
Welcome to our world,

The one where you'll find tons of captivating posts on decorating, cooking, fashion, wellness & all the possible joys that can be experienced in a warm & inviting home.

Take refuge in the comfort of our words & let our articles envelop you - sometimes informative, sometimes humorous - but never dull. Because at Kozy, our strength is and always will be to inspire you.

Notre moodboard déco de 2025

Our 2025 decorating moodboard

The coming seasons are shaping up to be captivating, with two major decorating trends: Amalfi style for spring-summer & the Mocha Mousse palette for autumn-winter. 🤎
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5 bouchées délirantes pour le Super Bowl

5 crazy bites for the Super Bowl

With these creative yet rather easy bites, you'll deliver a memorable Super Bowl dining experience, without spending all day in the kitchen! 🏈
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7 types de repos (& de cadeaux)

7 types of rest (& gifts)

If January is Wellness Month, we thought we'd take you on a journey to relaxation by breaking down the 7 types of rest, according to American researcher & physician Saundra Dalton-Smith. 🩺
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6 formes de jetés complètement doux!

6 types of completely soft throws!

Ahhh throws, those light & decorative blankets that add both warmth & style to our interiors... Although they are essential elements in the decoration of our living rooms & bedrooms, h...
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4 idées pour terminer l’année en beauté!

4 ideas to end the year on a high note!

New Year's Eve is the perfect occasion to celebrate in style & refinement. This year, why not opt for a simple yet elegant reception that will impress your guests without requiring hours of pr...
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L’ABC pour un bas de Noël éclaté!

The ABCs of a sparkling stocking!

Only a few days to go until Christmas & and with it, the opportunity to personalize every little detail to make this an unforgettable holiday. 😌
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