5 tips for a tidy space
It's easy to lose control of the household with the crazy schedules we have, but by adopting simple, structured practices & putting in a little effort, it's possible to achieve great things, organizationally speaking.
By: Sylvia Tessier
Piece by piece, tip by tip, we'll get rid of the chaos & clutter! Here are 5 of our top tips to help you start the new year on the right foot! 👇🏼
Let's start with the heart of the home, which hardly needs any introduction: the kitchen! Nothing beats lined-up canned goods and neatly arranged ingredients, especially in a pantry worthy of a Home Show showroom! 🥫 Don't hesitate to group products together by zone to save time (coffee, breakfast, spices, snack drawer, etc) and make maximum use of closed nooks and crannies for an airy clearance effect!
In the bathroom, a number of glitches coexist. Many small items end up cluttering drawers and counter surfaces. Among the make-up, jars of creams, cotton buds & other everyday products, it's time to sort. Look at the dates and dispose of the unnecessary. Expand storage possibilities by adding furniture, shelves, hooks or decorative ladders - to hang pretty bath towels, for example.
The first visible room in the house is our favorite, because it's totally ingenious to dare to be creative in this space where everything often ends up in a jumble. Yes, a bench and some pretty baskets can help in the entryway, but the most important thing is to go high! Peg yes, peg no? In addition to clearing the floor, this will create movement & life in your decor. Beautiful pieces of clothing or a designer handbag are works of art in themselves, so why not make the investment worthwhile? 👜
The office area is often busy, but we make sure to maximize every square inch intelligently. A shelf lined with clearly identified file boxes. A filing cabinet, a bookcase, well-thought-out furniture can save you hours of importunate paperwork! 🗃 Brighten up the sometimes austere walls of that sanctuary where you need so much stimulation! Our variety of Oléka canvases is just the thing.
A smart reminder: the change of season means a refreshment of your belongings and/or habits. Getting rid of superfluous items can be heartbreaking, but so necessary! Share with others, make donations, organize a garage sale - all options are possible. What's more, you'll have a lighter spirit - it feels so good to help others!