Close-up on curly wool
After triumphing on the catwalks of fashion shows across the globe, now this woolly, fluffy material is invading the world of home decor for the new fall-winter season! 😎🧶
By: Sylvia Tessier
If you're not yet familiar with this material, which is a hybrid of wool & cotton, we strongly invite you to discover it, as it will bring lots of cachet & warmth to your rooms. Its irregular texture is as comforting as you'd expect, so who knows, maybe you'll like the cold now!
Good to know 🤓
Wool has become a noble fiber over the years, and Australia is its biggest producer, with nearly 20% of the world's output.
Apart from its great beauty, this silky fiber has a host of assets, starting with its voluptuous appearance, providing an immense sense of soothing to whoever wraps himself or herself in it. What's more, curly wool is renowned for its strength (almost eternal 😅 ) and wrinkle resistance. Pretty winning criteria "textily" speaking, don't you think?
Types of wool
Virgin 🐑, merino, mohair (angora goats), lambswool & alpaca 🦙
For care
There are obviously several specifics to remember, but mainly two:
Ideally hand-wash, in water no higher than 40 degrees Celsius. Otherwise, the heat will cause the wool to felt (the threads will loosen and look worn);
Dry flat to avoid deforming the fabric
Now that you know a little more about this fluid & generous material, let it cuddle your furniture, your accessories & why not, the little tip of your nose during the cold days that mine by no means, are about to arrive! 🥶🛋