuate the elegant beauty of the bedding, with their meticulous detail & extreme comfort. Turn your bedroom into a temple of rest in an instant! Pillow shams sold separately. 7929749078228 shopify_CA_7929749078228_43822093500628 new 229,99 CADout of stock Brunelli 7929749078228_43822093500628 Courtepointes||Quilts King (104 x 100)US 0.0 kg Canvas - Nectar Canvas - Nectar Natural / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925432484052 shopify_CA_7925432484052_43810049229012 new 94,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925432484052_43810049229012 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Nectar Canvas - Nectar Black / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925432484052 shopify_CA_7925432484052_43810049589460 new 94,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925432484052_43810049589460 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Nectar Canvas - Nectar White / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925432484052 shopify_CA_7925432484052_43810049622228 new 94,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925432484052_43810049622228 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Nectar Canvas - Nectar Espresso / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925432484052 shopify_CA_7925432484052_43810049654996 new 94,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925432484052_43810049654996 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Nectar Canvas - Nectar Without Frame / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925432484052 shopify_CA_7925432484052_43810049687764 new 49,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925432484052_43810049687764 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Nectar Canvas - Nectar Natural / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925432484052 shopify_CA_7925432484052_43810049720532 new 109,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925432484052_43810049720532 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Nectar Canvas - Nectar Black / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925432484052 shopify_CA_7925432484052_43810049753300 new 109,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925432484052_43810049753300 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Nectar Canvas - Nectar White / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925432484052 shopify_CA_7925432484052_43810049786068 new 109,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925432484052_43810049786068 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Nectar Canvas - Nectar Espresso / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925432484052 shopify_CA_7925432484052_43810049818836 new 109,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925432484052_43810049818836 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Nectar Canvas - Nectar Without Frame / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925432484052 shopify_CA_7925432484052_43810049851604 new 59,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925432484052_43810049851604 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Nectar Canvas - Nectar Natural / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925432484052 shopify_CA_7925432484052_43810049884372 new 139,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925432484052_43810049884372 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Nectar Canvas - Nectar Black / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925432484052 shopify_CA_7925432484052_43810049917140 new 139,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925432484052_43810049917140 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Nectar Canvas - Nectar White / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925432484052 shopify_CA_7925432484052_43810049949908 new 139,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925432484052_43810049949908 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Nectar Canvas - Nectar Espresso / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925432484052 shopify_CA_7925432484052_43810049982676 new 139,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925432484052_43810049982676 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Nectar Canvas - Nectar Without Frame / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925432484052 shopify_CA_7925432484052_43810050015444 new 74,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925432484052_43810050015444 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Nectar Canvas - Nectar Natural / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925432484052 shopify_CA_7925432484052_43810050048212 new 159,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925432484052_43810050048212 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Nectar Canvas - Nectar Black / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925432484052 shopify_CA_7925432484052_43810049458388 new 159,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925432484052_43810049458388 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Nectar Canvas - Nectar White / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925432484052 shopify_CA_7925432484052_43810049491156 new 159,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925432484052_43810049491156 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Nectar Canvas - Nectar Espresso / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925432484052 shopify_CA_7925432484052_43810049523924 new 159,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925432484052_43810049523924 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Nectar Canvas - Nectar Without Frame / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925432484052 shopify_CA_7925432484052_43810049556692 new 84,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925432484052_43810049556692 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Nectar Canvas - Nectar Oak wood / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925432484052 shopify_CA_7925432484052_43974902481108 new 94,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925432484052_43974902481108 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Nectar Canvas - Nectar Oak wood / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925432484052 shopify_CA_7925432484052_43974902808788 new 109,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925432484052_43974902808788 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Nectar Canvas - Nectar Oak wood / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925432484052 shopify_CA_7925432484052_43974903103700 new 139,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925432484052_43974903103700 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Nectar Canvas - Nectar Oak wood / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925432484052 shopify_CA_7925432484052_43974903562452 new 159,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925432484052_43974903562452 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Velvet I Canvas - Velvet I Natural / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925423243476 shopify_CA_7925423243476_43810030026964 new 94,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925423243476_43810030026964 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Velvet I Canvas - Velvet I Black / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925423243476 shopify_CA_7925423243476_43810032189652 new 94,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925423243476_43810032189652 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Velvet I Canvas - Velvet I White / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925423243476 shopify_CA_7925423243476_43810032255188 new 94,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925423243476_43810032255188 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Velvet I Canvas - Velvet I Espresso / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925423243476 shopify_CA_7925423243476_43810032287956 new 94,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925423243476_43810032287956 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Velvet I Canvas - Velvet I Without Frame / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925423243476 shopify_CA_7925423243476_43810032320724 new 49,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925423243476_43810032320724 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Velvet I Canvas - Velvet I Natural / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925423243476 shopify_CA_7925423243476_43810032353492 new 109,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925423243476_43810032353492 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Velvet I Canvas - Velvet I Black / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925423243476 shopify_CA_7925423243476_43810032386260 new 109,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925423243476_43810032386260 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Velvet I Canvas - Velvet I White / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925423243476 shopify_CA_7925423243476_43810032419028 new 109,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925423243476_43810032419028 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Velvet I Canvas - Velvet I Espresso / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925423243476 shopify_CA_7925423243476_43810032451796 new 109,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925423243476_43810032451796 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Velvet I Canvas - Velvet I Without Frame / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925423243476 shopify_CA_7925423243476_43810032484564 new 59,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925423243476_43810032484564 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Velvet I Canvas - Velvet I Natural / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925423243476 shopify_CA_7925423243476_43810032517332 new 139,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925423243476_43810032517332 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Velvet I Canvas - Velvet I Black / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925423243476 shopify_CA_7925423243476_43810032550100 new 139,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925423243476_43810032550100 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Velvet I Canvas - Velvet I White / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925423243476 shopify_CA_7925423243476_43810032582868 new 139,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925423243476_43810032582868 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Velvet I Canvas - Velvet I Espresso / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925423243476 shopify_CA_7925423243476_43810032615636 new 139,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925423243476_43810032615636 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Velvet I Canvas - Velvet I Without Frame / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925423243476 shopify_CA_7925423243476_43810032648404 new 74,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925423243476_43810032648404 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Velvet I Canvas - Velvet I Natural / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925423243476 shopify_CA_7925423243476_43810032681172 new 159,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925423243476_43810032681172 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Velvet I Canvas - Velvet I Black / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925423243476 shopify_CA_7925423243476_43810032058580 new 159,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925423243476_43810032058580 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Velvet I Canvas - Velvet I White / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925423243476 shopify_CA_7925423243476_43810032091348 new 159,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925423243476_43810032091348 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Velvet I Canvas - Velvet I Espresso / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925423243476 shopify_CA_7925423243476_43810032124116 new 159,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925423243476_43810032124116 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Velvet I Canvas - Velvet I Without Frame / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925423243476 shopify_CA_7925423243476_43810032156884 new 84,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925423243476_43810032156884 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Velvet I Canvas - Velvet I Oak wood / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925423243476 shopify_CA_7925423243476_43974904348884 new 94,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925423243476_43974904348884 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Velvet I Canvas - Velvet I Oak wood / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925423243476 shopify_CA_7925423243476_43974904807636 new 109,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925423243476_43974904807636 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Velvet I Canvas - Velvet I Oak wood / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925423243476 shopify_CA_7925423243476_43974905921748 new 139,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925423243476_43974905921748 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Velvet I Canvas - Velvet I Oak wood / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925423243476 shopify_CA_7925423243476_43974906478804 new 159,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925423243476_43974906478804 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Bouquet Canvas - Bouquet Natural / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925423145172 shopify_CA_7925423145172_43810029928660 new 94,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925423145172_43810029928660 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Bouquet Canvas - Bouquet Black / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925423145172 shopify_CA_7925423145172_43810033139924 new 94,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925423145172_43810033139924 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Bouquet Canvas - Bouquet White / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925423145172 shopify_CA_7925423145172_43810033205460 new 94,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925423145172_43810033205460 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Bouquet Canvas - Bouquet Espresso / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925423145172 shopify_CA_7925423145172_43810033238228 new 94,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925423145172_43810033238228 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Bouquet Canvas - Bouquet Without Frame / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925423145172 shopify_CA_7925423145172_43810033303764 new 59,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925423145172_43810033303764 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Bouquet Canvas - Bouquet Natural / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925423145172 shopify_CA_7925423145172_43810033369300 new 109,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925423145172_43810033369300 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Bouquet Canvas - Bouquet Black / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925423145172 shopify_CA_7925423145172_43810033434836 new 109,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925423145172_43810033434836 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Bouquet Canvas - Bouquet White / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925423145172 shopify_CA_7925423145172_43810033500372 new 109,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925423145172_43810033500372 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Bouquet Canvas - Bouquet Espresso / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925423145172 shopify_CA_7925423145172_43810033533140 new 109,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925423145172_43810033533140 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Bouquet Canvas - Bouquet Without Frame / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925423145172 shopify_CA_7925423145172_43810033598676 new 59,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925423145172_43810033598676 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Bouquet Canvas - Bouquet Natural / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925423145172 shopify_CA_7925423145172_43810033664212 new 139,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925423145172_43810033664212 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Bouquet Canvas - Bouquet Black / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925423145172 shopify_CA_7925423145172_43810033729748 new 139,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925423145172_43810033729748 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Bouquet Canvas - Bouquet White / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925423145172 shopify_CA_7925423145172_43810033795284 new 139,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925423145172_43810033795284 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Bouquet Canvas - Bouquet Espresso / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925423145172 shopify_CA_7925423145172_43810033828052 new 139,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925423145172_43810033828052 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Bouquet Canvas - Bouquet Without Frame / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925423145172 shopify_CA_7925423145172_43810033926356 new 74,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925423145172_43810033926356 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Bouquet Canvas - Bouquet Natural / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925423145172 shopify_CA_7925423145172_43810034024660 new 159,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925423145172_43810034024660 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Bouquet Canvas - Bouquet Black / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925423145172 shopify_CA_7925423145172_43810032877780 new 159,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925423145172_43810032877780 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Bouquet Canvas - Bouquet White / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925423145172 shopify_CA_7925423145172_43810032910548 new 159,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925423145172_43810032910548 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Bouquet Canvas - Bouquet Espresso / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925423145172 shopify_CA_7925423145172_43810032943316 new 159,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925423145172_43810032943316 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Bouquet Canvas - Bouquet Without Frame / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925423145172 shopify_CA_7925423145172_43810032976084 new 84,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925423145172_43810032976084 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Bouquet Canvas - Bouquet Oak wood / 12 x 18 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925423145172 shopify_CA_7925423145172_43974903136468 new 94,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925423145172_43974903136468 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Bouquet Canvas - Bouquet Oak wood / 18 x 24 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925423145172 shopify_CA_7925423145172_43974904086740 new 109,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925423145172_43974904086740 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Bouquet Canvas - Bouquet Oak wood / 20 x 30 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925423145172 shopify_CA_7925423145172_43974904283348 new 139,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925423145172_43974904283348 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Bouquet Canvas - Bouquet Oak wood / 24 x 36 Kozy's exclusive design and unmatched quality! Brighten up your living space with a custom made canvas according to your preferences: size & frame. 7925423145172 shopify_CA_7925423145172_43974905069780 new 159,99 CADin stock Kozy X Oleka 7925423145172_43974905069780 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Crossbody wallet - Nita Crossbody wallet - Nita Eggplant Keep your little essentials together with this Nita wallet that combines versatility and aesthetics with ease. You'll have no shortage of opportunities to wear it as a clutch or as a purse with the detachable strap. 7909646106836 shopify_CA_7909646106836_45659841560788 new 59,99 CADin stock SQ Inc. 7909646106836_45659841560788 Sacs à bandoulière||Shoulder bags Eggplant 0.4 kg Crossbody wallet - Nita Crossbody wallet - Nita Thyme Keep your little essentials together with this Nita wallet that combines versatility and aesthetics with ease. You'll have no shortage of opportunities to wear it as a clutch or as a purse with the detachable strap. 7909646106836 shopify_CA_7909646106836_45659841593556 new 59,99 CADin stock SQ Inc. 7909646106836_45659841593556 Sacs à bandoulière||Shoulder bags Thyme 0.4 kg Crossbody wallet - Nita Crossbody wallet - Nita Grey Keep your little essentials together with this Nita wallet that combines versatility and aesthetics with ease. You'll have no shortage of opportunities to wear it as a clutch or as a purse with the detachable strap. 7909646106836 shopify_CA_7909646106836_45659841626324 new 59,99 CADin stock SQ Inc. 7909646106836_45659841626324 Sacs à bandoulière||Shoulder bags Grey 0.4 kg Crossbody wallet - Nita Crossbody wallet - Nita Black Keep your little essentials together with this Nita wallet that combines versatility and aesthetics with ease. You'll have no shortage of opportunities to wear it as a clutch or as a purse with the detachable strap. 7909646106836 shopify_CA_7909646106836_45652723466452 new 59,99 CADout of stock SQ Inc. 7909646106836_45652723466452 Sacs à bandoulière||Shoulder bags Black 0.4 kg Crossbody wallet - Nita Crossbody wallet - Nita Camel Keep your little essentials together with this Nita wallet that combines versatility and aesthetics with ease. You'll have no shortage of opportunities to wear it as a clutch or as a purse with the detachable strap. 7909646106836 shopify_CA_7909646106836_43769244713172 new 59,99 CADout of stock SQ Inc. 7909646106836_43769244713172 Sacs à bandoulière||Shoulder bags Camel 0.4 kg Crossbody wallet - Nita Crossbody wallet - Nita Sand Keep your little essentials together with this Nita wallet that combines versatility and aesthetics with ease. You'll have no shortage of opportunities to wear it as a clutch or as a purse with the detachable strap. 7909646106836 shopify_CA_7909646106836_45659841659092 new 59,99 CADout of stock SQ Inc. 7909646106836_45659841659092 Sacs à bandoulière||Shoulder bags Sand 0.4 kg Crossbody wallet - Nita Crossbody wallet - Nita Cognac Keep your little essentials together with this Nita wallet that combines versatility and aesthetics with ease. You'll have no shortage of opportunities to wear it as a clutch or as a purse with the detachable strap. 7909646106836 shopify_CA_7909646106836_43769244745940 new 59,99 CADin stock SQ Inc. 7909646106836_43769244745940 Sacs à bandoulière||Shoulder bags Cognac 0.4 kg Crossbody wallet - Nita Crossbody wallet - Nita Tan Keep your little essentials together with this Nita wallet that combines versatility and aesthetics with ease. You'll have no shortage of opportunities to wear it as a clutch or as a purse with the detachable strap. 7909646106836 shopify_CA_7909646106836_43863243161812 new 59,99 CADin stock SQ Inc. 7909646106836_43863243161812 Sacs à bandoulière||Shoulder bags Tan 0.4 kg Crossbody wallet - Nita Crossbody wallet - Nita Mustard Keep your little essentials together with this Nita wallet that combines versatility and aesthetics with ease. You'll have no shortage of opportunities to wear it as a clutch or as a purse with the detachable strap. 7909646106836 shopify_CA_7909646106836_44347404353748 new 59,99 CADin stock SQ Inc. 7909646106836_44347404353748 Sacs à bandoulière||Shoulder bags Mustard 0.4 kg Crossbody wallet - Nita Crossbody wallet - Nita Matcha Keep your little essentials together with this Nita wallet that combines versatility and aesthetics with ease. You'll have no shortage of opportunities to wear it as a clutch or as a purse with the detachable strap. 7909646106836 shopify_CA_7909646106836_44347404452052 new 59,99 CADout of stock SQ Inc. 7909646106836_44347404452052 Sacs à bandoulière||Shoulder bags Matcha 0.4 kg Crossbody wallet - Nita Crossbody wallet - Nita Purple Keep your little essentials together with this Nita wallet that combines versatility and aesthetics with ease. You'll have no shortage of opportunities to wear it as a clutch or as a purse with the detachable strap. 7909646106836 shopify_CA_7909646106836_43863231004884 new 59,99 CADin stock SQ Inc. 7909646106836_43863231004884 Sacs à bandoulière||Shoulder bags Purple 0.4 kg Crossbody wallet - Nita Crossbody wallet - Nita Chocolate Keep your little essentials together with this Nita wallet that combines versatility and aesthetics with ease. You'll have no shortage of opportunities to wear it as a clutch or as a purse with the detachable strap. 7909646106836 shopify_CA_7909646106836_43769181241556 new 59,99 CADout of stock SQ Inc. 7909646106836_43769181241556 Sacs à bandoulière||Shoulder bags Chocolate 0.4 kg Bar & serving cart - Bellwood Bar & serving cart - Bellwood Brown Versatile cart that can be used as a mini bar or a small side table. Chic and modern, it will look great in any room of the house! Move it as you please with its two front wheels. Available in two colors. 7908108435668 shopify_CA_7908108435668_43764913275092 new 199,99 CADin stock Umbra 7908108435668_43764913275092 Tables d'appoint||Side tables Brown 5.5 kg Bar & serving cart - Bellwood Bar & serving cart - Bellwood Natural Versatile cart that can be used as a mini bar or a small side table. Chic and modern, it will look great in any room of the house! Move it as you please with its two front wheels. Available in two colors. 7908108435668 shopify_CA_7908108435668_43764913242324 new 199,99 CADin stock Umbra 7908108435668_43764913242324 Tables d'appoint||Side tables Natural 5.5 kg Round woven placemat Round woven placemat Default Title Natural colors, fibers and straw are very trendy features this year. This simple round placemat will add a tasteful rustic and organic touch to the dinner table, whether used as a centerpiece or for your guests. 7705424265428 shopify_CA_7705424265428_43298418360532 new 14,99 CADin stock 7-99216 Jessar 7705424265428_43298418360532 Napperons||Placemats 0.1 kg Double lever corkscrew Double lever corkscrew Default Title The basic corkscrew that everyone needs at home. Strong and efficient, it is designed to reduce effort by 50%! 7705309184212 shopify_CA_7705309184212_43298372223188 new 13,99 CADin stock 057508 Trudeau 7705309184212_43298372223188 Accessoires à vin||Wine accessories 0.2 kg Stemless wine glass - Mon petit bonheur Stemless wine glass - Mon petit bonheur Default Title Wine glass without stem on which you can read: "Mon petit bonheur ". A small weekday glass of wine that everyone will want to snatch up. 8058787594452 shopify_CA_8058787594452_44143682814164 new 9,99 CADin stock Attitudes Import 2 8058787594452_44143682814164 Verres à vin avec textes||Wine glasses with text 0.256 kg Medium 24" luggage - Hamburg Medium 24" luggage - Hamburg Charcoal Bugatti's Hamburg collection is easy to maneuver and lightweight, yet durable and safe. It's equipped to make your travel experience safe and enjoyable. 7971743072468 shopify_CA_7971743072468_43928573313236 new 230,00 CADin stock Bugatti 7971743072468_43928573313236 Moyenne valise||Medium Luggage Charcoal||Charcoal 0.0 kg Medium 24" luggage - Hamburg Medium 24" luggage - Hamburg Red Bugatti's Hamburg collection is easy to maneuver and lightweight, yet durable and safe. It's equipped to make your travel experience safe and enjoyable. 7971743072468 shopify_CA_7971743072468_43928573673684 new 230,00 CADin stock Bugatti 7971743072468_43928573673684 Moyenne valise||Medium Luggage Rouge||Red 0.0 kg Whisky stones Whisky stones Default Title The ice cubes you can't live without! Refresh your Whisky without diluting or altering the taste. The set comes in an attractive velvet storage pouch. 7941303926996 shopify_CA_7941303926996_43852039061716 new 19,99 CAD14,99 CADin stock Agence K 7941303926996_43852039061716 Accessoires à cocktails||Cocktail accessories 0.0 kg Ambient mist & textiles - Lavender Ambient mist & textiles - Lavender Default Title This room mist will do wonders to freshen up your home, the air around you and your textiles. This lavender fragrance is perfect for changing the mood in the room of your choice. 7903527665876 shopify_CA_7903527665876_43756496814292 new 19,99 CADin stock Kozy x Three Wix & CO 7903527665876_43756496814292 Vaporisateurs||Vaporizers 0.2 kg Ambient mist & textiles - Aloha! Ambient mist & textiles - Aloha! Default Title This room mist will do wonders to freshen up your home, the air around you and your textiles. This Aloha! fragrance is perfect for changing the mood in the room of your choice. 7903520063700 shopify_CA_7903520063700_43756476137684 new 19,99 CADin stock Kozy x Three Wix & CO 7903520063700_43756476137684 Vaporisateurs||Vaporizers 0.2 kg Sling bag - Thea Sling bag - Thea Thyme This shoulder bag can be worn on the shoulder or on the back and is comfortable and practical. Its design is versatile and unique but above all of high quality. 7864780259540 shopify_CA_7864780259540_45652274282708 new 68,99 CADout of stock SQ Inc. 7864780259540_45652274282708 Sacs à bandoulière||Shoulder bags Thyme 0.4 kg Sling bag - Thea Sling bag - Thea Black This shoulder bag can be worn on the shoulder or on the back and is comfortable and practical. Its design is versatile and unique but above all of high quality. 7864780259540 shopify_CA_7864780259540_43630862303444 new 68,99 CADin stock SQ Inc. 7864780259540_43630862303444 Sacs à bandoulière||Shoulder bags Black 0.4 kg Sling bag - Thea Sling bag - Thea Camel This shoulder bag can be worn on the shoulder or on the back and is comfortable and practical. Its design is versatile and unique but above all of high quality. 7864780259540 shopify_CA_7864780259540_43630895202516 new 68,99 CADin stock SQ Inc. 7864780259540_43630895202516 Sacs à bandoulière||Shoulder bags Camel 0.4 kg Sling bag - Thea Sling bag - Thea Grey This shoulder bag can be worn on the shoulder or on the back and is comfortable and practical. Its design is versatile and unique but above all of high quality. 7864780259540 shopify_CA_7864780259540_45652274315476 new 68,99 CADout of stock SQ Inc. 7864780259540_45652274315476 Sacs à bandoulière||Shoulder bags Grey 0.4 kg Sling bag - Thea Sling bag - Thea Sand This shoulder bag can be worn on the shoulder or on the back and is comfortable and practical. Its design is versatile and unique but above all of high quality. 7864780259540 shopify_CA_7864780259540_45652274348244 new 68,99 CADout of stock SQ Inc. 7864780259540_45652274348244 Sacs à bandoulière||Shoulder bags Sand 0.4 kg Sling bag - Thea Sling bag - Thea Eggplant This shoulder bag can be worn on the shoulder or on the back and is comfortable and practical. Its design is versatile and unique but above all of high quality. 7864780259540 shopify_CA_7864780259540_45652274381012 new 68,99 CADout of stock SQ Inc. 7864780259540_45652274381012 Sacs à bandoulière||Shoulder bags Eggplant 0.4 kg Napkins - Dogs prints Napkins - Dogs prints Default Title Know a dog lover or are you that person? These napkins are for you! With their playful designs, they are sure to bring the intended impact! 7862054617300 shopify_CA_7862054617300_43621408604372 new 4,99 CADin stock Attitudes Import 7862054617300_43621408604372 Serviettes de table||Napkins 0.71 kg Mini waffle machine Mini waffle machine Default Title The Ricardo mini waffle maker grills them in less than 5 minutes! Your breakfast will be better because this tool will make your life easier on those days when time is always running out! 7851290427604 shopify_CA_7851290427604_43586596045012 new 24,99 CADin stock Ricardo 7851290427604_43586596045012 Petits électros||Small appliances 0.0 kg Beer glass - Je suis en mode week-end Beer glass - Je suis en mode week-end Default Title Nothing is more official to unwind on the weekend than to uncork a nice cold beer! A gift idea for dad, grandpa or maybe another man in your life? 7845473714388 shopify_CA_7845473714388_43573420982484 new 12,99 CADin stock Attitudes Import 2 7845473714388_43573420982484 Verres à bière avec textes||Beer glasses with text 0.3 kg Beer glass - J'ai de la broue dans le toupet Beer glass - J'ai de la broue dans le toupet Default Title We're used to having brew in the forelock, but you have to admit that it's more pleasant to have it in your glass! Cheers! 7845455593684 shopify_CA_7845455593684_43573373731028 new 12,99 CADin stock Attitudes Import 2 7845455593684_43573373731028 Verres à bière avec textes||Beer glasses with text 0.3 kg Faux fur throw - Pure white Faux fur throw - Pure white Default Title The perfect throw to spend some quality time in front of the TV or around the campfire. It'll keep you warm in style! 7817636937940 shopify_CA_7817636937940_43482291634388 new 59,99 CAD29,99 CADin stock Agence K 7817636937940_43482291634388 Jetés||Throws 0.7 kg Muehlenbeckia branch Muehlenbeckia branch Default Title Muehlenbeckia branch, with nicely rounded contours and cream color. Add it to your arrangements or place it horizontally in a decorative plate, with some colored stones for a striking effect. 7705605079252 shopify_CA_7705605079252_43298378547412 new 12,99 CADin stock 778-039 Nostalgia Import 7705605079252_43298378547412 Branches & tiges||Branches & Stems 0.1 kg Unscented candle - White Unscented candle - White Default Title Large unscented candle. Ideal for romantic dinners for two, it contributes to the ambiance of the room to make it more attractive without masking the smell of your food. Burns for approximately 12 hours. 7705459130580 shopify_CA_7705459130580_43298384478420 new 2,49 CADin stock K132591 Carsim trading 7705459130580_43298384478420 Chandelles décoratives||Decorative candles 0.08 kg Fragrance 500 ml - Sweet pear Fragrance 500 ml - Sweet pear Default Title A delightful burst of pear, wrapped in a heart of vanilla and cinnamon. Rediscover a gourmet sensation, awakened by the juicy smell of freshly baked pears. 500 ml bottle, to be used with a Maison Berger lamp. 7705455460564 shopify_CA_7705455460564_43298452111572 new 25,99 CADin stock 415016 Maison Berger 7705455460564_43298452111572 Recharges Maison Berger||Maison Berger refills 0.46 kg Granite soup bowl - Uno Granite soup bowl - Uno Default Title This beautiful round bowl is just what you need to serve salads, soup or cereal as it is made of durable and elegant stoneware. Its chic matte finish will bring a classic, yet refined look to your tables. 7705412698324 shopify_CA_7705412698324_43298480488660 new 14,99 CAD8,50 CADin stock 5231.027.16 Intercontinental Mercantile 7705412698324_43298480488660 Vaisselles & ensembles||Sets of dishes 0.4 kg Drain plug - Flex Drain plug - Flex Gray Bath plug and hair filter 2 in 1. Your bath or shower drain will never be clogged again. 7705375834324 shopify_CA_7705375834324_43095897145556 new 9,99 CADin stock 023464-918 Umbra 7705375834324_43095897145556 Accessoires bain & douche||Bath & shower accessories Gray 0.01 kg Drain plug - Flex Drain plug - Flex White Bath plug and hair filter 2 in 1. Your bath or shower drain will never be clogged again. 7705375834324 shopify_CA_7705375834324_43095897178324 new 9,99 CADin stock 023464-660 Umbra 7705375834324_43095897178324 Accessoires bain & douche||Bath & shower accessories White 0.01 kg Fragrance 500 ml - Cotton caress Fragrance 500 ml - Cotton caress Default Title Caresse de coton is one of the softest and most comforting fragrances in the line. Both floral and powdery, it will envelop the air with softness and comfort. 500 ml bottle, to be used with a Maison Berger lamp. 7705342574804 shopify_CA_7705342574804_43298453061844 new 25,99 CADin stock 415180 Maison Berger 7705342574804_43298453061844 Recharges Maison Berger||Maison Berger refills 0.46 kg Text cushion - La vie est belle Text cushion - La vie est belle Default Title Perfect gift to remind your loved ones how important they are to you. Raw cotton cushion with text: « La vie est belle parce que tu fais partie d'elle ». In french only. 7705321504980 shopify_CA_7705321504980_43298391163092 new 23,99 CADin stock CPAWH169 La Fabrique Champêtre 7705321504980_43298391163092 Coussins à texte||Text cushions 0.32 kg Fondue spoon Fondue spoon Default Title The ideal tool for retrieving your bites from the fondue pot. 7705309020372 shopify_CA_7705309020372_43298372026580 new 6,99 CADin stock 063421 Ricardo 7705309020372_43298372026580 Accessoires à petits électros||Accessories for small appliances 0.2 kg Changing bag - Avery Row Changing bag - Avery Row Gray This organic cotton changing bag is wonderful for keeping all your important items close at hand. The wide canvas strap offers optimal support, and inside and outside pockets make organization easy. Made from sturdy canvas and lined with cotton percale, this roomy, versatile bag can be used as a hospital bag or day bag, with or without baby! 8147221151956 shopify_CA_8147221151956_44465653285076 new 139,99 CADin stock Kidz District 8147221151956_44465653285076 Sacs à couche||Diaper bags Gray 0.0 kg Changing bag - Avery Row Changing bag - Avery Row Brown This organic cotton changing bag is wonderful for keeping all your important items close at hand. The wide canvas strap offers optimal support, and inside and outside pockets make organization easy. Made from sturdy canvas and lined with cotton percale, this roomy, versatile bag can be used as a hospital bag or day bag, with or without baby! 8147221151956 shopify_CA_8147221151956_44465653317844 new 119,99 CADout of stock Kidz District 8147221151956_44465653317844 Sacs à couche||Diaper bags Brown 0.0 kg Changing bag - Avery Row Changing bag - Avery Row Orange This organic cotton changing bag is wonderful for keeping all your important items close at hand. The wide canvas strap offers optimal support, and inside and outside pockets make organization easy. Made from sturdy canvas and lined with cotton percale, this roomy, versatile bag can be used as a hospital bag or day bag, with or without baby! 8147221151956 shopify_CA_8147221151956_44465653350612 new 139,99 CADin stock Kidz District 8147221151956_44465653350612 Sacs à couche||Diaper bags Orange 0.0 kg Changing bag - Avery Row Changing bag - Avery Row Sage This organic cotton changing bag is wonderful for keeping all your important items close at hand. The wide canvas strap offers optimal support, and inside and outside pockets make organization easy. Made from sturdy canvas and lined with cotton percale, this roomy, versatile bag can be used as a hospital bag or day bag, with or without baby! 8147221151956 shopify_CA_8147221151956_45120069206228 new 139,99 CADin stock Kidz District 8147221151956_45120069206228 Sacs à couche||Diaper bags Sage 0.0 kg Changing bag - Avery Row Changing bag - Avery Row Natural This organic cotton changing bag is wonderful for keeping all your important items close at hand. The wide canvas strap offers optimal support, and inside and outside pockets make organization easy. Made from sturdy canvas and lined with cotton percale, this roomy, versatile bag can be used as a hospital bag or day bag, with or without baby! 8147221151956 shopify_CA_8147221151956_45997636190420 new 139,99 CADout of stock Kidz District 8147221151956_45997636190420 Sacs à couche||Diaper bags Natural 0.0 kg Changing bag - Avery Row Changing bag - Avery Row Latte This organic cotton changing bag is wonderful for keeping all your important items close at hand. The wide canvas strap offers optimal support, and inside and outside pockets make organization easy. Made from sturdy canvas and lined with cotton percale, this roomy, versatile bag can be used as a hospital bag or day bag, with or without baby! 8147221151956 shopify_CA_8147221151956_45997648806100 new 139,99 CADout of stock Kidz District 8147221151956_45997648806100 Sacs à couche||Diaper bags Latte 0.0 kg Diffuser Lumi + Free oil Diffuser Lumi + Free oil Eucalyptus globulus Essential oil diffuser with LED light. For aromatherapy lovers, enjoy the benefits of essential oils. Create an enveloping atmosphere for the body and mind. Diamond patterns are found on the diffuser and give it a nice decorative touch. 8065386381524 shopify_CA_8065386381524_44162010415316 new 80,98 CAD59,99 CADin stock Agence K 8065386381524_44162010415316 Diffuseurs pour huiles||Diffuser for oils 0.0 kg Diffuser Lumi + Free oil Diffuser Lumi + Free oil Coconut Vanilla Essential oil diffuser with LED light. For aromatherapy lovers, enjoy the benefits of essential oils. Create an enveloping atmosphere for the body and mind. Diamond patterns are found on the diffuser and give it a nice decorative touch. 8065386381524 shopify_CA_8065386381524_44162010448084 new 80,98 CAD59,99 CADin stock Agence K 8065386381524_44162010448084 Diffuseurs pour huiles||Diffuser for oils 0.0 kg Diffuser Lumi + Free oil Diffuser Lumi + Free oil Lavandin super Essential oil diffuser with LED light. For aromatherapy lovers, enjoy the benefits of essential oils. Create an enveloping atmosphere for the body and mind. Diamond patterns are found on the diffuser and give it a nice decorative touch. 8065386381524 shopify_CA_8065386381524_44162010480852 new 80,98 CAD59,99 CADin stock Agence K 8065386381524_44162010480852 Diffuseurs pour huiles||Diffuser for oils 0.0 kg Diffuser Lumi + Free oil Diffuser Lumi + Free oil Fruity passion Essential oil diffuser with LED light. For aromatherapy lovers, enjoy the benefits of essential oils. Create an enveloping atmosphere for the body and mind. Diamond patterns are found on the diffuser and give it a nice decorative touch. 8065386381524 shopify_CA_8065386381524_44162010513620 new 80,98 CAD59,99 CADin stock Agence K 8065386381524_44162010513620 Diffuseurs pour huiles||Diffuser for oils 0.0 kg Diffuser Lumi + Free oil Diffuser Lumi + Free oil Balsam Fir Essential oil diffuser with LED light. For aromatherapy lovers, enjoy the benefits of essential oils. Create an enveloping atmosphere for the body and mind. Diamond patterns are found on the diffuser and give it a nice decorative touch. 8065386381524 shopify_CA_8065386381524_44162010546388 new 80,98 CAD59,99 CADin stock Agence K 8065386381524_44162010546388 Diffuseurs pour huiles||Diffuser for oils 0.0 kg Diffuser Lumi + Free oil Diffuser Lumi + Free oil Green tea and cucumber Essential oil diffuser with LED light. For aromatherapy lovers, enjoy the benefits of essential oils. Create an enveloping atmosphere for the body and mind. Diamond patterns are found on the diffuser and give it a nice decorative touch. 8065386381524 shopify_CA_8065386381524_44162010579156 new 80,98 CAD59,99 CADin stock Agence K 8065386381524_44162010579156 Diffuseurs pour huiles||Diffuser for oils 0.0 kg Diffuser Lumi + Free oil Diffuser Lumi + Free oil Lemon Zest Essential oil diffuser with LED light. For aromatherapy lovers, enjoy the benefits of essential oils. Create an enveloping atmosphere for the body and mind. Diamond patterns are found on the diffuser and give it a nice decorative touch. 8065386381524 shopify_CA_8065386381524_44162010611924 new 80,98 CAD59,99 CADin stock Agence K 8065386381524_44162010611924 Diffuseurs pour huiles||Diffuser for oils 0.0 kg Diffuser Lumi + Free oil Diffuser Lumi + Free oil Bergamot & sea salt Essential oil diffuser with LED light. For aromatherapy lovers, enjoy the benefits of essential oils. Create an enveloping atmosphere for the body and mind. Diamond patterns are found on the diffuser and give it a nice decorative touch. 8065386381524 shopify_CA_8065386381524_44162010644692 new 80,98 CAD59,99 CADin stock Agence K 8065386381524_44162010644692 Diffuseurs pour huiles||Diffuser for oils 0.0 kg Diffuser Lumi + Free oil Diffuser Lumi + Free oil Lychee flowers Essential oil diffuser with LED light. For aromatherapy lovers, enjoy the benefits of essential oils. Create an enveloping atmosphere for the body and mind. Diamond patterns are found on the diffuser and give it a nice decorative touch. 8065386381524 shopify_CA_8065386381524_44162010677460 new 80,98 CAD59,99 CADin stock Agence K 8065386381524_44162010677460 Diffuseurs pour huiles||Diffuser for oils 0.0 kg Diffuser Lumi + Free oil Diffuser Lumi + Free oil Hibiscus & guava Essential oil diffuser with LED light. For aromatherapy lovers, enjoy the benefits of essential oils. Create an enveloping atmosphere for the body and mind. Diamond patterns are found on the diffuser and give it a nice decorative touch. 8065386381524 shopify_CA_8065386381524_44162010710228 new 80,98 CAD59,99 CADin stock Agence K 8065386381524_44162010710228 Diffuseurs pour huiles||Diffuser for oils 0.0 kg Diffuser Lumi + Free oil Diffuser Lumi + Free oil White tea & pear Essential oil diffuser with LED light. For aromatherapy lovers, enjoy the benefits of essential oils. Create an enveloping atmosphere for the body and mind. Diamond patterns are found on the diffuser and give it a nice decorative touch. 8065386381524 shopify_CA_8065386381524_44162010742996 new 80,98 CAD59,99 CADin stock Agence K 8065386381524_44162010742996 Diffuseurs pour huiles||Diffuser for oils 0.0 kg Decorative ivory cushion - Knot Decorative ivory cushion - Knot Default Title This contemporary knotted cushion is super-trendy, while the looped fabric brings a feeling of warmth and refinement. You can use it individually or combine it with other decorative cushions for a harmonious whole! 7980787237076 shopify_CA_7980787237076_43954969346260 new 39,99 CADin stock Nostalgia Import 7980787237076_43954969346260 Coussins||Cushions 0.5 kg Crossbody - Contrast Crossbody - Contrast Black The Contrast shoulder bag is the perfect accessory for busy days when you need all your essentials. Designed for comfort, functionality and elegance.   7978166517972 shopify_CA_7978166517972_43947251695828 new 70,00 CADout of stock Bugatti Collections 7978166517972_43947251695828 Sacs à bandoulière||Shoulder bags 0.0 kg Crossbody - Contrast Crossbody - Contrast Gray The Contrast shoulder bag is the perfect accessory for busy days when you need all your essentials. Designed for comfort, functionality and elegance.   7978166517972 shopify_CA_7978166517972_43947252351188 new 70,00 CADin stock Bugatti Collections 7978166517972_43947252351188 Sacs à bandoulière||Shoulder bags 0.0 kg Crossbody - Contrast Crossbody - Contrast Blue The Contrast shoulder bag is the perfect accessory for busy days when you need all your essentials. Designed for comfort, functionality and elegance.   7978166517972 shopify_CA_7978166517972_43947252416724 new 70,00 CADin stock Bugatti Collections 7978166517972_43947252416724 Sacs à bandoulière||Shoulder bags 0.0 kg Canvas - Folia Canvas - Folia Natural / 9 x 12 If you're looking to decorate your home or office with a unique piece, Oleka Canvas is the perfect option for you. Custom-made to your specifications: sizes & framing, to suit your needs. 7974995394772 shopify_CA_7974995394772_43937165607124 new 89,99 CADin stock Oleka Canvas 7974995394772_43937165607124 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Folia Canvas - Folia Black / 9 x 12 If you're looking to decorate your home or office with a unique piece, Oleka Canvas is the perfect option for you. Custom-made to your specifications: sizes & framing, to suit your needs. 7974995394772 shopify_CA_7974995394772_43937165803732 new 89,99 CADin stock Oleka Canvas 7974995394772_43937165803732 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Folia Canvas - Folia White / 9 x 12 If you're looking to decorate your home or office with a unique piece, Oleka Canvas is the perfect option for you. Custom-made to your specifications: sizes & framing, to suit your needs. 7974995394772 shopify_CA_7974995394772_43937165967572 new 89,99 CADin stock Oleka Canvas 7974995394772_43937165967572 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Folia Canvas - Folia Espresso / 9 x 12 If you're looking to decorate your home or office with a unique piece, Oleka Canvas is the perfect option for you. Custom-made to your specifications: sizes & framing, to suit your needs. 7974995394772 shopify_CA_7974995394772_43937166131412 new 89,99 CADin stock Oleka Canvas 7974995394772_43937166131412 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Folia Canvas - Folia Without Frame / 9 x 12 If you're looking to decorate your home or office with a unique piece, Oleka Canvas is the perfect option for you. Custom-made to your specifications: sizes & framing, to suit your needs. 7974995394772 shopify_CA_7974995394772_43937166295252 new 59,99 CADin stock Oleka Canvas 7974995394772_43937166295252 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Folia Canvas - Folia Natural / 12 x 18 If you're looking to decorate your home or office with a unique piece, Oleka Canvas is the perfect option for you. Custom-made to your specifications: sizes & framing, to suit your needs. 7974995394772 shopify_CA_7974995394772_43937166426324 new 114,99 CADin stock Oleka Canvas 7974995394772_43937166426324 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Folia Canvas - Folia Black / 12 x 18 If you're looking to decorate your home or office with a unique piece, Oleka Canvas is the perfect option for you. Custom-made to your specifications: sizes & framing, to suit your needs. 7974995394772 shopify_CA_7974995394772_43937167179988 new 114,99 CADin stock Oleka Canvas 7974995394772_43937167179988 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Folia Canvas - Folia White / 12 x 18 If you're looking to decorate your home or office with a unique piece, Oleka Canvas is the perfect option for you. Custom-made to your specifications: sizes & framing, to suit your needs. 7974995394772 shopify_CA_7974995394772_43937167343828 new 114,99 CADin stock Oleka Canvas 7974995394772_43937167343828 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Folia Canvas - Folia Espresso / 12 x 18 If you're looking to decorate your home or office with a unique piece, Oleka Canvas is the perfect option for you. Custom-made to your specifications: sizes & framing, to suit your needs. 7974995394772 shopify_CA_7974995394772_43937167507668 new 114,99 CADin stock Oleka Canvas 7974995394772_43937167507668 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Folia Canvas - Folia Without Frame / 12 x 18 If you're looking to decorate your home or office with a unique piece, Oleka Canvas is the perfect option for you. Custom-made to your specifications: sizes & framing, to suit your needs. 7974995394772 shopify_CA_7974995394772_43937167671508 new 79,99 CADin stock Oleka Canvas 7974995394772_43937167671508 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Folia Canvas - Folia Natural / 18 x 24 If you're looking to decorate your home or office with a unique piece, Oleka Canvas is the perfect option for you. Custom-made to your specifications: sizes & framing, to suit your needs. 7974995394772 shopify_CA_7974995394772_43937167835348 new 144,99 CADin stock Oleka Canvas 7974995394772_43937167835348 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Folia Canvas - Folia Black / 18 x 24 If you're looking to decorate your home or office with a unique piece, Oleka Canvas is the perfect option for you. Custom-made to your specifications: sizes & framing, to suit your needs. 7974995394772 shopify_CA_7974995394772_43937168097492 new 144,99 CADin stock Oleka Canvas 7974995394772_43937168097492 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Folia Canvas - Folia White / 18 x 24 If you're looking to decorate your home or office with a unique piece, Oleka Canvas is the perfect option for you. Custom-made to your specifications: sizes & framing, to suit your needs. 7974995394772 shopify_CA_7974995394772_43937168228564 new 144,99 CADin stock Oleka Canvas 7974995394772_43937168228564 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Folia Canvas - Folia Espresso / 18 x 24 If you're looking to decorate your home or office with a unique piece, Oleka Canvas is the perfect option for you. Custom-made to your specifications: sizes & framing, to suit your needs. 7974995394772 shopify_CA_7974995394772_43937168359636 new 144,99 CADin stock Oleka Canvas 7974995394772_43937168359636 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Folia Canvas - Folia Without Frame / 18 x 24 If you're looking to decorate your home or office with a unique piece, Oleka Canvas is the perfect option for you. Custom-made to your specifications: sizes & framing, to suit your needs. 7974995394772 shopify_CA_7974995394772_43937168556244 new 99,99 CADin stock Oleka Canvas 7974995394772_43937168556244 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Folia Canvas - Folia Natural / 20 x 30 If you're looking to decorate your home or office with a unique piece, Oleka Canvas is the perfect option for you. Custom-made to your specifications: sizes & framing, to suit your needs. 7974995394772 shopify_CA_7974995394772_43937168720084 new 179,99 CADin stock Oleka Canvas 7974995394772_43937168720084 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Folia Canvas - Folia Black / 20 x 30 If you're looking to decorate your home or office with a unique piece, Oleka Canvas is the perfect option for you. Custom-made to your specifications: sizes & framing, to suit your needs. 7974995394772 shopify_CA_7974995394772_43937168851156 new 179,99 CADin stock Oleka Canvas 7974995394772_43937168851156 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Folia Canvas - Folia White / 20 x 30 If you're looking to decorate your home or office with a unique piece, Oleka Canvas is the perfect option for you. Custom-made to your specifications: sizes & framing, to suit your needs. 7974995394772 shopify_CA_7974995394772_43937169080532 new 179,99 CADin stock Oleka Canvas 7974995394772_43937169080532 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Folia Canvas - Folia Espresso / 20 x 30 If you're looking to decorate your home or office with a unique piece, Oleka Canvas is the perfect option for you. Custom-made to your specifications: sizes & framing, to suit your needs. 7974995394772 shopify_CA_7974995394772_43937169211604 new 179,99 CADin stock Oleka Canvas 7974995394772_43937169211604 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Folia Canvas - Folia Without Frame / 20 x 30 If you're looking to decorate your home or office with a unique piece, Oleka Canvas is the perfect option for you. Custom-made to your specifications: sizes & framing, to suit your needs. 7974995394772 shopify_CA_7974995394772_43937169408212 new 119,99 CADin stock Oleka Canvas 7974995394772_43937169408212 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Folia Canvas - Folia Natural / 24 x 36 If you're looking to decorate your home or office with a unique piece, Oleka Canvas is the perfect option for you. Custom-made to your specifications: sizes & framing, to suit your needs. 7974995394772 shopify_CA_7974995394772_43937169572052 new 209,99 CADin stock Oleka Canvas 7974995394772_43937169572052 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Folia Canvas - Folia Black / 24 x 36 If you're looking to decorate your home or office with a unique piece, Oleka Canvas is the perfect option for you. Custom-made to your specifications: sizes & framing, to suit your needs. 7974995394772 shopify_CA_7974995394772_43937169735892 new 209,99 CADin stock Oleka Canvas 7974995394772_43937169735892 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Folia Canvas - Folia White / 24 x 36 If you're looking to decorate your home or office with a unique piece, Oleka Canvas is the perfect option for you. Custom-made to your specifications: sizes & framing, to suit your needs. 7974995394772 shopify_CA_7974995394772_43937169899732 new 209,99 CADin stock Oleka Canvas 7974995394772_43937169899732 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Folia Canvas - Folia Espresso / 24 x 36 If you're looking to decorate your home or office with a unique piece, Oleka Canvas is the perfect option for you. Custom-made to your specifications: sizes & framing, to suit your needs. 7974995394772 shopify_CA_7974995394772_43937170063572 new 209,99 CADin stock Oleka Canvas 7974995394772_43937170063572 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Folia Canvas - Folia Without Frame / 24 x 36 If you're looking to decorate your home or office with a unique piece, Oleka Canvas is the perfect option for you. Custom-made to your specifications: sizes & framing, to suit your needs. 7974995394772 shopify_CA_7974995394772_43937170227412 new 139,99 CADin stock Oleka Canvas 7974995394772_43937170227412 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Folia Canvas - Folia Natural / 30 x 40 If you're looking to decorate your home or office with a unique piece, Oleka Canvas is the perfect option for you. Custom-made to your specifications: sizes & framing, to suit your needs. 7974995394772 shopify_CA_7974995394772_43937170391252 new 264,99 CADin stock Oleka Canvas 7974995394772_43937170391252 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Folia Canvas - Folia Black / 30 x 40 If you're looking to decorate your home or office with a unique piece, Oleka Canvas is the perfect option for you. Custom-made to your specifications: sizes & framing, to suit your needs. 7974995394772 shopify_CA_7974995394772_43937170555092 new 264,99 CADin stock Oleka Canvas 7974995394772_43937170555092 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Folia Canvas - Folia White / 30 x 40 If you're looking to decorate your home or office with a unique piece, Oleka Canvas is the perfect option for you. Custom-made to your specifications: sizes & framing, to suit your needs. 7974995394772 shopify_CA_7974995394772_43937171931348 new 264,99 CADin stock Oleka Canvas 7974995394772_43937171931348 Toiles||Canvases 0.0 kg Canvas - Folia Canvas - Folia Espresso / 30 x 40 If you're looking to decorate your home or office with a unique piece, Oleka Canvas is the perfect option for you. Custom-made to your specifications: sizes & framing, to suit your needs. 7974995394772 shopify_CA_7974995394772_43937172095188 new 264,99 CAD