
Welcome to our world,

The one where you'll find tons of captivating posts on decorating, cooking, fashion, wellness & all the possible joys that can be experienced in a warm & inviting home.

Take refuge in the comfort of our words & let our articles envelop you - sometimes informative, sometimes humorous - but never dull. Because at Kozy, our strength is and always will be to inspire you.

Êtes-vous prêt à recevoir?||Are you ready to receive?

Are you ready to receive?

Summer rhymes with… party! Decontamination has arrived along with the summer, much to our delight. Finally, we can spend quality time with the people we love (within sanitary limits, of course)...
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Comment aménager sa terrasse?||How to arrange its exterior?

How to arrange its exterior?

  The beautiful weather has finally arrived! Everyone loves to spend their days outside in the warm rays of the sun. Whether you have a large backyard, patio, or even a simple balcony, we have...
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Nos trucs pour habiller les murs||Our tips for dressing the walls

Our tips for dressing the walls

New products : Oleka Une fois de plus, l’entreprise québécoise Oleka s’associe avec Kozy pour proposer des toiles de grande qualité aux designs tendance, conçues au Québec. En plus, pour chaque toi...
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Plantes artificielles : nos meilleurs conseils DIY||Artificial plants: our best advice

Artificial plants: our best advice

A do-it-yourself (DIY) is a principle that invites the person to do their own project, in their own way, rather than buy a turnkey solution or call on the services of a professional. Discove...
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Qu’est-ce qu’un produit eco?||What is an ecological product?

What is an ecological product?

What is an ecological product? On entend souvent parler de l’importance de faire attention à notre planète. On se fait recommander d’opter pour des produits écologiques, des produits biologiques… M...
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Les 5 essentiels pour la salle de bain||The 5 essentials for the bathroom

The 5 essentials for the bathroom

Accessories for the bathroom Ces accessoires sont nécessaires dans la salle de bain, il s’agit de : pompes à savon, porte-savon, porte-brosse à dents, verres. Que vous préfériez un ensemble comple...
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